CryTek 2 Engine Video (AMAZING)

Jul 5, 2005


This engine is amazing beyond words.. its just... incredible.

I only wish we had a higher quality version

the environment is so .. majestic
anyone else think that those faces at the end of the video are all slightly unique?

Edit: Crap I just found out that Vista and a DX10 aka WGF2.0 video card is required to run Farcry 2 at this quality. Farcry 2 and vista will be launched simultaneously
cool stuff. The soft shadows are incredible, as well as those faces at the end. From those physics, hopefully they are gonna be supporting ageia chips.
Damn, that looks insane. I've been waiting so long for plants and crap to move like that for so long instead of just clipping through them!
i think the faces at the end look sorta like danny glover.

edit: not danny glover, magic johnson
HOLY CRAP. Very nice looking. Lets hope another upgrade is not in order though. Searchin for direct feed vid....
only thing impressed me was soft shadows,but thats probably because tards cant get the real video instead of bootleg type camcorder shit

tobad a 6800GT cant handle next gen.....PC gameing is to much for me
^^^^ so is third grade english.

Direct feed vids must be hard to find. You were not impressed with the clouds or environments (foliage) being interactive?
Holy hell.

That's all I can say.. looks awesome.
I'd love to see those clouds in Flight Sim :D
jdunner3 said:
^^^^ so is third grade english.

Direct feed vids must be hard to find. You were not impressed with the clouds or environments (foliage) being interactive?
honestly,clouds seemed unesscary unless you can fly planes,and foilage isnt spectacular,it had to come sooner or later though
paranoia4422 said:
honestly,clouds seemed unesscary unless you can fly planes,and foilage isnt spectacular,it had to come sooner or later though

The foliage is spectacular to me, that is a big detail. Anything to further immerse me in the virtual environment I am all for.
paranoia4422 said:
honestly,clouds seemed unesscary unless you can fly planes,and foilage isnt spectacular,it had to come sooner or later though

If you had any idea the amount of work that has to go into making little things like foilage to be interactive like that and not look like shit on a stick in the way it moves then you would think it is spectacular.
Clouds would be necessary if your on a high peak and they obstruct your view or somethin of the sorts. Foliage could be taken into play if you consider a stealth type objective and you are spotted because you are moving the vegetation too much or too loud. Same with finding an enemy if they are careless with how they move about. It baffles me as to why people must knock every advancement in gaming technology. Whether it be graphics/physics/input devices these developers are doing this to make the games better in someway. They simply would not be wasting the money/time/resources if it would not make games better overall.....which equates into sales.
So is it safe to say a Farcry 2 is in the works?

Man if they use the physics processor with this engine, it will one hell of a engine. Cant wait to see what it brings to the table.
Wow is all I have to say, those clouds looked really nice, and the soft shadows looked life like imo
I wonder if they'll be able to license it this time...the Unreal engine is going to steal a lot of their thunder.
Very Cool.

I will gladly pay games with this.

I also realised I need to buy a better computer.

Would dual GTXs run this?
Gob said:
Very Cool.

I will gladly pay games with this.

I also realised I need to buy a better computer.

Would dual GTXs run this?
No, you need a WGF2.0 compatible card.
Gob said:

So... when will the first WGF2.0 compatible card come out hmm?
Haha, he was joking, we don't even know yet. It will most likely incorporate the Ageia Physics chip, which will ease the load for everything else.

EDIT: I just pwnd myself, and re-read the OP's post after his edit, the above poster was right :p
Gob said:

So... when will the first WGF2.0 compatible card come out hmm?

Next gen cards will probably be able to support it. Yes I know its a whole year away, but I dont think we will see this engine on our computer for at least another year.
Big Fat Duck said:
Edit: Crap I just found out that Vista and a DX10 aka WGF2.0 video card is required to run Farcry 2 at this quality. Farcry 2 and vista will be launched simultaneously

And that is why I am going console for my gaming after a few select titles are released. Vista and the next-next-gen games can sit there.

I can afford to upgrade, but upgrading every year for a few games is insane. To me anyway.
Tiny said:
And that is why I am going console for my gaming after a few select titles are released. Vista and the next-next-gen games can sit there.

I can afford to upgrade, but upgrading every year for a few games is insane. To me anyway.

Its not just a few games though, PC has 10x more games than any other console, probably combined. And almost all of them with the proper hardware completely own their console counterparts
CHollman82 said:
Its not just a few games though, PC has 10x more games than any other console, probably combined. And almost all of them with the proper hardware completely own their console counterparts

Yes but 95% of them don't need thousands of dollars worth of hardware upgrades.
Well I am looking for a reason to upgrade my computer but it looks like games with the next gen engines wont be out for over a year still.

Hopefully they wont be a disapointment. I would hate to spend $2-3000 on a top of the line computer only to find out that the games suck.

Of coarse I sure I can play anything coming out in the next year or two on my 6800 ultra and athlon 64 3500. I probably wont build a new rig untill either Vista or Office 12 comes out. Whichever is first.
Physics based foilage re-action has been done before....

Pirates of the Caribbean, etc.

I just wish more games would do it.
WOW!, Amazing! But i will have to have a WHOLE NEW computer to play them tough, mine wont even play Far Cry or BF2 on lowest settings! lol, sucks for me :mad:
Looks outstanding, I just hope it doesn't include "I'm gonna shoot you in the face!" and other stupid voice acting.