Dell 2209WA or Asus VW266H


Oct 9, 2009
Hey there, I am looking at these 2 to buy.

Now, I never owned an IPS pannel. And as much as I would love to try it, by going with the Asus I will not know what i'm losing.

I have a 4870HD with 512 ram, and I don't plan to upgrade it.

I also like bigger dot pitch. I play games like Il2 sturmovik and BF2 and I prefer it. So a 22" 1680x or 25.5" 1920x res.

Now I also wanted to get a big pannel. I've only had a 17" CRT and my current 19" LCD, both non-widescreen.

If you were in my possition which one would you buy, and why?
I know my GPU might not be very good with 1920x res especially the 512ram version?
The price for both LCD's are about the same. 350$ CAD. I might be able to get the 2209WA for 300$ CAD all in all if I go and buy it from US.

You are going to get a lot of mixed feedback on this forum as you can already see by the responses below you. A lot of it will come down to what you value more as each monitor offers different things. If I were you I would ask myself these questions:

1.) Am I going to be looking at this monitor from strange angles (from a bed, bean bag, lounging chair, etc.)?

2.) Do I need my monitor to be heavily adjustable?

3.) Do I play games casually or more than that?

4.) Does real estate matter?

5.) Do inputs matter (HDMI, Component)? Will I be hooking up an Xbox/PS3?

If you answered either 1 or 2 yes then go with the Dell for sure. If you answered 5 then ASUS for sure. Otherwise look at how much 3 & 4 mean to you. I hope this helps more than just "Dell" or "ASUS".
Dell 2209WA is $219.99 at Dell Canada right now. Get it while it's hot, you won't be disappointed.

I would take the Dell unless you need PS3 connectivity. It has nearly zero input lag, can often do 72 - 76hz refresh rate over DVI, decent to good color calibration, excellent viewing angles, and good adjustability.

I have nothing against the Asus, but for Canadians, you'd have to ship the screen to California if you needed warranty repair done, not with Dell.
I already ordered the 2209WA for the 220$ sale, still waiting for the confirmation code. Ordered it 12 hours ago almost.
I had the 2209wa and I wasn't satisfied with the small resolution. Colors were really nice but I needed more.
Comming from a 19" 1280x1024 it will be an upgrade for me in terms of resolution, any 2 of the above.
Tho I would've loved to have a 1920x1200, I was afraid my 4870 512mb only won't be able to keep up.
Sorry to jump in, but i have been wanting the 2209wa since i missed the last sale. Where is the 219 sale at? On the canada website it shows at 369.
And to the op, this is the one i would pick too. I too own a 4870.
My wife has the basic 2209 and we love it.
Sorry to jump in, but i have been wanting the 2209wa since i missed the last sale. Where is the 219 sale at? On the canada website it shows at 369.

You missed out mate. Dell had it on sale yesterday only as part of their Dell Days of Deals promo.
Hey there, I am looking at these 2 to buy.

Now, I never owned an IPS pannel. And as much as I would love to try it, by going with the Asus I will not know what i'm losing.

I have a 4870HD with 512 ram, and I don't plan to upgrade it.

I also like bigger dot pitch. I play games like Il2 sturmovik and BF2 and I prefer it. So a 22" 1680x or 25.5" 1920x res.

Now I also wanted to get a big pannel. I've only had a 17" CRT and my current 19" LCD, both non-widescreen.

If you were in my possition which one would you buy, and why?
I know my GPU might not be very good with 1920x res especially the 512ram version?
The price for both LCD's are about the same. 350$ CAD. I might be able to get the 2209WA for 300$ CAD all in all if I go and buy it from US.

If you won't know what you're missing, and you're mainly gaming and not doing any image quality sensitive work, go with the ASUS then. My friend went from Viewsonic to Hanns G 28 inch and he says he really likes his Hanns G. And I know that display doesn't have the best quality compared to pva or IPS. So you probably won't notice any difference either.