
Fully [H]
Apr 10, 2003
DOOMBA is a utility for the classic video game Doom that brings a touch of home to its level design. By using a Roomba script, Noesis by Rich Whitehouse will allow you to "track your Roomba, store tracking data, allow you to visualize that data in a variety of ways, and, of course, turn that data into a randomized DOOM map." The magic happens when you fire up Neosis and scan your home network for your Roomba device. From there it is a simple process of logging in on the Roomba and tracking it as it cleans your floors. The software will generate a .noeroomba file that can be stitched together with multiple other .noeroomba files in case you have to recharge the little device while it is cleaning. From there the user simply selects the .noeroomba file with the DOOMBA script and it automatically generates a Doom map based on the room data generated by your Roomba. There is even an experimental method for using images to generate Doom levels.

I soon realized that there was a clear opportunity to serve the Dark Lord by conceiving a plethora of unholy algorithms in service to one of the finest works ever created in his name. Simultaneously, I would be able to unleash a truly terrible pun to plague humankind. Now, the fruit of my labor is born. I bring forth DOOMBA, a half-goat, half-script creature, with native binary backing for the expensive parts, to be offered in place of my firstborn on this fine Christmas Eve.
That's actually pretty cool. I wish I had 3D renders of all the previous homes I lived in. Just cool for memories.
What other novel ways are people going to allow themselves to be exploited for their personal data and pay for it with joy and glee I wonder?
It's all fun and games until the police start using this as a training tool to invade my house and kill my poor pet demons. :(