Deus Ex: The Fall

It could just be a season.

Jensen goes on a haybale pumpkin patch ride, "I never asked for this!".

This might be the funniest thing I've read recently. How awesome would this be for a plot?
Only if you have to hack the tractor to get it going.
This is unexpected, The Fall is now being ported to PC...

Square Enix has officially announced Deus Ex: The Fall for the PC. The game is planned for a March 25th release on Steam. Here are the key features:

  • No in-game purchase options
  • 28 Steam achievements
  • Adjusted AI
  • Steam Trading Cards, Badges and (TBC)
  • Revised tutorial
  • Full keyboard and Mouse control optimisation
  • Rebalanced game economy taking into account no IAP
  • Microsoft Controller support
  • Removal of auto target options
  • Reduction in aiming recital size
  • Choice in cover style as DXHR (HOLD or Toggle)
  • Resolution options
  • Anti Aliasing option
  • Vsync
  • Control maps for keyboard and gamepad
I'd be interested in trying it on PC, I just don't game on a tablet...
Hmm...I guess we'll see. Knowing these companies, they will port a $7 Android game to PC and charge $20+ for it.
Hmm...I guess we'll see. Knowing these companies, they will port a $7 Android game to PC and charge $20+ for it.

It's sad that I just nodded sagely and thought that sounds like the right amount of greed to expect. But, there is always the steam sales!
After disliking the opening area of DX:HR I finally sat down and kept going...and I had a good time. It's one of the better shooter'ish games I've played lately in spite of some weird performance issues with the Director's Cut edition. IMO, it started off slow and I didn't care for the action early-on. The game opens up a lot once you can start exploring the overworld and once you realize that stealth is helpful, but not required.
I'm not sure about this weird pseudo-sequel, but I'm curious how well it will play with traditional controls.
Supposedly, Phil Rogers said a few weeks ago in an interview that they thought Deus Ex: The Fall was a good idea, but they may have gotten the platform wrong.
Yeah Phil, you totally did. You totally did...
Supposedly, Phil Rogers said a few weeks ago in an interview that they thought Deus Ex: The Fall was a good idea, but they may have gotten the platform wrong.
Yeah Phil, you totally did. You totally did...

Uh, lol.

Of course they got the platform wrong. I'm more worried about this being a paper-thin game with no real substance because it was made for mobile.

We'll see i guess.
Yeah, can't be too long at $10. Maybe same as the missing link?

They should go on and start making next gen Deus Ex. The graphics are really starting to show its age.
It's longer than Missing Link. Not sure why people are still hating on it with the PC port announced. It was really solid as a mobile game, but it will probably be a little simplistic on the PC unless they amp the difficulty up. It was designed to be played while sitting on the train or the toilet, and a PC port isn't going to change that. If you think it looks good, just get it now on your phone or tablet; you'll be glad you did.
Yeah, can't be too long at $10. Maybe same as the missing link?

They should go on and start making next gen Deus Ex. The graphics are really starting to show its age.

I'd be happy with another Missing Link kinda thing as long as the story, voicing, and combat etc are all on par with Human Revolution.

When did HR come out? 2011? Crazy how a few years can make a game look dated, because I agree. It looks like a dated game now with some fancy effects to cover the datedness.
DXHR was not a very high graphics fidelity game when it came out, even then the graphics in that sense were arguably dated. Also you could tell the production values (budget) was not among the highest either in terms of the details. The main saving grace was the overall interesting aesthetics and designs.
It's longer than Missing Link. Not sure why people are still hating on it with the PC port announced. It was really solid as a mobile game, but it will probably be a little simplistic on the PC unless they amp the difficulty up. It was designed to be played while sitting on the train or the toilet, and a PC port isn't going to change that. If you think it looks good, just get it now on your phone or tablet; you'll be glad you did.

It's not hate.
It's caution.
Because after Deus Ex 3, it was kind of a dick move of them to jump the platform all your fans are on, and say its the next game in the series is over there. Now they are bringing it back, after acknowledging their mistake(which is...special, but whatever. If its good, ill forgive), but we all know its a port, so. Caution.

I think its strange they made that decision in the first place, after all the love they got for Deus Ex 3 from the PC community.... I blame Square Enix for that. With no proof at all, but we have all seen it in the past, this is what SE does. Whore all franchises to mobile regardless of the quality outcome.
It's not hate.
It's caution.
Because after Deus Ex 3, it was kind of a dick move of them to jump the platform all your fans are on, and say its the next game in the series is over there. Now they are bringing it back, after acknowledging their mistake(which is...special, but whatever. If its good, ill forgive), but we all know its a port, so. Caution.

