Doom 3 multiplayer - I cannot get it to work


Aug 5, 2004
Been trying to try out the multiplayer aspect of doom 3 to no avail.

If I choose no password games, I get asked for a password. If I choose password games, I get asked for a password. In a nutshell, I get asked for a password for every game, and if not that, then the server is full (when showing 1/10 in the game browser).

Am I missing something here?

This, on a 2.3MPS broadband connection. A little pointer in the right direction would be much appreciated. I can't figure out why this is happening.

you're not missing anything. you just have to keep trying until you find one that works :(
Ah, I see. Multiplayer in D3 is evidently a myth then. I've tried for an hour to try and find a "no password" server to no avail. If I filter it so that only those servers show up, they all ask for a password. If I filter password servers, they ask for a password as well.

Is the filter broke, out of the box?
Not only that, but if you tell the thing to sort by pings it doesn't do it correctly.
i belive the ingame browser is broken, from what ive seen it barley works and most of the functions like sort by ping and what not dont work, and the filters dont work, use all seeing eye, i did and it works great.. just my 2 cents
if you try connecting to a game that is not full and not passworded but it still won't let you in, type the ip in the ip connect box and try through that. works for me every time.
So now we wait one year for the patch to fix this issue ;)
Also I have problems with using this to get into multiplayer, I have yet had success. Then I just say screw it and play farcry for multiplaying :)
yeh a future patch will hopefully fix it

if you want to play MP its best to make a server, then people will flock to it. worked for me :D
I've gotten in on a few occasions, but the majority of the attempts fail. I get the same password request or server is full mumbojumbo.....It's a new game, I'm sure it will work out soon! I will say when I do get into a multiplayer game it's not that stable.
