Do you still play your wii?

Do you still your Wii

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Jan 30, 2004
I got my Wii late December 2006 and I stopped playing it all together probably about 1 month ago.

I only played Madden '07/'08 after the novelty of Wii Sports wore off and when I found that Madden '08 was a bust, I just gave up on the Wii.

That and the fact that my Wii broke twice and I had to get it RMA'd twice.

I think it's a great system, but until the next two games come out (Smash Brothers Brawl and Mario Kart), I think my Wii will just pick up dust.
Not really. After Wii Sports got boring the Virtual Console held my interest until the Metroid Prime 3 launch, but I didn't really get into it and haven't playd it since. Maybe Manhunt 2 and Fire Emblem will change that though.
I got mine in March and don't play it much anymore. However, there are so many games coming out for it, and games I don't have yet, that I'm quite sure I will be playing it much more in the future.
I got mine on launch day, have like 11 or 12 games and 5-6 VC games, meh.. the only game I really play is like mario party 8 with friends from time to time, not interested any games coming out for the wii except mario kart, its a fun party console but that is about it.
meh, after metroid prime 3 I haven't touched it. I'll probably rent Manhunt 2 and maybe that new puzzle game that came out (don't remember what it's called). I'm tempted to sell it before a price drop and maybe buy a used one a year from now when there's maybe some decent games :/
I think it's a great system, but until the next two games come out (Smash Brothers Brawl and Mario Kart), I think my Wii will just pick up dust.

Yea I'm waiting for those. I've had my wii since launch and have just played out all of the good games I was interested in(mario party, wario ware, rayman, excite truck, zelda, paper mario, wii sports, etc). Right now I'm waiting for some new games that interest me. A lot of people like MP3 but I just wasn't interested. VC games had kept me a little busy too.
oh gosh, did you forget about the lulz? why did you not put "with" after play?
I voted rarely/never. Any time I have goes to school/work/Halo3/girlfriend.

I'll be playing a ton more once Mario Kart, Smash Bros, and Galaxy comes out though. Plus I'm sure I'll pick up some classics as they start hitting bargain bins. Plus the slew of Gamecube games I bought with the Wii haven't been touched too much. I'm sure I'll eventually get around to them.

Plus, I don't exactly have enough inputs on my TV so the satellite box usually ranks over the Wii too.
Not too many games yet i think because the developers weren't ready yet. They expected the other consoles to sell better.

I thinky by like January we should have a lot of the big hits out by then. I play wii play though here and there occasionally almost every day. I mainly stay on the comp and game more than any console pretty much until some good games come out :)
Have it for close to a year now. Bought it during Japanese launch. Only have Wii Sports/ Cooking Mama/ Wii Play/ Zelda. Sold Zelda after a week since I cannot read Japanese.

Now only my kids will play from time to time. I guess each month the total utilization time is about 1 to 2 hours.

On the contrary, my PC and Xbox360 gets about 1 hour each day I think.
It's sitting in a box collecting dust =(

Wii sports was interesting for a few days, but the novelty wore out soon after that. I was going to dust it off this holiday season, but the game that I'm interested in got delayed.......
I've had it since launch and its been pretty much collecting dust. Only time I ever use it is when guess come over and want to try it. I have Zelda, Rayman, RE4, Super Swing Golf, Trauma Center, & Wii Sports.
Sadly yes... it hardly ever gets used. If Nintendo would get its games out in Europe on time, maybe not.
Haven't touched mine for about 2 months now was actually looking at offloading it....

Games are too gimmicky and until that is sorted I can't see this poll changing.
Voted rarely/never. I mostly just play party games on it with my friends when we all get together. It'll get more action when Smash rolls around, then it's a long wait for Okami.
Heh the Wii is kinda suffering reverse-PS3'itis...crazy launch, but sort of a dry spell now. :(

I'm in the same boat, just waiting for Galaxy, Brawl and Kart to breathe some life back into it. I hope there's a few good RPGs too...I dunno. I guess the problem is "well, make a game for the Wii, but it has to be the kind of game that you must use the Wiimote / motion sensing with". Seems that way anyways...
i've had my wii since last december.. i played it when i first got it.. then i didn't play over the summer (because i was away for the summer)

i started playing it again because of MP3.. but now i beat it.. so my wii will sit around till smash brothers comes out.. in the mean time.. my Xbox360 will keep me busy...

i don't play a lot of video games to begin with...
i got my wii november 2006 and it was fun for a bit but then decided to sell it in march, which was the best decision ever seeing how other people have responded. I knew i wouldnt play it much and the novelty of motion games would go away.

