Corsair Dominator GT Elpida Hyper Announcement

Mike Clements

Gone but not Forgotten
Oct 31, 2006
We have seen a number of reports across various forums about failures of modules (from Corsair as well as from other memory manufacturers) built with Elpida “Hyper” RAMs. Through lab testing, we have now been able to reproduce similar failures. We are continuing to test to determine the cause of these failures. Note that although a relatively small percentage of “Hyper” ICs appear to be affected, the rate of failure is not acceptable to Corsair or to our customers.

Due to these failures, we will no longer sell Hyper-based modules until the issue can be resolved. We have also have asked our retailers to return any modules they currently have on their shelves. Products impacted include TW3X4G1600C6GTF, TR3X6G1866C7GTF, TR3X6G2000C8GTF, TR3X3G2000C7GTF, and TR3X6G2000C7GTF. We are working on enhancing our manufacturing and testing process to be able to offer these parts again as soon as possible.

We continue to stand behind these modules 100% with our standard warranty, which can be found at
The GTs are being discontinued then until further notice?

"Failure" as in not being to match the specified speeds/timings, or failure as in products simply not working after a certain period of time? I own a CAS 8 2000 MHz GT, and it's always nice knowing that Corsair backs up their products with a lifetime warranty...thanks for the alert.
The GTs are being discontinued then until further notice?

"Failure" as in not being to match the specified speeds/timings, or failure as in products simply not working after a certain period of time? I own a CAS 8 2000 MHz GT, and it's always nice knowing that Corsair backs up their products with a lifetime warranty...thanks for the alert.

Both but primarily modules failing to work after a period of time.It's very hit or miss which is making it more difficult to isolate the cause. But, as you noted, the lifetime warranty is in effect.