Do you know the answer? Can one be assigned a "used" ip address?


Mar 16, 2009

Please forgive me with such a n00b question. However, I must know:

Lets say that a man named Brutus had a Comcast account. His ip was: 12.34.567.890. He cancels his service and moves to WoW! Cable.

Is it possible for his old ip address (12.34.567.890) to be given to a new person sometime in the future?

Can one ever be assigned an ip that was used years prior?

Sure.. In fact, this happens all the time.

If your modem requests and receives an IP address that address could have been used mere minutes before you got it (though unlikely).

"DHCP Lease" time...DHCP servers give a node an IP address based on a pre-configured lease time. Once that time period is up, the client will be given a new IP may be the same one, or it may be another one. But it will be from a large "pool" of IP addresses which the DHCP server is in charge of. Depends on how things are setup. Most home grade DSL accounts, that are dynamic IP accounts, change their IPs frequently. Cable often have the same IP address for quite some time.
"DHCP Lease" time...DHCP servers give a node an IP address based on a pre-configured lease time. Once that time period is up, the client will be given a new IP may be the same one, or it may be another one. But it will be from a large "pool" of IP addresses which the DHCP server is in charge of. Depends on how things are setup. Most home grade DSL accounts, that are dynamic IP accounts, change their IPs frequently. Cable often have the same IP address for quite some time.

Just like shaw cable :) you get a ip address some have had the same one for a year or so.

NOW lets not talk about TELUS! because those bitches SUCK! I hate telus with a passion! there service is shit, slow. No one speaks eglish, and when you talk to some one, they get you to do the simplest basic things, and if it doesn't work OR you don't wish to do the stuff you know wont work they promise you a level 2 manager to call you, witch never happens.

Telus = YUK!