Darn Whippersnappers....


/'s by 0
Dec 13, 2004
Within 7 days I'll finally break the 500,000 mark. Years ago this was a big thing to everyone.

Now it seems its only a big deal to me, and most of you may get that much in a day.

Just remember to wave as you pass me by :D
Within 7 days I'll finally break the 500,000 mark. Years ago this was a big thing to everyone.

Now it seems its only a big deal to me, and most of you may get that much in a day.

Just remember to wave as you pass me by :D

Well, I guess we can celebrate together, I should pass 500,000 today.
Best regards, Charlie
What's with all the tamales. need pizza's, use the boxes for cases... and beer. and mojo.
I don't want to see any of you nekid.

Did Mary ever post a photo of himself in a dress?
Did somebody ask for tamales?


It's also free churro Friday.
Free churros are in the blue can.

The fresher ones are on top!
Congrats KodiakStar and you have completed 2,937 WU's on the journey to 500,000, which makes it 2,937 steps closer to finding a treatment or cure to a variety of ailments.

Keep it up
Wait just a minute... who are you calling a whippersnapper here, K*? ;-)
No, not really, but I knew talking crap about you would draw you out of the woodwork :)
Funny, when we were at it all we (generally speaking) ever wanted was for the "old timers" to go out the pastures and crook.

Now we are the old timers... and I still feel the same way! :D
We should get some old geezer folder forum badges lol

Dont worry, even in my mid 20s I just got a whole squad of fresh from boot privates, all 18 year olds, I feel so old and out of touch with them and I've only got 6-7 years old them lol
Goodness, you are still hanging around these chumps?!

You need a medal or something..

Ya, I am still here.

Happy to be folding with this crazy bunch of whippersnappers.

Have some popcorn! ;)
I miss the mid 20's. headless boxen galore. Kept the room nice and toasty, made the single ladies drop their clothes.... hmmmm. popcorn.
I might still have a badge or two floating aroudn somewhere, not sure anymore.

Not that people still use case badges, do they?
heh, I am still #1 in WU's by far at least :p

if only I had disposable income again :(