Do you still play your wii?

Do you still your Wii

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I voted "I don't own a Wii" because I sold my launch unit earlier this month.

I REALLY didn't want to, and I completely wasn't bored of it or anything, but I desperately needed cash.:(
i sold mine 2 weeks after i got it because it's not a machine for the hardcore's weaksauce.
i sold mine 2 weeks after i got it because it's not a machine for the hardcore's weaksauce.
It was never marketed to the hardcore gamer :p

I rarely play my Wii, but I frequently play my 360. I need to pickup the new Metroid game...
Wii is fun... but i dont play it. I see it more as a "social" console, something for a group of people to play at a party for laughs. Solo play on it is lacking i think... i got bored of zelda pretty quick.
Stopped playing it after a month. Now I only turn it on when company comes over now
I still play Wii-Sports once or twice a week.

Besides that I got mine in late Janurary and have played Zelda, Paper Mario and Metroid, all 3 games where excellent.

Now I'm just waiting primarily on Super Smash Brothers.

But November should still be good, I'm probably going to buy Empire Earth 3 and Call of Duty 4 first but after them I might take a look at Mario Galaxys and Fire Emblem if smash still isn't out by the time I'm done with the pc games.
yeah I still play with it

EDIT: I realize that the above statement sounds rather...odd in this context...
I still play the Wii, but only occasionally. Nintendo systems have always been party systems for me. They get the most play when I have a group of three or more friends over, playing Mario Kart, Smash Bros, etc. I'll probably dust off the Wii when Super Mario Galaxy comes out, but after that I don't think it'll get much play until February when Smash Bros. Brawl comes out.
I got mine a couple weeks ago used and played it for a couple hours. It's currently sitting on eBay hoping somebody will buy it soon. I thought my wife would enjoy playing it but she doesn't like to wave her hands around while playing games.
Mine rarely gets played, but neither does my Xbox360 or PS3. There just hasn't been much time for me to play these days between everything. However, seeing as I just quit my part time job and dumped my needy girlfriend I see a massive amount of video game time in my immediate future :D.

I knew all along that Wii games I would be interested in would be few and far between, but I still picked one up on launch day because I knew there'd be a couple exclusives every year that I would be dying to play. Resident Evil 4 has received the most attention from me so far. I was upset to hear that Project HAMMER was canceled though :(.
I actually gave mine to my grandparents, I just never played it. Grandparents love it though, gave me a call the other day talking about how much use it gets.
I acutally just sold mine on eBay about two hours ago for a ~$50 profit. I guess I can pay the rent this month now. :)
havent played mine in a while either. im somewhat interested in mario galaxy, but ive never liked a 3d mario. the last great mario game for me was super mario world (and the ds version 2).

ill get zak and wiki soon enough, but im really looking forward to no more heroes. after that, i think ill either sell it or give it to my gf.
picked up metroid yesterday (it just launched yesterday here in europe), and it got me playing again. the only other games i have are wii sports and wii play, which you get tired of in a few weeks

untill yesterday i think i hadnt touched it for a month or two, the 360 was far more interresting, but metroid is just awesome. the controll scheme isnt completely flawless, but it beats every other console shooter out there

in conclusion: W00t METROID PWNS!!!!!111!!1!one!!11
picked up metroid yesterday (it just launched yesterday here in europe), and it got me playing again. the only other games i have are wii sports and wii play, which you get tired of in a few weeks

untill yesterday i think i hadnt touched it for a month or two, the 360 was far more interresting, but metroid is just awesome. the controll scheme isnt completely flawless, but it beats every other console shooter out there

in conclusion: W00t METROID PWNS!!!!!111!!1!one!!11

Yea, Metroid Prime 3 is probably the best single player game on the wii right now.
Bought mine in April and had enomous fun with it for 2 months or so. Then the supply of fresh games went dry a little and i sold my Wii for a profit. Couldn't really stand waiting for great titles and not selling the console for a profit.

I'll probably pick one up again next year.
Where is the "Just bought one, still in box still Christmas" option? :p

Got one for the kids (and me), but waiting to open it.
Where is the "Just bought one, still in box still Christmas" option? :p

Got one for the kids (and me), but waiting to open it.

heh, ill give you two weeks till you start hearing little voices saying "open mii, you know you want to" coming out of the closet ;)

honestly dude, once you open it up, pick up some fun party game for the kids, and metroid for yourself
This survey is kind of misleading because it allows people who don't own a Wii to skew the results. What I mean is this: the people who purchased a Wii but rarely to never play it is actually 58%, not 38%; that is a huge difference. If you remove the votes from people who don't own a Wii the percentages break down like this

Play it all the time: 19%
Occasionally: 23%
Rarely to never: 58%

So nearly 2 out of every 3 people who bought a Wii don't play it anymore. When you consider how much cheaper the 360 ($280) and PS3 ($399) have become the numbers make the Wii ($250) look less like a steal and more like a waste of money.
This survey is kind of misleading because it allows people who don't own a Wii to skew the results. What I mean is this: the people who purchased a Wii but rarely to never play it is actually 58%, not 38%; that is a huge difference. If you remove the votes from people who don't own a Wii the percentages break down like this

Play it all the time: 19%
Occasionally: 23%
Rarely to never: 58%

So nearly 2 out of every 3 people who bought a Wii don't play it anymore. When you consider how much cheaper the 360 ($280) and PS3 ($399) have become the numbers make the Wii ($250) look less like a steal and more like a waste of money.

Spoken like a true hater, LOL.

I still play my Wii all the time, and I just recently rebought a 360--my FIFTH because the POS breaks so much--which is currently getting most of my gaming time. However, I will be getting GH3 for Wii, as well as Mario Galaxy. Metroid Prime 3 remains the best console FPS I've ever played (I keep wishing Halo 3 had MP3 controls, thumbsticks suck ass!), though.

