Crysis Single Player Demo

My 320 just got made worthless too. I dont think the GT adds enough to sell and get the GT, but its still annoying.
now this PISSES me off


The 8800gt (512mb) beats my 8800gts (640mb) how is this possible? the 8800gts is almost $100 more...

Got to love new technology.

1680X1050 High. No AA
Well I tried it, and tried it again. At first I was thinking farcry 2...ok I love it. But I had the skill level set to normal and when you drive a jeep onto the beach with a bunch or rocks I started to see some bad thing. ok I know its a demo but I have to ask if others noticed this kind of thing.

first no one was moving. So I shot one of the guys by the rocks..nothing no movement. SO they are stationary and invulnerable until you get within x yds?

I got out of the jeep an got behind the rocks and approached...after a few yards they started moving. Now it gets weird, I got an enemy on one side of a big rock and me on the other. BUT he has fatiques and I have a the suit. So I step out and put the sights in his belt line..pull the trigger...he turns red and I hold down the button..he is shooting me and side steps I have to re align and still pumping ammo. I am dead WTF so I have THE SUIT and he has a cloth shirt and I DIE ???

So I restart this same thing there is a guy behind the sights turn red when I target his legs and shoot...he is turning red and screaming but he doesn't fall...must be magic legs LOL

so I approach the jeep and he runs into the palms and throws a grenade...NO DAMAGE ON LEGS wow what a concept.

SO I restart the game and choose easy level... basically I see the same stuff I did on normal...WAY too many shots to bring down an enemy. Where is Far cry?

One of 2 things the demo is set to some hard ass setting that you can't really change or this demo is just crap from a work in progress that was not done very well.

SiG357 that is some awesome pics..
Enemies go red when they're shooting at you, not when they're taking damage.

They drop in 1 hit to the head, so I'm thinking you're not aiming very well. The enemies do seem to take too many bullets however, it seems like a "realistic" game with the enemies and environments yet they do take an unrealistic amount of punishment to the torso or legs/arms before they die.
go stealth, sneak up on them and own them with a headshot or a powered up punch and they drop.
I am dead WTF so I have THE SUIT and he has a cloth shirt and I DIE ???

A cloth shirt ? I must've missed those KPA's with cloth shirts. All I faced were guys with body armor, that go down easily with a headshot.
Been through the demo a few times now trying different tactics and settings and what not,
was quite surprised at the level of detail, anybody else toss the red flare in the water and splash around a bit?, the light reflected quite nicely in the ripples. give it a go. I also was quite surprised to get one of the pickups hung up in one of the trees

You can also toss a grenade quite far in strength mode, or a flaming barrel for that matter.

But I had the skill level set to normal...SO I restart the game and choose easy level... basically I see the same stuff I did on normal...WAY too many shots to bring down an enemy...
W/ a nic like sparks, you should AT LEAST be on hard, if not Delta. :D I'm no weapons expert, in fact, I've only fired a few guns in my life. Ballistics, eh? :D So when I was told to put my silencer on, I did. I went through the demo on hard, then delta all w/ the silencer and wondered why they took forever to go down AND a headshot proved far too difficult @ range. Last night, I took the silencer off and they definitely found me easier and their "spray and pray" proved more accurate. However, I could take them down in half the shots AND headshots @ range worked. Keeping the gun on single shot and using max strength seems to keep Nomads recoil down as well. There's def a time for the silencer, but up front and personal ain't it! :D

To those in the know, silencer's diminish power/speed/accuracy that much in real life?

You can also toss a grenade quite far in strength mode, or a flaming barrel for that matter.
It's ALL about the Maximum barrel toss, then pistol shot.
yea I was taking them down faster with 2 pistols than the rifle.
Yes I was shooting in the body not in the head...I was trying different things.
This was point blank and the pistol kills faster than a rifle...give me a break.
To those in the know, silencer's diminish power/speed/accuracy that much in real life?
I'm not sure about accuracy, but you usually want to use subsonic ammunition anyway because the supersonic crack makes a distinctive sound. To greatly oversimplify something that is already surrounded by misinformation: reduced velocity means less power.

I can't remember how the suppressed gun in Crysis sounds, but in real life, a "silenced" gun still makes reasonably loud and distinct sounds. You'd never be able to shoot one on the other side of a room like in Splinter Cell or the movies and still go undetected.
yea in the movies I love to see them screw a silencer on a revolver. DUH

ever notice how a silencer screws onto anything LOL
I can't remember how the suppressed gun in Crysis sounds, but in real life, a "silenced" gun still makes reasonably loud and distinct sounds. You'd never be able to shoot one on the other side of a room like in Splinter Cell or the movies and still go undetected.

