Dremel Problems.


Jan 25, 2007
I got my dremel at the beginning of january, and i didnt use it much until now. The problem is that when i turn the speed dial up to or near 10, it just cuts out, and wont turn back on until it put it all the way down to zero and then turn it back on. It doesnt mater what im doing with it.

Whats wrong with it and what should i do.


this is the model i have.
I don't know that model, but in the older corded models the speed control could get dirty or have a speck of dust get inside. Dismantling and cleaning worked for me.
well, my first point is that im pretty sure you should be cutting steel at a lower rpm than that. i have a yeong yang cube case that i hacked to pieces that didnt require much more than a 4 or 5 setting. its one thing if your dremel guide states that you need to be cutting steel of that thickness with a certain disc at that rpm and it cant handle it, and another if youre stressing your dremel out when it doesnt need to be. id suggest reading the guide to find what speed it should be at, or just lowering your speed while cutting the steel
It doesnt work after its turned off though, whether its a cool start, or after being used, it happens no matter what.
That model has a 2 year warrenty, so I would contact Dremal and send it back. It's got a defect of some sort.