Does anyone else who has Win2k3 hate XP Pro?

Oct 26, 2003
I'm finding it VERY difficult to ever have to use XP on my dual-boot. It crashes frequently, more security vulnerabilities, seems slower in Windows, and other small annoyances that just aren't there under 2k3. Only reason I even keep an XP install is so I can play games which hard lock under 2k3. Anyone have an Idea on how to fix this?
You have to do a lot of tweaking in 2K3 to get the graphics to work the way they do in XP. If you know what your doing, XP is every bit as stable as Server 2003. Yes, I'm saying this from experiance, as I run both at home and at work. I really have no idea why some people insist on trying to make 2K3 a desktop OS. WTF is the point when XP is very similar and is designed for the desktop? I just don't get it.
I would say that it has to have more to do with the drivers or apps you're using with your XP install than it does with the OS itself. Frequent crashing and slowness isn't something that the vast majority of people encounter with XP.
I could just reinstall XP on that partition and see if it helps. All I'm out is a little bit of time anyway, considering that I do most of my important work on 2K3
MemoryInAGarden said:
One thing Server 2003 does have over XP out of the box is the lack of nannyism.

I don't believe I've encountered any nannyism with any of my XP installs. If your referring to the toolbar, all it taes is a few mouse clicks and your back to the regular toolbar and start button.