Dell XPS 17 powering on issue


Jan 25, 2007
Ive had my xps 17 for a month or two now and im really happy with it, but lately ive been having a problem where when i go to turn it on (does matter if its sleeping, or totally powered off), the power turns on, i can hear the fans spin up, and it stays like this for a second or two, then shuts back off. It will do this anywhere from 1 to >5 times before it will actually turn on all the way.

Is there anything i can do to fix this myself or am i better off just sending it back to dell? Id really like to avoid that because i go off to college soon, and this is my only computer for the time being
It doesnt seem like its sticking though, unless its sticking just enough to cause a problem. It like it tries to turn on but only turns on about half way, doesnt even get to the dell splash screen
Oh, that's different then. That sounds to me like a corrupt BIOS chip, but I could be way off. Something like that is often very difficult to root out.
Yeah, thats why i came to [H] for any hints, because im totally stumped, im probably just going to contact Dell and see what they say
Dell seems to think its the motherboard, so theyre going to replace that, fun fun