I think its strange they made that decision in the first place, after all the love they got for Deus Ex 3 from the PC community.... I blame Square Enix for that. With no proof at all, but we have all seen it in the past, this is what SE does. Whore all franchises to mobile regardless of the quality outcome.

Caution for what though? What was a mistake? It's a good game, and you're acting like it's garbage or something. Have you even played it?
Fundamentally the game was basically just DXHR but with touch based controls (gamepad based) for mobile and simpler inventory management (the in app purchases instead of the grid inventory system).

Although the level designs might be more simplistically oriented then DXHR to accommodate for the device form factor and audience. This is the part that may be an issue translating over to the PC.
Caution for what though? What was a mistake? It's a good game, and you're acting like it's garbage or something. Have you even played it?

You are completely missing the point.
I do not play mobile. Mobile games suffer from a design standpoint and is also the worst gaming controller around for anything. It's a phone.

Porting ANY mobile game to PC without heavy modification will likely translate into a poor title.
You are completely missing the point.
I do not play mobile. Mobile games suffer from a design standpoint and is also the worst gaming controller around for anything. It's a phone.

Porting ANY mobile game to PC without heavy modification will likely translate into a poor title.

yea their 'features' list was more like a to-do list in order to accomplish the port lol
I do not play mobile. Mobile games suffer from a design standpoint and is also the worst gaming controller around for anything. It's a phone.

That's your problem then, not a problem with the game. Plenty of people play and enjoy mobile games, and as far as mobile games go, this one is solid. There's plenty of fodder for hating on mobile games (see 1000x Flappy Bird clones, etc.) but DX: The Fall is not among them. I don't see how a categorical dislike of mobile gaming offers anything of relevance about this game.

I too am concerned about it making a good PC game, which is why I would encourage anyone interested in the title to try it on mobile, the platform for which it was originally designed.
I too am concerned about it making a good PC game, which is why I would encourage anyone interested in the title to try it on mobile, the platform for which it was originally designed.

I'd honestly just rather play it on the PC though if they simply enable kb/m controls, this alone would make it better than mobile.

I don't even like controllers (basically due to being used to kb/m) for action oriented games. Playing the Last of Us for example was extremely frustrating at times due to this, thankfully the game itself was good enough to offset this. Touch, with no tactile feedback, is even worse for me.

The game itself as is not what you consider a stereotypical mobile game though, eg. you just tap everything on the screen.
That's your problem then, not a problem with the game. Plenty of people play and enjoy mobile games, and as far as mobile games go, this one is solid. There's plenty of fodder for hating on mobile games (see 1000x Flappy Bird clones, etc.) but DX: The Fall is not among them. I don't see how a categorical dislike of mobile gaming offers anything of relevance about this game.

I too am concerned about it making a good PC game, which is why I would encourage anyone interested in the title to try it on mobile, the platform for which it was originally designed.

For me anyway--

my concern stems from the worry that because it was made for mobile the maps will be smaller, the weapon choices fewer, and overall the mechanics 'dumbed down'

If this happens to be a full-fledged experience like DX:HR (or as previously mentioned, another Missing Link would be cool), that they simply chose to make for the mobile platform (this sounds like what you're saying), then awesome! I hope so very much and can't wait to experience more Deus Ex.
That's your problem then, not a problem with the game. Plenty of people play and enjoy mobile games, and as far as mobile games go, this one is solid. There's plenty of fodder for hating on mobile games (see 1000x Flappy Bird clones, etc.) but DX: The Fall is not among them. I don't see how a categorical dislike of mobile gaming offers anything of relevance about this game.

I too am concerned about it making a good PC game, which is why I would encourage anyone interested in the title to try it on mobile, the platform for which it was originally designed.

Yes, with the mobile version. Because I do not play mobile.
Do you not understand what I meant by caution, now? They are now making it a PC game, whatever it was on mobile is irrelevant. It needs to play like a continuation of Deus Ex 3 on PC. Not a dumbed down version. So yes, follow this with caution...
Looks like a lot of people are upset that it's a mobile port, WELL NO SHIT. Do people not read gaming news sites? I bought this knowing it was a mobile game (and I needed the original Deus Ex). The only problem I see so far is that I can't reconfigure the KB/M controls (I don't use WASD). I've not really started playing, just had time to start it up. Maybe if the controls worked on a mobile device then a gamepad would be adequate for this game.