Cyborg R.A.T 3 vs Logitech G500

Jun 30, 2004
I'm looking for a new mouse but I'm not sure which one I should get. I tried out the rat 3 at frys today and its pretty smooth and light so I like that alot. I also noticed from a utube video that the rat 3 is still adjustable via an allen wrench, though not as much as the 5, 7, and 9. Max DPI = 3200, Programmable buttons = 3

My qualm with the g500 is that my last logitech g5 broke after only like 6 months of use because the wiring on the braided cable cut out. Am I going to run into similar issues with the g500? Max DPI = 5700, Programmable buttons = 10

Price for both is $40 on newegg after coupon.

Any suggestions?