downclock memory?


Limp Gawd
Oct 14, 2006
hi, i was just wondering which would be a better option, forgetting about the price differences:

1-getting higher speed rated RAM, i.e. these OCZ platinums and downclocking it to get a 1:1 ratio (i plan to OC the E6300 a bit... maybe to 2.2 or so on stock)


2-getting lower speed rated RAM which is perhaps already closer to what I intend to be running it at. i.e. something rated at 5400 perhaps?

thanks in advance for any help :)
I'd say, get higher speed RAM and overclock that 6300 to it's limit :D

If you get the lower rated one, you'll want better RAM right after you discover the overclockability of that 6300.
lol, thx for the reply...but would there be an issue with stability if i were to use a ratio other than 1:1. thx again :)