DId I Void My eVGA Warranty?


Limp Gawd
Sep 8, 2006
I ripped off that white sticker on the back of my eVGA 8800gts so I don't have the serial number. Is my warranty now screwed? If I ever have to RMA the card, I would have to provide the serial number right? Damn, please tell me there's another way to get the serial number.
Arcygenical said:
Do you have your box?

How did you order it? Newegg shows the serial number in the invoice you recieve in your e-mail when its shipped most of the time maybe others do this as well.

EDIT: Sorry, just looked its on my box too Arcygenical was right. If you lost the box try what i said above.
My box has the serial number on it...


or somehting liket that.
Skunt said:
I ripped off that white sticker on the back of my eVGA 8800gts so I don't have the serial number. Is my warranty now screwed? If I ever have to RMA the card, I would have to provide the serial number right? Damn, please tell me there's another way to get the serial number.

∞Velocitymaster∞ said:
Maybe he try to install custom VGA cooling fan and heatsink?

But even then..... how thick can that sticker possibly be? Being that it is on the backside too.... :confused:
well he is not responding to his thread yet, but maybe the sticker got in the way of the custom cooling plater that use the hold the heatsink down.
Is true I don't see why he has to remove it. I install this really cool cooler that blows air out of my case. I have the 6800GT and OC it to Ultra speed. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16835186133
like in the pic, the sticker is not in the way on my card.

are those pubic hairs I see in the carpet? :)

and my guess is that he removed the sticker cause it doesn't look cool :p
Damn, I'm retarded I panicked like a such a pansy I didn't realize the box has sticker with serial number as well. Thanks guys.
Skunt said:
Damn, I'm retarded I panicked like a such a pansy I didn't realize the box has sticker with serial number as well. Thanks guys.

:D :D :D I wiiiin.

*that was immature, Im sorry*
has anyone had a card fry because they placed it on carpet? i mean its not like its being rubbed back and forth. i've done it with multiple components, not the smartest thing i know, i've either been lucky or this static thing is way overrated.
HotShotMedic said:
has anyone had a card fry because they placed it on carpet? i mean its not like its being rubbed back and forth. i've done it with multiple components, not the smartest thing i know, i've either been lucky or this static thing is way overrated.

I have never put my computer parts on carpet. Most likely 99% of the time nothing will happen but its just one of those things you dont do. All it would take is accidentally rubbing your hand on the carpet while your picking it up and bye bye video card.