In any case, 360 and Wii are definitely *not* a waste of money (though with that 360, definitely get the warranty!), but I could agree that PS3 is, for the time being, a waste. Next year that'll change though, and all three systems will be well worth owning.
Nah, I'm not hating; I'm just looking at the numbers. I've played the Wii quite a bit, but I've found that it really doesn't have lasting appeal. It is the BEST console for parties though, hands down.

In your case it sounds like the Wii is a great console, but that is just one person. Looking at a larger sample of ~150 people nearly 60% of them don't play their Wiis anymore. I only pointed that out because people looking to buy a Wii should really think about why they are getting it. Are they getting it because it's the console that best fits their needs (party gaming, Wii sports style games) or are they getting the Wii because it's such a novel/cool concept.

I feel like a lot of my friends bought it for the novelty and don't really play it anymore. They don't regret the purchase because it's still fun to break out at parties, but most of the time their Wiis just sit unused. It just seems to me like the numbers from this poll kind of confirm what I've seen with my friends.
Nah, I'm not hating; I'm just looking at the numbers. I've played the Wii quite a bit, but I've found that it really doesn't have lasting appeal. It is the BEST console for parties though, hands down.

In your case it sounds like the Wii is a great console, but that is just one person. Looking at a larger sample of ~150 people nearly 60% of them don't play their Wiis anymore. I only pointed that out because people looking to buy a Wii should really think about why they are getting it. Are they getting it because it's the console that best fits their needs (party gaming, Wii sports style games) or are they getting the Wii because it's such a novel/cool concept.

I feel like a lot of my friends bought it for the novelty and don't really play it anymore. They don't regret the purchase because it's still fun to break out at parties, but most of the time their Wiis just sit unused. It just seems to me like the numbers from this poll kind of confirm what I've seen with my friends.

yeah i was just about to go out and buy a Wii myself. But looking at these poll numbers I think I am going to hold off.
I stopped playing mine for a few months, after finishing the first dungeon in Zelda, but now am getting back into it.

There are poor games now, but that is to be expected, and short lived. Publishers put all of their focus onto the Xbox and PS3, and though the Wii to be gimmicky. Therefore, the only publishers making games for it were the gimmicky kind. Now that the sales and market base are there, more games are coming down the line that have experienced designers focusing on how to use the Wii's strengths.

Either way, it's a new idea and developers are still straining their brains on how to use it. I think of the DS, and the first year's games for it: most were horrible mini-game games. It took awhile before people saw the platform for what it was, and designed fantastic games for it that couldn't be found elsewhere. Frankly, I see the same with the PS3 and XBox: for the first year it was FPS after mindless FPS; nothing new.
I voted "rarely to never".

I bought Twilight Princess for Gamecube since I couldn't find a Wii so I never really got into that. I bought Super Paper Mario and Mario Party but put only about 10 total hours into both. I bought Metroid but didn't play it that much, maybe only like 15 hours.

The primary replay value comes in online play, which the Wii doesn't really have. The Xbox 360 takes up most of my gaming time.
I play mine all the time, but I just bought a new computer, so I prolly wont touch it again till Super Mario Galaxy comes out.

I've been waiting ALL year for that game. Actually, I'll say that it is my most anticipated game for 2007. Once Nov 12 gets here, I'm done buying games for the 07 holiday season.

Metroid Prime 3 has been keeping most of my time on the Wii. Still working on finishing RE4, SPM and Zelda (75 hours, not finished yet).

This poll is silly. Everyone knows we are waiting for games. But you dont have to be bored, as there are some good ones already out.
I can't remember the last time I bought a console that didn't only get occassional use. That is how consoles are for me, you buy them, and then one or twice a year a great game comes out and it gets me away from my PC.

The PC is where all the all-year-round addictive as crack multiplayer is.
Nah, I'm not hating; I'm just looking at the numbers. I've played the Wii quite a bit, but I've found that it really doesn't have lasting appeal. It is the BEST console for parties though, hands down.

In your case it sounds like the Wii is a great console, but that is just one person. Looking at a larger sample of ~150 people nearly 60% of them don't play their Wiis anymore. I only pointed that out because people looking to buy a Wii should really think about why they are getting it. Are they getting it because it's the console that best fits their needs (party gaming, Wii sports style games) or are they getting the Wii because it's such a novel/cool concept.

I feel like a lot of my friends bought it for the novelty and don't really play it anymore. They don't regret the purchase because it's still fun to break out at parties, but most of the time their Wiis just sit unused. It just seems to me like the numbers from this poll kind of confirm what I've seen with my friends.

Oh I completely understand, and I agree, it's best to be wary, particularly in the first year of ANY console. To date, I have to say that the only console I've *ever* not regreted buying at launch is the Wii, but I can easily see why others would disagree. Let's face it, year one of any console is never, EVER the greatest year for games, and Wii is no exception. I've got about 10 games I guess (I'll have to do a count tomorrow), and about half are really exceptional games that I've enjoyed immensely, the other half are kind of "meh", and Rampage positively sucked ass. I've avoided most of the shovelware--and god*damn* there's a lot of shovelware on Wii--but PS2 is the all time KING of shovelware, so I don't see that as being a problem throughout the life of the console. Long as there's a good 20-30% of the titles that are good to great--we're set.

All in all I think Wii's had a *decent* year one, better than any console in memory (and mine goes back to the NES, though I was around for the Atari I was far too young to recall much about it), but years 2-5 are really where the best stuff will come in. It's true of every gaming console, and always has been. For those who bought early and didn't find much for your pallet, sorry you feel burned, but your sacrifice has ensured a steady onslaught of titles from countless developers for the next few years :)