Dead Island (Steamworks) (PC) $9.99 on Newegg

Its worth $10 for those who haven't got it yet. The story completely falls apart at the end and the replayability is almost zero, but its 10-20 hours of enjoyment.
The game is so buggy and ridiculous its not even worth $10. Maybe they will get it right when they make Dead Island 2 and not make the quests so stupid and weapons not made of Styrofoam.
The game is so buggy and ridiculous its not even worth $10. Maybe they will get it right when they make Dead Island 2 and not make the quests so stupid and weapons not made of Styrofoam.

When is the last time you played? It's been patched many times and it's 90% bug free. And the weapons feel fine, do you expect a broom stick to crack a skull on the 2nd swing? This game is awesome with a friend or 3, the coop is definitely the best part.
$10 is a great deal even if the game turns out to be average...although the fact that the price is this low 6 months after launch is not a good sign

is this meant to be played co-op or can it still be enjoyed solo?
$10 is a great deal even if the game turns out to be average...although the fact that the price is this low 6 months after launch is not a good sign

is this meant to be played co-op or can it still be enjoyed solo?

It's pretty decent solo but it's a blast co-op. If it were singleplayer only I would give it a 6.5/10, 8/10 for co-op.
When is the last time you played? It's been patched many times and it's 90% bug free. And the weapons feel fine, do you expect a broom stick to crack a skull on the 2nd swing? This game is awesome with a friend or 3, the coop is definitely the best part.

It's pretty bug free these days, but the weapons still suck. I believe that he was referring to the fact that the weapons fall apart in like two seconds. It got super old scrounging for money to try and keep your weapons repaired. I would have quit if I hadn't found a mod to up the amount of money dropped.

Still, it's worth $10. No more than that IMO.
Mod your weapons for longer durability, I liked the fact that you had to keep finding new weapons, sticking with the same overpowered machete or sword would have made the game boring. I paid $30 and don't regret my purchase. Definitely got about 30 hours of gameplay out of it between me and my friends horsing around.
I need to pick this up again. I bought it on release for $40 or something, kinda felt disappointed after several hours of play, but I think they've patched it and have a bunch of cool mods now.
so what's steamworks about this? is there a code you get that goes into steam for download?
so what's steamworks about this? is there a code you get that goes into steam for download?

Yeah you buy it retail and the game installs from disc. Steam with launch and you enter your code. Once the game installs Steam updates the game. I'm tempted. I wonder if Amazon will price match.