Disney Comments on EA Star Wars Partnership


Mar 3, 2018
EA has an exclusive license to produce Star Wars games, but there's been plenty of outrage on the internet focused on what they've chosen to do with that license. Multiple promising projects, like another KOTOR or a "Star Wars Uncharted" game have allegedly been canceled or turned down, while other high profile releases like the latest Battlefront launched with their own controversy. The Rogue One writer even blasted EA recently, but apparently, Disney's executives don't feel the same way. During their Q1 2019 Earnings Conference Call, Disney's CEO mentioned that company has a "good relationship" with EA, and reiterated that they'll continue to outsource game development and publishing to other companies. KitGuru, who spotted the EA bit, notes that there are 4 years left on EA's Star Wars license. At their own conference call, EA said "You'll start to see in the next few months glimpses of the Star Wars game, and I think you'll be blown away by what you see. We played 20-plus minutes of it last week, and it is exceptional in terms of its level of polished depth and living inside of the Star Wars world as a Jedi. I think people will be blown away by it," but they didn't specifically comment on their partnership with Disney.

Robert Iger -- Chairman and Chief Executive Officer: In the video game business, we're obviously mindful of the size of the business. Over the years, as you know, we've tried our hand at self-publishing. We've bought companies. We've sold companies. We've bought developers. We've closed developers. We've found over the years that we haven't been particularly good at the self-publishing side, but we've been great at the licensing side, which obviously doesn't require that much allocation of capital. Since we're allocating capital in other directions, even though we have the ability to allocate the capital, we've just decided that the best place for us to be in that space is licensing and not publishing. We've had good relationships with some of those we're licensing to, notably EA and the relationship on the "Star Wars" properties. We're going to continue to stay on that side of the business and put our capital elsewhere. We're good at making movies and television shows and theme park attractions and cruise ships and the like. We've just never managed to demonstrate much skill on the publishing side of games.
We're good at making movies and television shows and theme park attractions and cruise ships and the like. We've just never managed to demonstrate much skill on the publishing side of games.

Well neither has EA, not in many many years! We are not asking you Disney to develop and publish the games yourself, we are asking you to sell the IP for someone else. EA is the biggest but also the worst publisher out there.
The fact that he said "blown away" twice in a single statement tends to make me think it might be just a little bit of hype.
CEO = Can't even Organize

I just made that up but hey Disney holds alot of rights to say Marvel Comics and EA relationship. They should just make a MMO called Walt Disney and battle Disney Villains.
Battle all of the Villians from the Movies while you just play say a regular guy or gal that could be fun. Make it a theme park setting with Donald Duck instructing you in the starting tutorial.
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For like, one, hot second I initially thought Disney would make Star Wars great again... Then Kathleen Kennedy took over and split the fanbase. Introducing hatred and a constant dressing down of the core fan base and pushing agendas. Then they signed EA... They should have spun the IP off internally to Lucas Arts (by retaining their talent base) .... Or some other hungry developer that actually would give a damn.

I have zero faith in EA or Disney ATM.
Stay on target:

Give me up updated Tie Fighter vs. X-Wing.
If I'm recalling this correctly... X-Wing Alliance is still getting updates from the modding community... And the game is ancient. I played it as a kid. People still love the setting, just there's been zero vision for it in decades...
Force Unleashed 2 was the last decent SW game I played and its almost ten year old, ugh.
I was waiting for 1313... Before it got turned on it's ass and revamped into a Boba Fett game. Gone are the days where you could play a new hero without being an established one.

Just think, that's how Kyle Katarn came about (Dark Forces) and that spawned like 5-6 games including a Mara Jade spin off and Jedi Academy stuff. The expanded universe (now legends) was a better setting to build games off of. Now... They just steal a myriad of ideas from it and make up new, bizarre stuff that makes no sense .
This all comes down to the wanton amount of cash necessary to deliver a Star Wars game. Investment and marketing wise we're talking about a hundred million dollars. Disney and hollywood is all about producers and investors that get on board with financing films. This doesn't exist in video gaming to the same degree, necessitating developers to shoulder the entire load. I don't see Disney making a real AAA star wars title ever.
I will continue to ignore all EA SW-related news unless it includes an announcement of KOTOR I and II remasters plus a legitimate, agenda-free sequel/prequel.
Really did anyone think they would blast each other in public interviews or conference calls?

Disney, sees video games just like their toy industry. Disposable profit.
EA, sees Star Wars as an exploitable resource to profit from for 10 years.

Expecting either party to view the Star Wars brand in any other light is a pipe dream.
Stay on target:

Give me up updated Tie Fighter vs. X-Wing.

The developing team (Totally Games) that created those games doesn't even exist anymore.

