Do you want me to work on setting up a Battle Royale Gauntlet system?

Do you want me to work on setting up a Battle Royale Gauntlet system?

  • Yes

    Votes: 4 28.6%
  • No

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • marty and Moose make a cute couple

    Votes: 10 71.4%

  • Total voters


[H]ard|DCer of the Month - April 2008
Aug 9, 2001
As indicated in this thread would you like me to work on setting up a way to have a Battle Royale Gauntlet system?

If you think you would like a system setup like this, I would appreciate suggestions on what you would like to see in it.
Actually King, Smoke is looking at something beyond the scope of just the average runoff. I am all for it, and at one point I had some idea of the the gauntlet type idea he was considering. I managed to forget all about it myself, but anything that can take and apply a spin to the run off is cool with me.

A little variation never hurts. :D
Why reinvent the wheel when we already have a site that offers stats?

Why send people all over the web when everything can be found in 1 place?

That is what the site exists for, so that members can find *everything* in 1 place, I know when the site was down it was necessary to find things elsewhere until the site could return(but that was completely beyond my control).

If you look back you will see that all the information was supposed to exist on the site, the stickies were only used as a place for the information to be placed until it could be added to the site.

Here is why the site was setup

1) A singular place for everything concerning the projects
2) Guides
3) Stats
4) Super Computer Listing
5) Trades(new addition)

I have added everything you could ever need.

Now if you wanted another type gauntlet setup why didn't you just ask?

1 [H]ard Team, 2 Great Projects, 1 Common Goal..... The Cure

Lurker Extraordinaire
King, the site does have everything that we need and most of what we've asked for. However, some of us enjoy involvement beyond just reading the stats. As has been evidenced by the [H]ordeBowl, we've taken the statistics that we get from your site and have turned it into something above and beyond just the basics. Also, it has given some other members of our team a path to involve themselves in a different way, be it helping with the stats, or enjoying the ride.

I've taken a 2nd look at the initial prospectus that Smoke had come up with, and while its something I am sure you could do, the scope is something beyond what one would expect on the site. There's somethings that are better suited to keeping in the forums. For a regular runoff, is a great place for it. Other things require that people involve themselves, and thats what the forums are for.
Seriously, why must you take offense to almost everything posted on this board? It is getting old.... :rolleyes:

I have seen the outline for the contest that Smoke wants to do and I really don't think it fits into the format that has for the gauntlets. If you think you can adapt it once you see the format, then that is cool. But hear his idea first before you open your mouth again.
I like smoke's idea. Just another way to keep the Big guys interested, and a way to motivate the little guys to become big guys.
Well for everyone besides pH and Moose, think you could post this super secret outline?

I think could be integrated into this (at least what's in my mind) idea nicely, problem is things might change weekly which might be a pain to keep up with for one guy.
poddo said:
I like smoke's idea. Just another way to keep the Big guys interested, and a way to motivate the little guys to become big guys.
And after all, that is the point.
I think I remember a thread a while back when you were talking about something similar Smoke. I think it's a great idea. I just don't have the free time anymore to devote to the smack talking. ;)

I would be interested in hearing more about this project, or helping if need be.
Boxen and funds for boxen is low... so contests or other fun things for me have
been the way to stay involved in this team lately...
Yeah, I'm all up for helpin ya out if you need it Smoke.
King_N said:
Why reinvent the wheel when we already have a site that offers stats?

Why send people all over the web when everything can be found in 1 place?

That is what the site exists for, so that members can find *everything* in 1 place, I know when the site was down it was necessary to find things elsewhere until the site could return(but that was completely beyond my control).

If you look back you will see that all the information was supposed to exist on the site, the stickies were only used as a place for the information to be placed until it could be added to the site.

Here is why the site was setup

1) A singular place for everything concerning the projects
2) Guides
3) Stats
4) Super Computer Listing
5) Trades(new addition)

I have added everything you could ever need.

Now if you wanted another type gauntlet setup why didn't you just ask?

1 [H]ard Team, 2 Great Projects, 1 Common Goal..... The Cure

Lurker Extraordinaire

For just what I'm talking about here, we could do it on as that wouldn't be a problem and is what I was thinking of. My idea uses a bit more than what you have setup. What I was planning on doing was using a modified versiof of the current gauntlet setup for the idea proposed today. I was wanting some ideas on what people would like and setup a rules system that hopefully you could implement on hardfolding.

My super secret project thingy would not be able to be done on hardfolding. It's setup would be much more involved than just a gauntlet That is not what I am talking about right now. That is a project that will take a lot of time and help from other people. I really need to get working on it more.

For now, I want the guantlet on hardfolding. It would be much easier to do it that way if you can implement the ideas I have sketched out a bit. I need a bit more time to work on it with some consultation of other people. I don't think it will take too long to get the rules and ideas worked out. I was just hoping for a little feedback of what people would like to see pertaining to this new type of gauntlet.

Ok, my hacked up quick post idea.

No money/boxen/prizes or what not. The prize is to be the <insert cool thingy here> for how ever long you hold the <trophy thingy>. Maybe the title would be Moose Killer, and the trophy be a Moose head on a spike. Anyways...

Take user 1 with current PPD of 5,000.

Any number of users with combined total of ~5,000 PPD (the ~ to be defined by somebody) can call out user 1 for a ~ week (~ to be defined) gauntlet based on total points between start and end. Call these users 2/3/4.

If user 2/3/4 win, then they get to kick the rotten Mooses head around for a week in the dirt.

During the week off, anyone can challenge this winning team (user 2/3/4). Anyone can be one person, or a group of users.

And it kinda goes on like this.


-Messy keeping track of all these insto "sub teams". (add thing to where someone could input users/teams and start/end times?)

-How to keep the "trophy" from migrating to highest PPD users, or largest insto sub team (I'm using work sub team very loosely here, no name/config changes ect).

- How to determine whom can challenge? Say multiple people/<sub teams> all want to challenge whom ever the same week?


Increase internal team talk (people PM'ing each other) to from these insto sub teams.
Sounds pretty cool, but you're right, the logistics of it all on could be a nightmare unless we get it set up right
From the sounds of it, this is something that will take a Team of people to work it out, and we all know. There is no "I" in team.
KodiakStar said:
There is no "I" in team.

Considering some of the spelling I have seen in the forum, there very well could be an "I" in team. :p

I'd like to see a system for the whole folding and UD community where users could set up there own gauntlets and races.

Where users could battle it out for a :
  • certain ppd
  • sustained weekly value
  • up to a certain point level
  • multiple user race for a combined ppd against someone
  • etc.

There could be a "featured" page where the gauntlets that get the most views are shown. There could even be a feature that lets people across teams go at it. Thoughts? To much work? That's atleast what I'd like to see. It would bring it more competition than straight-out "I have more points than you."

I think any project designed to make folding fun, and help bring in more perspective folders who may be on the fence is a great idea.
SmokeRngs said:
Considering some of the spelling I have seen in the forum, there very well could be an "I" in team. :p

how come I feel this is directed directly at me?

marty9876 said:
how come I feel this is directed directly at me?


I would say more directed at me... of course i would prop put a h in b/c that key is super sensitive
