Dell 3007WFP-HC , can somone give point of view ?


Limp Gawd
Mar 25, 2008
Dell 3007WFP-HC - I have read here a lot! and many reviews on the net
It seem a very nice screen
fast response time and so on
And even a very descent price for what you get

How is it? Can someone who it give me a review about it?
I want it to be use for a lot of gaming, some video watching (not as a TV, but as a PC screen), and doin the usually stuff like web, app devlopmen, and a lot of text reading (want a screen I can read clearly)

So, how will it be for me?
Thank you!
And sorry for the "to much" posts I have put here lately :(
The 3007WFP-HC is an excellent gaming monitor. Good respond time and low input lag.
Text is sharp and crisp. Small font size text is also easy to read.

However, S-IPS panels are not very good with video watching (noise).
How long are these monitors going to be around b4 dell stops making them? I wanna pick one up in like july.
Are they revisions of this monitor?
What problems are with it? and how to avoid them?
What should I know before getting it?
ead, I had this monitor for 6 months now, and it is an amazing monitor for gaming.

I can't give you objective numbers, because i dont know them, but I have been around and this sucker is awsome. Pretty subjective, hey? ;)

I actually use the monitor for mainly for app dev tools and this is where the monitor and its resolution come in nicely.

Also if you use Adobe or Word and zoom in on text is incredibly sharp.

The only thing I am not crazy about with this monitor is for watching movies. I would guess that because it does not have a scaler, it uses my graphics card for scaling. maybe I just dont have the right card for that. Not sure.

Overall this monitor is just awsome, at the prices I see them available at $1299.00 canadian right now.

BTW, I would recommend, like any other product, go to the dell support forum and do a search for 3007 and see what problems are around.

Good luck.
Thanks guys!
It is just that I hesitate between the Dell 3007 to the 3008 to the Eizo 30".
What do you say?
One of the most irritating problem with 30" screen is the lack of uniformity (bleeding).

The Dell 3007-HC would be my first choice if you do not need additional input. 3008 seems to be a step down thanks to input lag generated by the scaler chip.
Yeah, RadXge is right about the lack of inputs.

If you want to connect extra PCs to it, then no can do. Also forget Xbox or other consoles, because there is no scalar.

I personally dont notice much or any at all bleeding on mine.

The Eizo is supposed to be a great monitor for photo work but not gaming. Search the Display sub-forum, i am sure I read that somewhere.

Honestly right now I would if I was buying another 30" panel I would buy the Dell 3007HC again, except for one thing. I would hate to buy something that says 07 when we are already in 2008 ;) . I know it is stupid, but it is just one of them things. Why get a 3007 when you can get a 3008? Surely the 3008 is better, right?
Yeah I am just like you!
I know that now is 2008, so why buy something that say 3007 when you have 3008 ?!
Have you read up on the Gateway? I know there were problems before, but I am not sure if they have been adressed yet.