Does aneone know a professional artists who does digital art?


Sep 22, 2004
I just want their website/whatever. Some pics/sketches would be nice. Ty in advance :)
Thanks! This is for a stupid school project in case you're wondering :eek:
I've been a fan of Greg Martin for the longest time. Recently, the guy got really popular.

Jeebus it has been LONG since I have been in
theDot said:
Ugh! That site is HORRIBLE! The artwork is meh.

site hasnt been updated since 99 but back then lets see what you did. This was all done with a mouse and no filters. I think thats pretty pimp considering no tablet or filters were used. This site actually inspired me to get into photoshop :D If only I had artistic talent :(

All of was cutting edge in the late 90s
I work as a freelance artist but I dont have a web site but I would be happy to send you a few pictures I've drawn and some I've computer rendered. My email address is [email protected]