Do I really have to flash my BIOS??


Feb 24, 2005
So I've been doing some looking and playing with my 6600GT AGP, and I'd really like to know what the temps are on this thing. All of the research I've found leads me to flashing the card's BIOS to enable the temp sensor function in the control panel for this card. Now, how stupid is that? I want to know my temps, and I really don't feel like flashing the card's BIOS to do it.

Are there any alternatives to this? If I can't find another way, I think I'm going to just sell it and move on honestly. I like to know my temps...

By the way it is an eVGA 6600GT.
no, you would be taking a huge ass risk. although the action is up to you, i would not do it. your risking your card.

what should you do? i would buy a thermal sensor and just attach it to it that way, but that's what id do.
mETRo, keep a PCI video card around incase the flash goes wrong, you can boot with it and reflash the old BIOS to the 6600GT, just save the old one to a floppy. That eliminates all risk.
I don't have a PCI card around if something were to go wrong. But I guess my main point was, what's the point of including a thermal sensor on all of the 6600 chipsets and NOT enabling them? Regardless of whether or not people overclock, we should be able to know what our temps are without risking our cards or our warranty. I'd go buy a sensor and use it, but honestly I don't feel I should have to. I guess what I'm going to do is sell it and upgrade to a 6800GT, probably BFG since I know for sure their cards all come with temp sensors enabled.

I have had zero problems with this eVGA card, it's been perfect, but I want to know my temps and I don't feel comfortable risking my card or being denied of my warranty if something were to go wrong. I guess it's just one more point BFG has over eVGA, and although a small one, it's one of the things I am looking for.
don't bother, just go down to the store and buy one of those temp sensor dealies..

i bought one that was for a car from an auto parts store (one of those in out setups) for 5$..

i disassembled the outside sensore downto the actual temp sensor.. the one i got was small enough i could stick it pretty much anyware to tell the temps of most of the components..

but don't get too obsessed with temps..

as long as your card is working fine, the temperature is probably fine..
I'm not overly obsessed with temps, but I feel that I shouldn't have to take extra measures to see what they are when my hardware supports a said feature that the "software" won't show me. I may pick up one of those temp sensors you mentioned if I can find one in my area, I'd just rather not have to.

As I said, I just like to know what my temps are, as I have 2 HD's, 2 optical drives, an Antec TP 2.0 430W PSU (only one 120mm fan on the bottom), Prescott P4 2.8 OC'ed to 3.21, 5.1 sound card and the 6600GT all packed into an Antec solution series case with only one 80mm intake and one 80mm exhaust fan. My temps get up there even with good wire management to inprove airflow (enough to warm my bedroom up about 8-10 degrees more than the rest of the house), and being able to see what they are just gives me peace of mind.

Do you have a part or model number for the sensor you found? If it comes to it, I'd like to spend as little as possible on this since I really shouldn't have to be paying anything out of pocket to begin with.
I did the BIOS mod to my 6600GT, and although it was easy, I was scared as hell when I reflashed it :eek:
Thankfully, I got the hex edit right and I can now read my temps :D

Just fallow the directions TO THE LETTER and you'll be fine (being comfortable with a hex editor helps to! :p )