Diablo 3 wish


Jun 24, 2004
You know, after getting into the hype over the Diablo 3 announcement, I just had to go ahead and install Diablo 2 over the holiday weekend and give it a try. Before anyone says anything, I tried the original Diablo about a year ago and couldn't play it. The graphics were just too bad for me to endure. At the time, Diablo was the shit. I played that game over and over many times. I still think it's one of the best games ever, but the graphics are bad enough I can't even try it again.

So I installed D2 and fired it up. I cringed at the graphics but forced myself to play anyway. Not too bad. I was actually having fun until I decided to stop and get a bite to eat. Hmmmm... Save and Exit? Oh well, as long as I can save. Tried that and when I came back to start playing again, I found I was back in town instead of where I'd saved. Oh yeah, that's why I only played Diablo 2 the one time only... :rolleyes:

Here's my wish that Diablo 3 goes back to the original Diablo style of saving the game, you know, like just about every other computer game made.

My fingers are crossed... :D
Perhaps for single player. Would ruin multiplayer I imagine.
This wouldn't work because the maps are random unless you are talking about single player. There are waypoints which act as checkpoints that you can warp to from town.

You could try Titan Quest I think it saves your location, maybe that game would suit your style.
Ah, okay, I guess I should have specified singleplayer. Sorry about that. Yeah, multiplayer is a completely different story... ;)
Waypoints? Ok it is slightly annoying searching for the next waypoint when you're really tired and gotta go to sleep or have a appointment or whatever, but cmon that really isn't that big of a deal:p
it's been said, but you probably need this repeated quite a few times. WAYPOINTS?

I've never encountered a time in D2 where I would want to save myself exactly where I was. That doesn't even make sense to me in this game.
Okay, if your opinion differs from mine, that's cool, but not making sense? Are you kidding me? I played through about an hour or two of D2 on Saturday and still didn't get to the next place, so when I loaded back up I still had the whole area to go through again to move on. That is what doesn't make sense. I'm not playing a console game. I want to be able to save, exactly where I am and load up from there. That way I don't have to waste time backtracking through areas I've already cleared out in order to move on. If I feel like cleaning an area out again, to get more experience or loot, that's one thing, but I like it to be optional. I know the waypoints let you get back and forth quicker, but it would still be much better to just be able to save, close and come back where you were when you next launch the game. I don't see where that's asking too much.
Okay, if your opinion differs from mine, that's cool, but not making sense? Are you kidding me? I played through about an hour or two of D2 on Saturday and still didn't get to the next place, so when I loaded back up I still had the whole area to go through again to move on. That is what doesn't make sense. I'm not playing a console game. I want to be able to save, exactly where I am and load up from there. That way I don't have to waste time backtracking through areas I've already cleared out in order to move on. If I feel like cleaning an area out again, to get more experience or loot, that's one thing, but I like it to be optional. I know the waypoints let you get back and forth quicker, but it would still be much better to just be able to save, close and come back where you were when you next launch the game. I don't see where that's asking too much.
I played through about an hour or two of D2 on Saturday and still didn't get to the next place, so when I loaded back up I still had the whole area to go through again to move on.

What build are you using that it takes an hour to get from one waypoint to the next?
If it takes you a hour or two to get to the next area, you are either a terrible player, or are TRYING to make it take aslong as possible.

The randomly generated levels are as core to the gameplay as left clicking. If you dont like it, you should probably be playing something else.
It could take that long if they play like a completionist. You know, exploring every foot of the randomly generated levels, going into every cave/tomb/clickable object. I have a habit of doing that sort of thing too, but I can't recall it ever taking more than an hour to find the next waypoint, with the exception of longer dungeon areas.

Mmm, lots to explore. Maybe that's why I dig game environments like stalker. Guess we'll see how D3 does it.
It could take that long if they play like a completionist. You know, exploring every foot of the randomly generated levels, going into every cave/tomb/clickable object. I have a habit of doing that sort of thing too, but I can't recall it ever taking more than an hour to find the next waypoint, with the exception of longer dungeon areas.

Mmm, lots to explore. Maybe that's why I dig game environments like stalker. Guess we'll see how D3 does it.

That's pretty much it. I clear the entire area and don't like going to a waypoint unless I clear the surrounding area. Takes a very long time. I have nothing against randomly generated levels, but saving where you are doesn't mean levels can't be random.
That's pretty much it. I clear the entire area and don't like going to a waypoint unless I clear the surrounding area. Takes a very long time. I have nothing against randomly generated levels, but saving where you are doesn't mean levels can't be random.

Well it kind of does, and kind of doesn't. In one way, if the level is random, you could never "save where you are"... cause the next time you login... where you were, is much different then where you are. However, the game could calculate your distance from the nearest Way point, or entrance, and then for the new map, place you at a similar distance. Since D2 won't ever get a change like that, just learn to search out the WP as your first priority. That way you can clear the level, click on everything, sell items, explore without worrying about logging out and back in and being lost. Know what I mean.
Still wouldn't work unless the game was like 20x longer. Then you wouldn't have people leveling up very high because everythign would be done already. They would have to make some option to reset all the enemies.
Didn't Diablo let you save right where you were? I thought for sure it did. I know Morrowind, Oblivion and several other RPG's let you save that way and still had enough content for people to level up just fine. Just because you save where you are, doesn't mean the area wouldn't respawn the mobs and you would be able to go through again if needed for more experience/loot.
Diablo 2 is... well... about the size of one building in Morrowind...
That's pretty much it. I clear the entire area and don't like going to a waypoint unless I clear the surrounding area. Takes a very long time. I have nothing against randomly generated levels, but saving where you are doesn't mean levels can't be random.

