DOTA 2. What to know?


Supreme [H]ardness
Jun 16, 2008
I've had this in my steam for a while and never played it. Just downloaded it today to give it a try. What should I know before getting into it?
There are a lot of things you will need to know to get good at DOTA 2.

1.) Patience Patience Patience

2.) Learn all the heroes and their abilities, try against bots and learn the heroes and their abilities

3.) It is a team game, work well with others

4.) Re-review rule #1

Dota 2 can be the best game in the world and the most frustrating game in the world. Each and every game is different, you have to adapt and know the heroes in and out. We can't really go into all the details here in a post format, there is alot of information you need to know, find some good beginner guides from the websites dedicated to DOTA2.
Go through the tutorial.

Before playing a hero, try it out versus bots so you can figure out how it works.

Pick an in game guide you can follow so it helps you pick items/skills as you go.

Stick to the limited heroes queue until you have all of those figured out. There are a billion heroes and trying to keep them all straight is difficult.

Don't be afraid to mute your teammates. It is guaranteed that you will have an asshole on your team who takes great personal offense to you trying to learn the game. Mute him. He's a worthless human being and not worth your attention.

Try to find friends to play with, even if they aren't good. If 50% players on your team are friends, there's a 50% smaller chance you'll have an asshat teammate.

Get really good and win $10 million at the next international.
You are going to have no fucking idea what you're doing.

Trust me, the game is fun. But you will have no idea what the fuck is going on when you start, it's hard and confusing. It'll come together.
You first games are going to be disastrous. Play unranked (normal match) all pick and just pick sniper for the first several games until you get a handle on things. If the general game play seems like something you would like then watch some amateur games on YouTube to learn some more basics. The link God posted is also useful.

I can't play until Friday, but it will be my 2000th game when I do, woot.
Buy the recommended items from the shop, play 5-10 games against bots before even thinking about trying an online match. Be prepared to get complaints from your teamates if you aren't playing well. Play one hero several times to get the jist of it.
I would also advise sticking to bots for a bit.. the game has a high learning curve and people are quite douchy in pvp matchmaking.

If you know someone that can show you the ropes or can play with someone new to the game as well that would be great. Learning dota early on by yourself is pretty rough. Also like redformula said above, reading a guide or watching some intro youtube videos will help immensely.
It has a huge learning curve. The tutorial will teach you basic mechanics but not how to actually be useful in matches.

The biggest thing I can think if is that you can access player made guides for each hero that will walk you through suggested skills and items. It's the book symbol in the upper left hand corner when you are playing.

Play bot matches until you are comfortable. Then do limited heroes matches.

The thing that taught me the most was watching the pros play on twitch.
Yeah this is a game that will take you a little time to learn but a TON to get good at. My advice is play with others against bots on easy and work your way up. There is a TON to learn ..... last hits on good/enemy mobs, when to rush and which items to buy for your character. Try all characters and master a few.
I have been playing the tutorial and still find it somewhat challenging lol. Going to keep at it.
Yeah, WALK AWAY. Don't even get started.

It is the most rage inducing hate filled genre of game, except once you break the barrier it sucks you in. You keep playing for the that game were you mud stomp some nabs, or to hear the announcer announce the long kill streaks.

It is really wierd how people hate the game so much, but also love it so much.

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You're going to get called a faggit. A lot. Even if you're clearly gay. It won't make any sense.

To put it in perspective the amount of times players have been called faggit in Dota 2 is roughly equal to the amount of souls obtained in Dark Souls 2.
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Also, if you insist find people to play with.

Like, Heavenscloud he is a good guy. I don't play much anymore.
Welcome to the best game on Steam! The learning curve is steep, if you can't catch onto patterns, and adapt to situations, I don't recommend it.
My Steam is bentley813. Add me I'll play some bot games with you this weekend.
This game will make you unavoidably racist towards anyone that doesn't speak English. Other side effects include anxiety, low self esteem, Tourette's syndrome, mood swings, bipolar disorder, and breakdown of relationships. See Steam reviews for additional info (and a good laugh). Contains comedic gold such as:

Before playing this game I thought Brazillians were only bad at soccer.

I've tried Rosetta Stone, duolingo, and even college classes, but nothing has taught me Russian or Brazilian better than this! And it's free!
This game will make you unavoidably racist towards anyone that doesn't speak English.

What pisses me off is I specifically only select the US servers to play only with Americans, yet valve allows people to play outside of the location they are located. So pretty much every other game is some douche from another country with piss poor internet that disconnects half way through and doesn't come back, and wastes 30 min of everyone's time.
The language issues are definitely a problem with this game. Can't understand why there isn't a server in south america or something. So many people I can't understand... Isn't there a Russian server? Why do they play on the US East server?
You know what's hilarious is that I started playing this again b/c of a thread I came across on another msg board... I know the old game, from my university days so was rather quick picking up the new one.

And I totally agree with everyone of those posts in the steam recommendation page.

The 1st few pub games were fine.

Then the non English teams & yelling by people in other languages... constant spamming of the mini map.. constant F bombs (not the curse word) being thrown out there when you're playing well or poorly..

I started losing my mind... I found myself (mind you I'm 28 years old, in a professional sales role & living with my GF) yelling at my computer at these guys who keep killing my games.

My GF thinks I'm crazy & that I have mental problems. I don't think I can play this when she's around any more.. LOL
It's very simple - if you aren't playing seriously, just mute everybody, turn some music on, and play the way you want.

I hate it when I'm paired with foreigners, but it's the nature of online games. Remember, it's a game. Try to have some fun.
It's very simple - if you aren't playing seriously, just mute everybody, turn some music on, and play the way you want.

I hate it when I'm paired with foreigners, but it's the nature of online games. Remember, it's a game. Try to have some fun.

This. Dota in War 3 was killed by the stupid players and lame community. Mute everyone, enjoy the game :) Sadly you cant mute pinging but with music going its much better. I usually only play if a friend is playing now. Win or lose it's typically fun that way. Solo was good but its really hit or miss now due to 5 year olds O_O.

Fun game just be fore warned it takes place on the Internet :)
Yah I've started doing that no myself actually. I'm playing with limited sound, nearly muted everything. Have the TV in the background on sportscentre or something similar and just enjoying playing.
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