Could my 430w psu be the reason prime95 fails?


Aug 1, 2003
Here are my specs.

Asus P5B sli
Dual core duo e6400
2 x 1024 Patriot ddr2 400
WD Caviar Sata
Lite-On DVD-rw

All on a 430w thermaltake

Is it starved for power? It has crashed a couple times and locked up and I can only imagine it being starved of power.
Voltages and temps don't seem to fluctuate for the time it is running the tests it fails.

It's doing just fine on the first torture test option, but fails within seconds on the other 2 options.
Get speedfan and watch your 12v lines.
I wouldn't think that setup would be bogging down your psu. I've ran more on less.
It may be; the TT 430w is a pretty bad psu.

Don't bother with speedfan. Get a multimeter if you want to do it properly. Also try turning down your oc's. That's usually thye problem.
I'm having an interesting problem with my vid card that I think can be helped in this thread too...

I think my PSU is failing, but i'm not sure if it is that or Speedfan. Sometimes the 12v+ rail is listed as low as 2, sometimes at 6, and a good bit at 10... could this be causing the insane artifacts i'm getting when I start any 3d program?

Like right now as i'm typing this, it shows the 12v+ at 1.73v and the 12v- at -16.97v..

something seems really weird...

edit: the 3v and 5v rails look good, 3v at 3.1v and 5v rail is at 5.01v
As stated, speedfan, and any other software monitoring programs are virtually worthless when monitoring voltages.

Thermaltake PSU's IMO are only slightly better than generic. A 430watt TT is significanly weaker as well as less efficient than say, a 400 watt FSP.

Weather or not that is the reason for Prime failing, I cannot say with absolute certainty. Even if it isn't, it's not a bad idea to replace the PSU, especially if you're running an 8800GTS.
If you have a Tt 430w version 1.3 I am pretty sure you need to replace to run a 8800GTS.

I had a Tt480w with 18A in the 12v and I didn't dare to use it with my 8800gts; I just bought a new PSU and i recommend you to do the same or you will blow up your system one day....
I just bought an antec trio 630w and it didn't fix the problem...
I manage to get memtest to boot off a cd, and it returned over 1000 errors. I narrowed it down to one stick. I so I'm gonna have to rma it.