Maybe with a .22LR :p
Even the semi-auto cycling is loud and distinct. I know if I were a red-shirt mercenary soldier on guard duty, I'd go check it out. But that kind of thinking means I'd probably be promoted to head honcho based on the AI of today's crop of games. :)
I'm confident Cevat will stop by, read these posts, and fix the issue.
I'm not sure about accuracy, but you usually want to use subsonic ammunition anyway because the supersonic crack makes a distinctive sound. To greatly oversimplify something that is already surrounded by misinformation: reduced velocity means less power.

Just talking about pistols and not carbines or submachine guns, .45 ammo is already subsonic, the heavier .40 ammo is subsonic, and the heaviest 9mm ammo is subsonic. You have heavier bullets going at a slower speeds. Subsonic ammo has a little more momentum and marginally less energy.
Anyone else have the unfortunate experience of playing on a machine with 1gb of ram with vista? For your sakes I hope not, because before turning down my settings to low I actually waited half an hour (literally) for swapping. Even after turning textures to low and everything else to medium, it was still a slideshow. Kind of a bummer considering a lot of people out there don't have 2 gigs yet, and wont really be able to play this game, at least in Vista. If some other setting reduces memory requirements, please let me know and I will turn it down, although its a bit frustrating having such a lame and debilitating bottleneck for my 8800.

Just thought half an hour of swapping for a game to load had to be some new record or something. Is it the same in XP?
Anyone else have the unfortunate experience of playing on a machine with 1gb of ram with vista? For your sakes I hope not, because before turning down my settings to low I actually waited half an hour (literally) for swapping. Even after turning textures to low and everything else to medium, it was still a slideshow. Kind of a bummer considering a lot of people out there don't have 2 gigs yet, and wont really be able to play this game, at least in Vista. If some other setting reduces memory requirements, please let me know and I will turn it down, although its a bit frustrating having such a lame and debilitating bottleneck for my 8800.

Just thought half an hour of swapping for a game to load had to be some new record or something. Is it the same in XP?

Running Vista with 1GB is not the best idea. If you can, try installing XP as it will help a great deal in ALL games and apps.

2GBs of RAM has become the minimum for a while now. Back when BF2 was released it was a horrible experience on 1GB with XP installed and forced a lot of people to pop another gig in. That was close to three years ago?
Just bought Halo 3 yesterday after having played through the Crysis demo. Night and day, Crysis makes Halo 3 (and to a lesser extent, Gears) look like a 2d nintendo game
This game rules...I"ve played through 4 times already and tweaked my autoexec.cfg for maximum visual spendor; playing on all high with the exception of post processing, but I have ultra high elements activated in that category via the config. Oh, also shadows on medium but I have water & sound on very high. Here's a GREAT thread for those tweakers amongst you:

Check the CVAR chart!

Everyone's saying, no big deal...far cry 2...blah blah...they are insane. Never has a game made me feel more like a super hero than this one. I"ve got my suit set to my 'back' mouse button right on the side of the mouse, so I can jump with super strength, turn inviso in mid air, make some guy that saw me go , 'Whaaa?' land, super speed towards him while he's confused and take him out however I please. The options are endless.

I've attacked bases in everyway I can think of, and it's great coming up from the side of a mountain to..say, the tall antannae near the end of the level; everyone is pointed out defending their position and I'm right in the middle of them, lol. Very cool feeling.

I love this game...the graphics are just beyond incredible. Here's my auto exec config settings; more or less everything needs to be set to high; but with this config you can run post processing at medium:
con_restricted = 0
e_screenshot_height 2690
e_screenshot_width 4200
e_detail_materials_view_dist_xy=2048 (try double this)
e_detail_materials_view_dist_z=128 (try double this)
btw, a screenshot using e_screenshot 1 creates super high resolution screenshots that look like this:

had to shrink the quality way down, the original file was like 11 megs, heh.
I've been playing it at 1900x1200 resolution with everything on high or ultra. It is choppy a little, but it is playable. Will frap it tonight to see what FPS i'm getting. if i take it down a notch to 1600x1200, it should play fine hopefully. Will test it some more tonite. Awsome game demo so far imho.
I've been playing it at 1900x1200 resolution with everything on high or ultra. It is choppy a little, but it is playable. Will frap it tonight to see what FPS i'm getting. if i take it down a notch to 1600x1200, it should play fine hopefully. Will test it some more tonite. Awsome game demo so far imho.

You could just enter the r_displayinfo 1 command in the console or use the CPU and GPU benchmarks to check FPS.
At my settings (detailed 2 posts above) I get from 28-45 fps just going through the level fighting etc. It drops to it's lowest points on the coast looking at the coastline; where you have water, enemies, vegetation, etc. all at once. Still, it averages around 30 pretty steady which is really playable.

I am one of those, '60 fps or die' kind of guys up until this game...of course, if I had my way I'd still be, but to my surprise it really does play well at about 30 fps.
Running Vista with 1GB is not the best idea. If you can, try installing XP as it will help a great deal in ALL games and apps.