For me, the whole point of video games is to be lazy and not have to move. if i want to move, il go to the gym.
man what happened? i remember when around here the Wii was the thing to get, people standing in line forever (probably longer than they will ever play it in retrospect), paying ridiculous prices for them.....and all the 360/PS3 fans were getting bashed for saying the Wii was not worth buying...and now...look...;)
I haven't turned it on in months. I got RE4 Wii edition and never even got around to winning it again.

I might eventually get Metroid Prime 3, but it's not really urgent.

I bought the system for Smash Brothers, Mario Kart, and Mario Galaxy. Since none of those are out, it's gathering dust.
i bought it for the girl friend I played a little zelda, mario party 8, and super paper mario. The I bought her a DS... the wii hasn't been touched in forever.
man what happened? i remember when around here the Wii was the thing to get, people standing in line forever (probably longer than they will ever play it in retrospect), paying ridiculous prices for them.....and all the 360/PS3 fans were getting bashed for saying the Wii was not worth buying...and now...look...;)

for me.. there is no change in gaming habits though.. I have similar long periods of time not playing my Xbox360 as well.. not just the wii..
Mine gets more play that any of my other consoles.. :D

Wii Sports is still a blast when you have a age diverse group of people.

But I play way more on my computer than any thing else.

However, Thanksgiving will be upon us soon and that means family bowling tournament w00t.

QFT... Have family coming in from out of town so they will be all over it. Also, my inlaws got me GH3 for me so I will have that in about a week here. I usually play it when I get spare time. Just about finished with RE4, bout half way through Zelda, rented MP3 and got to the second planet. Right now it is just hard to play between work, school and planning a wedding. Fiance and I still find time to do a little Super Mario World on it but we are anxiously awaiting Galaxy and for the VC to release Super Mario 3. So it still gets a decent amount of play time each week.
i get 2-3 hours a day in.

I play
wii sports
super mario strikers
excite truck
mario party 8
Haven't played it since MP3, but I might grab Zack & Wiki... its that or The Witcher... hm...
Bought mine the second week it came out, played it for the next two weeks, sold it.
The system was great, but I personally could not see it going very far in what I wanted or needed in a console. I enjoyed it while I had it, but glad I sold it.
I had mine for about a month or so and then gave it to my nephew. It was fun, but not really for me. My nephew still has a blast with it though, so I don't regret the purchase.
It's interesting to see how many people stopped playing their wii after about a year of it being out.

There really aren't that many good games out for it which is disappointing.
I don't find this surprising. Of all of the non-gamers I know that own one (half of my office) the only game anyone actually plays is Wii Sports. For a ton of casual owners, the Wii is like a super advanced version of those single games that plug straight into your TV sans a console or an option to play anything else.
I guess I only play mine when a good game comes out (Zack and Wiki just came out, oh shit!) But... I assumed that was the normal thing to do for a games console? I play it once or twice a month, but thats not any different from any other console I've owned.
im going to be on my wii a TON next week once guitar hero 3 comes out.
Play RE 4 a lot. I really enjoy that game. Also play strikers a decent amount, but some people online are just way to gay to play against.

Zack and Wiki looks excellent, and got amazing reviews. Mario comes out in a few weeks, so that's a must have. Still want Prime 3 but i was never a fan of the series. I might wait to buy a Ps3 before getting GH3. Want to play some friends online who will have the Ps3 version.

I'm looking forward to the releases in the coming months.. Galaxy, Mariokart, Smash next year.. Can't freakin wait.

I play the Wii much more than I played other systems i've owned. I get so bored of video games so easily because they don't grab my attention (unless there is online play). With the experience the Wii provides it's a bit different, much more interesting. Multiplayer on the Wii is easily some of the most fun I've had since N64 days. Just too bad im not living at school anymore to play with tons of people.
I dont play it no more, but my little girls enjoy it. I see it more for little ones.
I bought it in Nov '06 to play Twilight Princess beat it in 2 weeks. Haven't picked it up since...Mario Galaxy to be released soon so I'll have a reason to play it again.