Dead Card?


Jul 23, 2004
Ok I was playing world of warcraft tonight and my screen started looking like :




It does that in every game, can anyone tell me some advice to troubleshoot this, like bad power line? Video Memory dead? core overheating? i was watching RivaTuner and it was idling at 56 C and it crashed at 59 under load ( as far as i could see before screen went black and computer was unresponsive)
doesn't sound like a core overheating, but it looks like that's the problem. It could be a driver issue. Or a dying card.
I am having this problem with farcry and its not my drivers but it happened after i installed the latest patches. :(
use older drivers and see what happens. I've heard a lot of people having issues with the 91.XX drivers
i was using 84.21 at the time, then upgraded to 91.31, which actaully made it stable for like 5 minutes longer, but then everything lost texture as if it wasn't colored in. blew a fan over the card, didnt help. I'll be calling E-VGA today, ill tell you what happens