2GBs of RAM has become the minimum for a while now. Back when BF2 was released it was a horrible experience on 1GB with XP installed and forced a lot of people to pop another gig in. That was close to three years ago?

I don't have XP, I dual boot Ubuntu and Vista, and use Ubuntu for everything but the occasional gaming session.

I know for enthusiasts 2gb is the min, and I know my rig is a bit out of date, but Ive been holding off on getting another gig of ddr for when I move up to a rig capable of ddr2 or ddr3. Also, a lot of mainstream gamers still only have 1gb, so I really think they could have made it at least playable with 1gb. I've now tried turning everything to low and it still turns into a slideshow whenever something new comes into view (ie every time I turn). I agree that Vista is largely to blame, which is too bad considering gaming is the only meaningful thing that Windows now has that linux doesnt.
One GB of RAM is hardly anything, ESPECIALLY FOR VISTA! I hate to say this, but 2GB is not for just enthusiast anymore, its a basic fundamental for anything Vista-gaming related. Ram is cheap, just buy another stick and enjoy life.


p.s. Vista's memory-hogging feature is actually really nice, if you look into it.
Thats a lot of graphical settings. And to think that most of them can be set much higher than what "Very High" is in the game atm - damn!
Its like the current "Very High" settings, are only just "Medium" in the long run - they truly delivered, this game/engine will definitely hold up over the next couple years very well.
Took everything to ultra high (well, highest settings at least..hehe) at 1900x1200 and got about 15-20 FPS average with the beta drivers nvidia just put out. Was still playable but probably take it down a notch to make it smoother. Played well at 1600x1200 tho.
At high resolutions, Crysis looks fantastic imho. Just have to tweak it to run smoother.
I'm a little confused about the SLI support not working in the demo. I just picked up a couple 8800GTs and I'm running about half of the options at High, and half at Very High (including very high textures, effects, shaders, and physics thought physics probably doesn't impact the FPS that much) in 1680x1050. The game feels like it's displaying around 45 FPS most of the time, and occasionally appears to be synced. This seems a bit quick if it was only using one of the cards to me. I haven't had time to run the benchmark or verify my FPS estimates, but I'm pretty good with this. I have Alternate Frame Rendering 2 forced in the NV control panel. Is it possible to get those speeds from a single GT or GTX? I can list out all the individual settings when I get home later. I imagine I should rename the Crysis.exe to rule out the possibility that the NV profile is taking over. If this is single-card performance, I'm actually fairly impressed, and can't wait for SLI to work.
Occasionally, one of the KPA guys that's near me will just drop dead. Usually happens when I come back from the the menu screen. Damned annoying. Doubly so, since they don't leave behind any ammo/weapon.

Here's my results for the GPU bench.

no AA
Very High detail

[email protected]



If you're getting more than that, it's working.

Here's my results for the GPU bench.

no AA
Very High detail

[email protected]



If you're getting more than that, it's working.

Thanks! I'll run the bench when I get home. I was initially having the problem where it gets completely choppy with little occasional bursts of speed (even with everything just set to high.) Then I installed this: (Number 2 on the list, (the SLI hotfix,)) and it seems to have changed something, as the game is running quite well now. Anyway, I'll compare the results, and list some settings as soon as I get a chance.
Good to hear and anxiously awaiting your results. Fry's, here I come!
anyone using the 169.04 beta drivers?

Yes, I'm running them with the 8800GTs. They seem to work fine. It's the first driver I've installed with them, so nothing to compare them to.
Jodiuh, those are some pretty amazing results. I ran the GPU test with all settings on very high, at 1280x1024 and no AA and I only get about 16FPS!

Here's my spec:
E6600 @ 3.4Ghz

What do you get on the CPU test?
I'll run the CPU test when I get home tonight. You're on 169.01 w/ NV's panel chillin' wo/ AA and what not?
I'm not sure what drivers I was using because I just tried the latest one, 169.04, and I got around 21-22FPS, so that isn't too bad. However, I remember doing to CPU test with all settings on high, no AA and at 1680x1050 with my old drivers and I was getting about 26FPS. Now, I got about 17FPS!

I just tried the 169.01 drivers, I got about 20FPS in the CPU test with my settings, but only 17 in the GPU test with your settings. I wish I stuck with my original drivers because with those at least I got a better frame rate when actually playing the game. I'm now going to try the 163.69 drivers and see what happens.
It seems they forgot that entire script of the game was left in the demo. If you want spoilers its in

C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\Crytek\Crysis SP Demo\Game\Localized\english.pak

open in winRAR, then languages, compiled docs, then Master Document (All Acts).doc

I didn't read it (except for the beginning) because I would hate to spoil the game for myself but others might.