do i really need to use the boot camp drivers?


Jun 18, 2004
So I just got a new alum macbook for work. There's a possibility that they will let me boot camp winxp as they bought me a full version to run in vm fusion. I'd rather run it natively as I'm not a big fan of some of the differences between the osx and windows. But why isn't the issue here, my question is, if I boot camp winxp, do i have to use all the drivers that apple supplies or can I pick and choose or update them afterwards? Or since its apple hardware do I have to use their drivers? I'm thinking mostly about teh nvidia graphics and that i want ot use multiple monitors with nview.
What I always do is use the Bootcamp drivers first, to get my system stable, then download the latest and greatest from the vendor. But use the Bootcamp disk because it comes with the trackpad drivers and such that you won't find anywhere else.