Dirtiest Computer


Dec 1, 2006
What is the dirtiest computer you have ever seen? Inside and out. Post em here!
I believe this has been posted several times before...
I never took a picture, but I had to laugh when a friend, who always gives me grief about my bachelor housecleaning methods, brought me her computer to work on. When I took off the front bezel piece, there was enough pet hair and dust there to FILL one of those Seagate clamshells that they ship their hard drives in!!! :eek:

Needless to say, she was a bit embarrassed about it, when I showed it to her!! :D
I support the 2 computers my folks use. They have 2 bassets who shed like crazy, and they stuck one of the towers on the floor. I pulled enough dog hair outa that thing to knit a sweater. The HSF was caked in it, and the mobo fan wasn't even turning because dog hair had wrapped itself around the spindle and frozen the fan. The front case fan looked like a new biological experiment. Picture a muffin fan with a luxurious fur coat and you've pretty much got it. I was half tempted to glue googly eyes on the thing and sell it as a novelty. The ram was completely hidden - you couldn't tell where it was at all because of the dog hair.
Woah, this has? Sorry there, I didn't see it when I searched.

Yeah a couple times, I think it's burried in the gallery somewhere. There were some vomit inducing cases...absolutley nasty.
First computer I ever built. Cheap case and the fact that my little brother now has it, means that it's a big ass dust bucket:

Dirty enough for you?
Worked on a guys system who was a chain smoker, all components caked in a sticky resin and dust which was more like a crust. Mouse barely worked, removed mouseball and whole guts of mouse ball housing was literally caked with a NICOTINE CHEESE!!! and the stench could gag a maggot.
Probably part of the reason the computer above is so messed up, I chained smoked in the last house I lived in (back when I owned that computer), but in this house I smoke outside.

The dust and dirt and grime and other crap was infected with bacteria grouth and other horrible shit...

The horror.....*shudders*...

Dells sucks at making computers NOT designed as air filters. Those computers collect dust more then any others.
I wanted to take pics of a NASTY computer i had to work in, but was afraid my camera would get messed up by such gross pics. stock Intel fan was completely stuffed with dirt, tarr, and w/e else was in there...
Dells sucks at making computers NOT designed as air filters. Those computers collect dust more then any others.

You smoke or something? That looks like smoke tar + dust.
When I was a tech at compusa I had a mac se in that was 100% smoke buildup dust inside. Orange cake.

we ate it with some katchup mm
Bacteria infections suck.

Never clean an computer THAT dirty without gloves. The insulation one.
I worked on a computer that was pretty bad once...

Ranch (dust) + cats + smoker = I'm charging extra!

I had to replace every fan in the case because they had all seized up from the dust, cat hair, and tar. Needless to say, I wore a face mask and elbow-length rubber gloves while working on that thing :eek:
I showed the owner the inside of the computer before I cleaned it...he's now on a nicotine patch :p
I worked on a computer that was pretty bad once...

Ranch (dust) + cats + smoker = I'm charging extra!

I had to replace every fan in the case because they had all seized up from the dust, cat hair, and tar. Needless to say, I wore a face mask and elbow-length rubber gloves while working on that thing :eek:
I showed the owner the inside of the computer before I cleaned it...he's now on a nicotine patch :p

Word. I'd charge double.

Thats disgusting, and the sad part is that we breathe in the same air our computers consume... imagine all the crap we get into our systems :eek:
Yeah, everytime you pick your nose, sneeze, cough, spit, and blow your nose you're cleaning out something.
There should be something like, buy computer, vacuum cleaner included.

Next on Dirty Jobs by Mike Rowe:
Dirtest Computers.
HAHAHA yeah, some one who works as a computer cleaner/refurbisher should go to the site and give that guy an idea for a episode segment. I heard they're getting pretty desperate now.
Now I have had a system that was bad (I had a system in a woodwork room, it had a dead spider in it with a web as well as loads of saw dust)

I really thought that I would win this but, my god!!! It’s no where near the winner + I have no pics. Even so, finding a rather large dead spider in a sealed case not only gave me the fright of my life it also begged the question of the hell did it get in there?

This system had not been turned off for 2 years and the only gaps where via the fan vents!