Sounds like the problem is with you, not the game. Just click on the waypoint to activate. You don't even have to travel back to town. I don't see what the big deal is.
I guess the big deal is it's a PITA. What's wrong with the game just saving where I'm at? Is that too hard to program or something?
I know in Diablo 1, the maps didn't randomize every time you jumped in to play as long as you were playing offline-singleplayer. I thought this was the case with D2 as well? I can't really remember though, as I really only played multiplayer in D2 where jumping back in would make sense to have a refreshed world.
I really hope they dont do Diablo 3 like the OP wants it. Because whats gonna happen when you finally beat "Hell" mode in single player... What are you gonna use to keep leveling up if you already cleared everything?

Stop being lazy and search for the waypoints.
I guess the big deal is it's a PITA. What's wrong with the game just saving where I'm at? Is that too hard to program or something?

Yes. The game level completely changes whenever you leave and start or continue a new game. Your old position does NOT exist in the new map *at all*. The WP system was designed to let people go back to the same level where they were previously.

Sorry, this is how they designed the game. Most likely, Diablo 3 will have the same design as they want to keep randomly generated levels as part of the game. There's just no way to put you back as to where you were when you quit if that location no longer exists. Putting you the same distance from the WP/next area/previous area is no good because those 3 things can easily change positions and not to mention it can put you right in the middle of a pack of monsters.
Okay, believe it or not I understand the explanations of why you can't save with the waypoint system. My question is why use the waypoint system at all? The original Diablo worked fine with the save system it had and was a fun and compelling game. I guess my answer to what you would do after hell level in SP is, play MP instead. Diablo randomized the levels so that every time you went in the layout and such was different and that varied things enough to go through the same levels 3 times (all three difficulty levels). Personally, by that time I was getting bored with doing the same levels over and over, randomized or not. Diablo 2 I stopped playing as soon as I beat the game once. The only time I played it again was to pick it back up when the expansion pack came out.
I for one dont like random generated levels. Its quite weird that youre in the same town and everytime you go out it becomes something completely different.

Replayability doesnt always means new map... Its not my job to tell them what to do, but hopefully they would implement something else rather than random generated levels
Okay, believe it or not I understand the explanations of why you can't save with the waypoint system. My question is why use the waypoint system at all? The original Diablo worked fine with the save system it had and was a fun and compelling game.

You need the waypoint system because, for a lot of people that play D2, the replayability comes from doing boss runs and getting good loot. I mean sure, you could do runs without waypoints, but if I had to run all the way through act 5 to get to baal to do 1 run I would probably just put the game down all together after beating it once.
Its my biggest gripe with D2. What if you are in the middle of a level (some of the LOD levels are HUGE) and you need to go do something IRL or have to stop for a few days? Just leave it running? Only lame console games don't have saves wherever you want.

I do like waypoints (for teleporting), but the D1 save system was vastly more convenient than D2's

And the whole argument of (its harder which makes it a better game, go play hello kity noob) is fucking lame.
Here is a simple solution for you... make a town portal and alt tab if you just HAVE to leave right that minute instead of finding the next waypoint.
The game uses very little resources since it is ancient ;)

Most of us think of the game as a pseudo MMO. That is why we look at you crazy when you mention a save feature.
Yeah, but I'm talking about my hopes for how D3 will be done, not with how D2 already is. D2 may not be very resource intensive, but I'm guessing D3 will raise the bar a bit.
Here is a simple solution for you... make a town portal and alt tab if you just HAVE to leave right that minute instead of finding the next waypoint.
The game uses very little resources since it is ancient ;)

Most of us think of the game as a pseudo MMO. That is why we look at you crazy when you mention a save feature.

I dont care what people consider it or how they label it. modern PC games should be able to save whenever you want, period. Thats just an opinion of course. Some of us turn our PC's off at night or when we goto work, etc. Just leaving it running because a game cant save is silly.
Some of us turn our PC's off at night or when we goto work, etc. Just leaving it running because a game cant save is silly.

I'll agree with this part. If they can find a way to make the enemies respawn when you can save at any point without having loading screens, I'd be all for it.

If my only options are D1 where you get 16 levels of enemies and that's it, no backtracking for a little boost; or D2 where you save and quit, but can go back to any previous level and hunt for new items or re-kill a boss. I'll take the D2 method.

They might try a time based respawn, but we'll see when the game is out
I understand the point of backtracking or re-doing a level to get more XP and such, but there has to be a better way to do it. Restart game at level/quest/waypoint X/whatever
i'd like to see npc mercenary commands. i'm tired of my merc jumping into battle only to get killed and not following me when i'm trying to retreat, lol.