Dell SC420 RAM


Dec 10, 2004
Hey guys....and gals.

I just upgraded the RAM in my Dell SC420. So this means that I have that 256MB module which I'm sure you already know is ECC and whatnot. I carefully pulled the RAM out and placed in the plastic container that my new RAM module came in. It worked just fine when I pulled it and had no problems whatsoever running WinXP. But as I'm sure you can imagine, 256 is just not enough so I had to upgrade.

I don't really have a clue as to how much to ask for, but I figure $20 shipped would be fair. Just PM me for any more details and I should be able to get a pic if you absolutely need one.

I've never tried selling on the forums, but to gain a little bit of trust, you can check my ebay profile, rayoc79 & my sisters which is, pammylz.


Ok, so now I think I can legally bump this thread...

WHoo Hoo!!!

PC2 5300 DDR2 256 MB of ECC RAM....