Do you GPU?


[H]F Junkie
Sep 26, 2001
Looking to get a census here. How many of you are GPU folding and plan to stick with it?

The why will come later. :D
No, because I don't have a card and it's a giant conspiracy to keep me from getting a card.

marty9876 said:
No, because I don't have a card and it's a giant conspiracy to keep me from getting a card.


Actually, your right. When organizing something, the first thing we always ask is how we can keep marty from winning.

I say were doing damn good as succeeding :D

And, to stay on topic.... Not folding on a GPU, but thats because I have an Nvidia card and don't have the means to buy a new card right now. The next upgrade will be an R600... and then watch out :cool:
marty9876 said:
No, because I don't have a card and it's a giant conspiracy to keep me from getting a card.

only reason, you'll be banned by then :eek:
I would be if I could be :D

Keep on Folding!! For the [H]orde!!

Used to, is a hassle to deal with it as I game a lot at the moment.
Jon855 said:
Used to, is a hassle to deal with it as I game a lot at the moment.

be interesting if more folks felt this way.
JaYp146 said:
If only Nvidia cards supported folding ...

Correction - only the Folding Dev Team supports nVidia. they chose ATi cause it's superior to nVidia at the time and well tis still superior...

ATi > nVidia
AtomicMoose said:
Looking to get a census here. How many of you are GPU folding and plan to stick with it?

The why will come later. :D

Yes. Four X1900XTX and one X1900XT. Folding is the only thing you can do with a motherboard that supports PCI-E, right? RIGHT?! :p
Macaholic said:
Yes. Four X1900XTX and one X1900XT. Folding is the only thing you can do with a motherboard that supports PCI-E, right? RIGHT?! :p

From what we've seen, you basically have a little over half an entire teraflop of folding power you're contributing just as yourself!! If you were to get 15 more up that, you'd have enough computing power to qualify for the top 500 supercomputers in the world. CRAZY!
7im said:
So spill it already, before Mary craps all over the place. ;)

you go back to your own forums(s)! Or is this an invite for me....

I was mearly trying to point out, in a rude fashion, Mac is one of the guys in the GPU vs. CPU race.
I'm stuck on a 6600GT AGP, so no folding goodness for me on GPU. If I get the money to buy a new machine and put a X19xx series card in it, I definitely will and fold on it. My friend said I might be able to run F@H on his PS3 when he gets it, so that would be good news, but not really relevant.

If they ever get around to nvidia cards i'd jump all over it, but not looking like that will happen with the current cards. Upgrading to whatever is next isn't an option for me right now. :(

Not now, I built a new box this spring with a 6800GS. Maybe Santa will bring a X1900 :D

Imitation said:
If they ever get around to nvidia cards i'd jump all over it, but not looking like that will happen with the current cards.

Agreed. I would love nVidia to have a solution.

will be soon!

So Moose, you got a GPU contest or something cooking?
BLUEFISH44 said:
I have a 1950XTX but only fold on the cpu on that machine. 2 clients running. :D

wrong logic-bet your 2 clients don't turn 660 ppd everyday, everyday
I did have it running, but when i looked back in on it the client had been shut down and my GPU was smoking hot. Not really sure what was going on. Any ideas?

Don't have a card to suit and likely never will. I upgraded from a P3 800 this past xmas. Software with high video demands is not something I seem to use.
The GPU temp was 102-103 Connect 3D manufactured it (well put thier stickeron it anyway) and the case is a antec P160W tower that stays under 40 at all times. I've had no problems with heat during any kind of game play or benchmarking.
I;m at work right now if i have time tonight i will get exact numbers for you.

eek.. Connect3D.. I had an overheating problem with one of their GPUs before.. they're a 'budget' card maker, and as such, they sometimes cut corners. I beleive they're like the ultra-low budget division of Sapphire. Anyways, I removed the HSF, and found that there was barely any thermal paste.. cleaned it off, applied some arctic silver 5, and fastened the HSF of the card back into place nice and tightly... seemed to fix the problem.. Dunno if you'd want to do that with your x1950xtx, I sure as hell would be nervous about it.. lol.

Connect3D isn't a brand I'd recommend to anyone that uses their GPU extensively or for very calculation-intensive tasks (eg. F@H).
I've got it running now and its trucking along @ about 77-78c sound about right or is she a little warm? and as for the C3D to be honest i really hadn't heard much about them but what I had heard about them was all good. So I wasn't really all that worried and if it comes down to having to put a new cooler on it the so be it, it would be a hell of a good time to learn being that i have never done it before.