Do Humanlike Machines Deserve Human Rights?

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
And the award for ridiculous story of the day goes to this Wired article on "rights for robots."

With advanced robotics becoming cheaper and more commonplace, the challenge isn't how we learn to accept robots—but whether we should care when they're mistreated. And if we start caring about robot ethics, might we then go one insane step further and grant them rights?
how about we work on treating all humans equal before we start granting robots rights some humans dont even have.
What is the date that Skynet becomes self aware again?

August 27, 1997

But that was before Sarah Connor destroyed Miles Dyson's notes on the Terminator designs. It's some time in 2011 I think in the Sarah Connor Chronicles, getting later all the time as they do little things to alter the timeline.

I'm a nerd.
Read Issac Asimov's Bicentennial Man. It'll give you a lot of insights on how self-thinking machines deserve the same rights as human beings.

It's an awesome book. Robin Williams did a great job portraying the character in the movie.
Once robots are able to receive and understand pain then I will start caring.
I know there are plenty of people who will just blow this off, but I think we shouldn't be so quick to ignore the question. As robots become more and more capable and intelligent, it is an interesting moral question. Especially when they become sentient- just because we create them doesn't mean we have the right to mistreat them. Elmo certainly shouldn't have rights, he's nowhere near sentient- but when the time comes for us to build machines that are sentient, this will have to be addressed, and I suspect the answer will be yes.
OCP begs to differ, remember to them Robocop was "just a machine", and he had a human brain!
A good idea to get this worked out now, so that when the question does become pertinent 20 or so years in the future we aren't flailing about trying to figure out what to do with our sentient metal and polymer friends(war machines, vacuum cleaners?:p).
I know there are plenty of people who will just blow this off, but I think we shouldn't be so quick to ignore the question. As robots become more and more capable and intelligent, it is an interesting moral question. Especially when they become sentient- just because we create them doesn't mean we have the right to mistreat them. Elmo certainly shouldn't have rights, he's nowhere near sentient- but when the time comes for us to build machines that are sentient, this will have to be addressed, and I suspect the answer will be yes.

when the sentient robot revolution comes, I will be on their side.
But what happens when robots become so advanced that they can be made to look and act exactly like humans, to the last detail.. then when we deny them rights, ridicule them, torture them, enslave them, we will become so accustomed to this behavior that we may begin to transfer this behavior it to real humans since it's so difficult to tell them apart.. all hypothetical stuff but interesting to think about
Does this make overclocking computer abuse?
or cheating :D

lol "I'd like to introduce to you, the BB5000 (Barry Bonds)... "

I also got to side with Ferrariman60... while it's easy to dismiss it now, since real human like AI is pretty far off yet (probably not in our lifetime at least). If and when we're able to implement that technology, along with feelings and other "artificial" emotions, this moral question will no doubt come up along with a "civil rights" era for robots

kind of far out to think about, but the argument is valid
Come on Steve, you know the rules. Where's the poll?

And I vote no.
Once tech goes that far, I'll be going abck to hand tools and books. It will be yet another class for the socialists to pander to.
My first response would be no...but then I thought about it a little, answer is still no.

Unless they are very sexy robots, then and only then they can be treated like a prostitute.:D
Yeah I will have to say no. We hardly give some humans rights not to mention animals... but yet we're discussing robot rights, lol.
Better to have this discussion now than to have it when we're living in caves hiding from machine hunters.

And the "why give them rights when there are humans without rights" argument is invalid in the extreme. Why give <insert minorty here> rights when they don't have rights in <insert 3rd world shithole here>? See how that works?

All sentient life should enjoy liberty, to oppress one just because the other is oppressed is evil.
Well Skynet isn't too far off in the near future it looks like. With this article and a article I read a couple months ago about the military wanting to program the Geneva convention laws into robots/AI, Skynet is obviously being built.
I am recruiting to form the international army of robot rights defenders. Who's with me?
Didn't Captain Picard already prove that beings like Data are sentient and thus have the same rights as any other sentient being?

Guys, Star Trek was and is fake.

So is SkyNet.

This isn't the Matrix either.