Dell xps load times


Jul 23, 2004
Ok i jsut got my Xps 2 with 512 ram , 80 gig 5400 Rpm

When i went to play ut2004 i was greeted with a 3 to 5 minute load time .. i had the map already .

and battlefield Vietnam Ia Drang Valley took a good 3 to 4 minutes

is it so slow because i only have 23 gigs left, 512 ram isnt enough.5400 rpm is slow , or becasue im used to my athlon 64 machine??

My Athlon 64 loads Battlefield vietnam maps in 30 Seconds to 1 minute tops
That would be the 5400 rpm HDD.

Do a defrag, not with the XP scanner, but find a good one (OTTOMH I cant make any recomendations), to get everything moved together and up front on the disc.

Jumping up the ram to a gig wouldn't hurt either.
HDD = Biggest bottlenick in modern PC's and even worse for laptops...
I'd definitely say it's the hard drive, the RAM is fine, but it never hurts to upgrade. A 5400 RPM hard drive is considered a SLOWWWWWW hard drive, so look into getting a new one. And for an XPS, it sounds like crap, who'd you get it from?? Usually the specs of an XPS are a lot better than what you've described. But, yeah, the hard drive in that setup is definitely your enemy.
ok guys i noticed Dell Backround programs were hogging my Ram 300 megs with Only aim open... so stopped a bunch of processes in the Task manager got it to 150megs

im now Installing My copy of Xp pro on it....

as far as the hard drive I will get a new one when i see over 80 gigs and 7200

and I got my laptop from dell

Hard drive Choices Were:

40 gig ( i think there was this option)
60 gig 7200 rpm
80 gig 5400 rpm
100 gig 5400 rpm

reason i didnt get the 60 gig was , it would delay ship date, i need more than 60 gigs for all the crap i have

so later on this year when my Windows install croaks or is way slow.. ill order a new Faster Hard drive from Newegg ( i want upwards of 100 gigs , and 7200 rpm)

and possibly swap my 2 256 sticks out for 2 512's and then sell my extra sticks to someone..

side note : Windows Formatting my partition isnt all that slow .. i thought it would be much slower .......
Cr@zZy said:
HDD = Biggest bottlenick in modern PC's and even worse for laptops...
I have dual 60 gigs in my Sager 9860 and I dont bottle neck at all because there both 7.2k.. Running in raid 0
:D :D
lesman said:
Dude, you are lame.


im aware that my name is incorrectly spelled but It shows you how bored you guys are to notice, oh and its in the 300 to 350 range that I have been told this ,, so think of a better pwn
Nephron said:
I have dual 60 gigs in my Sager 9860 and I dont bottle neck at all because there both 7.2k.. Running in raid 0
:D :D

your notebook weighs a hell of alot more than mine , and my video card is faster, just qiah siingle notebook hard drives were faster , and also im used to my athlon 64 flying thru things so its probably just me

lesman said:
Dude, you are lame.


im aware that my name is incorrectly spelled but It shows you how bored you guys are to notice, oh and its in the 300 to 350 range that I have been told this ,, so think of a better pwn( it is 7 am and i have to go to school.. little cranky
:D its easy to be a grammar nazi with the new google toolbar with built in spell check :)

anyways, ditch the xps and buy the system in sig above this post (the wishlist on newegg one) :p
compslckr said:
:D its easy to be a grammar nazi with the new google toolbar with built in spell check :)

anyways, ditch the xps and buy the system in sig above this post (the wishlist on newegg one) :p

Well considering he is talking about an Inspiron XPS, which is a lappy. I think its not comparable.

But yeah get a 7200rpm HD for it, you will not look back. Got a 60gig one, and its reasonable space for my 9300.
Dudeyourlame said:
im aware that my name is incorrectly spelled but It shows you how bored you guys are to notice, oh and its in the 300 to 350 range that I have been told this ,, so think of a better pwn
Woah, it was just a joke, man! I know and fully understand that the way you spell your name is spelled that way intentionally....I've known that....I wasn't trying to pwn you.....if I was, you'd know it! :cool: :p :D
compslckr said:
:D its easy to be a grammar nazi with the new google toolbar with built in spell check :)

anyways, ditch the xps and buy the system in sig above this post (the wishlist on newegg one) :p

sorry i already have a good desktop computer... i needed this laptop for vacation and so when i go to friends houses for one night lan party things that i dont have to lug my computer and CRt over

reason i think this laptop is so slow is because i have 2 160 gig Sata's in raid 0 on my main machine and they load REEALy fast.. usally the first one to get on a team when maps are swtiched........

oh and i checked my fragmentation oh my laptop hard drive. it's 37% fragmented
lesman said:
Woah, it was just a joke, man! I know and fully understand that the way you spell your name is spelled that way intentionally....I've known that....I wasn't trying to pwn you.....if I was, you'd know it! :cool: :p :D

Sorry for the Double post.. forum wouldnt let me have 2 quotes in my posts ..

dont worry man i was a little pissy this morning and all, and my school is over filled with people that dont know F' ing English!!!!
I recommend you get a 7200rpm and a 250gig external for storage :D
Dudeyourlame said:
Sorry for the Double post.. forum wouldnt let me have 2 quotes in my posts ..

dont worry man i was a little pissy this morning and all, and my school is over filled with people that dont know F' ing English!!!!
It's all good....I'm so glad I'm outta high school...if that's what you're talking about!
Nephron said:
I have dual 60 gigs in my Sager 9860 and I dont bottle neck at all because there both 7.2k.. Running in raid 0
:D :D

Good god, whats your battery life like?!
I spent the additional money to get a hard drive with a smaller capacity. 60 gig 7200RPM... how much faster is this compared to 5400RPM? You all better say "A LOT OMG!!"
Yeah, hands way the hell down faster....It'll be like a normal computer!! :eek: he heh, LOL.
I just got my 9300 with the 6800go and 512ddr2 with 60gig 7200, just because you guys said hands way the hell down better :), nah I got it yesterday but still I hear nothing but praises for the 7200 rpm drives in laptops. Estimated ship date april 22nd :( Then 3-5 days after that I will receive :( I wish I could crack my whip and get them moving faster. From what I have heard about dell I would be surprised if it even works when I get it. :) Oh well I am just not good at waiting