There's a homegrown re-make of the original X-Wing written for the Unity Engine: X-Wing Virtual Machine.

The good news is that's still 93' X-Wing, just with a modern graphics engine. You actually need the original game (floppy, CD, Tie95,GoG or Steam) to install the mod.

The bad news is that it's still 93' X-Wing. They haven't released yet. But I shall watch with great interest.
The developing team (Totally Games) that created those games doesn't even exist anymore.

There's a homegrown re-make of the original X-Wing written for the Unity Engine: X-Wing Virtual Machine.

The good news is that's still 93' X-Wing, just with a modern graphics engine. You actually need the original game (floppy, CD, Tie95,GoG or Steam) to install the mod.

The bad news is that it's still 93' X-Wing. They haven't released yet. But I shall watch with great interest.

Yes, but it's a great example of a game that had legs. First the original, then the mission packs, then the re-release on CD. Someone should mention to EA that good games not only sell well but do so multiple times, maybe it'd help them!
I don't expect either to treat the franchise right so all the reassurances do is confirm that they're sticking with an awful publisher despite the criticism. It's hardly surprising but it certainly doesn't make me feel any better about future SW games.
The only way to affect any change is to stop watching/buying anything Star Wars. But let's be honest, nerds will still line up around the block for it.

And Han shot first.
I soycotted all the new Disney movies except the first one.
I soycotted all the new Disney movies except the first one.

Including the Marvel ones, because they're actually pretty good so far, but will likely go to the SJWs after Endgame.

As for EA and Star Wars, I guess we are in for another 5 - 10 years of shitty and under represented Star Wars games. To tide us over (aside from XvT as posted above) Empire at War is a great game.
CEO = Can't even Organize

I just made that up but hey Disney holds alot of rights to say Marvel Comics and EA relationship. They should just make a MMO called Walt Disney and battle Disney Villains.
Battle all of the Villians from the Movies while you just play say a regular guy or gal that could be fun. Make it a theme park setting with Donald Duck instructing you in the starting tutorial.

Reminds me of Kingdom Hearts
Fuck EA.

Twice... just cos they wiped out Origin Systems and now use Origin as their spyware infested steam copy.
There have been so few good SW games over the years. Jedi Knight 2 and Jedi Academy were great. KoToR was fantastic of course.

Other than that I really can't think of any stand out titles.
it's better that they don't make any game at all rather then develop a mediocre or bad SW game
For like, one, hot second I initially thought Disney would make Star Wars great again... Then Kathleen Kennedy took over and split the fanbase. Introducing hatred and a constant dressing down of the core fan base and pushing agendas. Then they signed EA... They should have spun the IP off internally to Lucas Arts (by retaining their talent base) .... Or some other hungry developer that actually would give a damn.

I have zero faith in EA or Disney ATM.

I'm honestly more tired of hearing people whine about what Disney has done to Star Wars than I am pissed at what Disney is actually doing to Star Wars.
I'm honestly more tired of hearing people whine about what Disney has done to Star Wars than I am pissed at what Disney is actually doing to Star Wars.
It's not really what they did or didn't do to Star Wars. It has more to do with how they treat their fan base. If you don't like the direction Disney is taking, you get insulted, called names and essentially told that you are either racist or some minority hate group. Disney never understood star wars, the fans and why people loved/love the franchise. They put someone in charge of (technically Lucas even had a had in this) Lucasfilm that pushed "The Force is Feminine", which is fine... up until that becomes a Mary Sue kind of thing, that spits in the faces of all the people that grew up with the core characters. You have female leads, don't care, I didn't really have an issue with Rey. But when your writing is shit... its shit. People didn't like all the things Lucas did with the franchise while he had it, however, he didn't go onto social media and attack fans for their criticism. He actually listened and tried to give them what they wanted while still adhering to his vision. All without a single negative comment leveled at the fan base. That's not Disney. For a company that made their fortune on the basis that they were family oriented... they should be ashamed of themselves. Yet, they are anything but that. Because they only care about one thing, pure profit. It's the only reason why the slowed they films down. To make us want the films more. Market analysis shows their Star Wars toy line screwed them, they lost millions and when people started boycotting star wars films they lost more... or rather started making less.

Solo wasn't a bad film, it was one of the better ones that came out of Disney. However, it didn't turn out the expected amount (shy of 400 million by 30+) being the lowest earner of the films. They hit the breaks. Hopefully they learned something, if not, no one will see their next wave of films or buy their toys.
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I enjoyed the The Ewok Adventure movie … that is all.

I owned both of those movies growing up. They were truly terrible.

The reality is that there have only been 3 exceptional Star Wars movies (although I enjoyed Rogue One) The rest have been pretty terrible.