Dead Gigabyte P35 Motherboard?


Limp Gawd
Jul 13, 2004
I took off the Intel E2160 to change the thermal paste. I noticed the original installation from the store had white paste everywhere, overflowing beyond the chip, and eventually I had to remove the chip to clean some paste from the sides. There was also a tiny bit on the motherboard contacts, so I used q-tips to try to clean it off, but the q-tips gets caught so I used a towel to very gently wipe them (no alcohol). The outer contacts (just the edge) on the chip were cleaned by using 70% rubbing alcohol. let it dry for a few minutes. Applied AS5 and put everything back. Tried to restart it, and it gets stuck in an infinite boot loop.

1. System has never been in an infinite boot loop before today, not even once. when i was experimenting with overclocking, a failed overclock would just reboot twice and everything would reset and boot up without problems.
2. my overclock was modest at 9x300fsb, 2.7ghz, vcore at around 1.3250. today's settings were the stable settings.
3. tested the computer just before taking out the motherboard and had no problems.
4. when i remounted the Heatsink, i dropped a few washers onto the motherboard

now, upon a reboot, there is NO speaker beep. no beeps at all. the computer just goes into an infinite reboot loop. I let it run for a few minutes before shutting it down. Reset the cmos by placing a jumper for 1 minute (did not remove the battery).

left in 1 stick of RAM, unplugged the DVD, checked all connections.

still in infinite reboot mode, and all fans spin up when trying to boot.

Is the CPU ok? will cleaning the cpu help, or is the motheboard fried? what is the best way to clean the 775 contacts on the motherboard? Did dropping the washers fry the motherboard? I did not see any sparks, and the motherboard was sitting on the table for 2 hours before I started to bolt the HS on.

using a thermalright 775 bolt thru kit.
Couple questions:

1. Are Boot Loops a new cereal?

On a serious note,

1. Is it rebooting during POST or after?
2. If it reboots during POST and doesn't actually POST, try removing both pieces of RAM and see if you can get a POST code or error. If so, leave 1 RAM in and unplug your HDD's and optical drives.
3. Leave only your CPU connected and see what it does. If you still can't get it to POST it's either your MOBO or CPU. I guess hypothetically it could *technically* be your PSU as well, but not likely.

Repost a little more info if you don't mind.
It reboots during POST. Left 1 stick of RAM in, unplugged DVD. Also Tested it just before changing the thermal paste.
It's been a problem on some of the P35 boards, Gigabyte and Abit.

I have a DS3R and immediately updated to F6 and never experienced that issue. What bios are you on?
Speaking of the DS3R I just bought one. I am using 2 gigs of Mushkin DDR2 8500 ram, but for some reason I am getting conflicting information on which ram slots to use.
It goes like this
Red Slot(1)
Yellow Slot (1)
Red Slot (2)
Yellow Slot (2)

Do I put them in R1 and Y1 or do I put them in R1 and R2?

Fixed it. I took out the chip and cleaned the entire area with rubbing alcohol. Then I inspected it very carefully and discovered that 1 pin was off alignment by 0.5mm. I push it back in place very carefully and it booted up instantly. Everything seems to be back to normal.

The only thing weird now is that the temperature difference between the 2 cores is off by 4deg C, when before there was only a difference of 2 degs. Not sure if the overall temp dropped, but I'm not going to remount it again.

Thanks for the suggestions

BIOS is F4.

Put the RAM in yellow 1 and yellow 2
Glad you were able to get it working.

I wouldn't worry about 4c, that's not a big deal, you'll be fine.
I'm pretty sure the temp difference is the alignment of your CPU. Since it's a vertical mount, the lower part of the CPU gets more pressure from the heatsink than the higher part. No worries.