Decay : a new tech demo to test your graphics card


[H]F Junkie
Mar 22, 2008
This is a real time graphics demo I made in about 1 month using the Godot Engine.




I think it turned out well, and is optimized for high end graphics cards. I can get 60FPS at 4K on an RTX 3060.

Please check it out if you want something new to try (you can download for free).
10GB of VRAM usage but doesn't seem to really stress a 3090. Sure looks pretty.


Oh, realized how to go fullscreen and play with the settings, usage jumped up a bit. is vsync on by default? Seems locked to 99-100 fps on my 100Hz 3440x1440 display.


After I realized how to go fullscreen :)
Yes, I tried to optimize but this is the most advanced thing I've worked on and it was difficult to reduce the size.

Definitely an issue if you have an older card, and integrated graphics is out of the question. But I got it to run well on an RX 5700 XT w/ 8GB of RAM (120 fps at 1080p).

I believe it would run on something as low as a GTX 1060 6GB, but I sold that card a little while ago and all my rigs are pretty modern.

Thanks for checking it out and for your kind words.
Yes, I tried to optimize but this is the most advanced thing I've worked on and it was difficult to reduce the size.

Definitely an issue if you have an older card, and integrated graphics is out of the question. But I got it to run well on an RX 5700 XT w/ 8GB of RAM (120 fps at 1080p).

I believe it would run on something as low as a GTX 1060 6GB, but I sold that card a little while ago and all my rigs are pretty modern.

Thanks for checking it out and for your kind words.
Just realized I could actually move the camera around too haha, its incredibly smooth on the Ultra preset @ 3440x1440. Nice work!
looks good, hopefully you expand it more, like moving characters, etc.
This was just a graphics test, but the next thing I have planned will have characters in it. Here is one of the tests I did.


But the model I got wasn't animated, and it would have been a lot of work and didn't really fit in with the original idea. But I hope to make something totally different next.