CSS Help Please


Apr 30, 2005
Ok, I'm stumped. I've been working on this page for the past three days (seriously..trying everything I could think of to fix the little issue with the CSS for the tabs script.) Here's a shot of the issue area so its easier for you guys to see whats going on:

Basically, the horizontal line beneath the tabs extends too far and their is a space where the box doesn't merge with the horizontal line.

The page is located here: http://www.motorxtremes.com/scooters/citysport-50/index2.html

Any help is appreciated and if any other info is needed, I will answer to the best of my ability. Thanks!
Add a width of 93.6% to ul.tablayout. what seems to be happening is the ul is inheriting some left padding from somewhere which is adding to the full width of the ul box making it seam pushed off screen.
Ah-ha! That does work out so much better! Thanks! Now if I can only get those three lines to meet up to form the box, I'll be golden! Thanks again!
Gah..Now I feel like a major tard. Guess I was just workin' too hard on it and just..missed that. Such a noob mistake..How'd I miss that? Fresh eyes make all the difference sometimes. Again, huge huge thanks to you! :)