Droid X 2600 mA Extended Battery from Seidio


Limp Gawd
Mar 6, 2008
The 2600mA batteries for the droid x are now shipping from seidioonline.com
I know there has been some negative talk about their batteries, but I ordered one of their extended batteries for my palm treo a few years ago and never had any problems. Having said that, I ordered two of the extended droid x batteries, one for me and one for my wife. I will update this thread whenever they arrive and I get mine charged up.
I've been running a 3400mah Seido battery in my Eris for almost a year. I've never had any problem with it. I can stream internet radio on it all day without charging it or get 3 days of moderate usage without a charge.

Hands down the best thing I've ever bought for a phone was the extended battery.
I wish they could make a higher capacity battery of the same size. I like my Droid X skinny :)
The 2600 mA batteries arrived today in the mail and I will charge both my wifes and mine overnite and see how they do. I will also post pics oid the batteries and the size difference when in use.
Well Let me begin with I will not be able to give a full battery report until the new battery has been charged and discharged about 5-6 times. This will allow the new battery to be conditioned and give a better indication of performance. I will say that as far as how I use my Droid X is like this:

Mon-Fri: during the day I am constantly checking email and webpages, also Angry birds here and there as well. Not alot of talking but alot of screen use time.

Sat-Sun: Not as much use, more gaming for the children or surfing on Wi Fi at home. But definitely less screen use

On a typical day of use with the satandard Motorola BH5X (1500 mA) that came with the Droid X, about 5 pm I would get the brown battery indicator and I wanted something to get me through a full day of heavy use.

After all why have a cool phone that you barely use because you are aftraid you'll run oyt of juice?

I have installed teh extended battery in my X and kept the standard battery in my wifes X for comparison. I also altered the standard Verizon Jelly/Plastic case which we both have to allow the extended battery to poke through the back since there are no seidio cases for extended battery yet.

The weight difference between the two phones is:

Wife Droid X w/ case and OEm battery = 165 grams
My Droid X w/ case and Extended battery = 182 grams

So a paltry weight difference of 15 grams

Now for Depth and size I will use pictures to show. As far as feel I can say the size feels fine in my hands and my wife actually doesn't mind the size either so we will be charging hers up tonight. So I really do not think that it is bulky at all.

In this first pic u can see how I have cut out each case:


In the second pic you can see side by side the thickness difference which isn't that much to me:


In the third pic you can see them laying flat on the battery side:


Last pic is another view:


I will update you on the battery peformance later but for now, I can honestly say there is no bulk factor to me or my wife, yes it is thicker but not enough to sacrifice the hopefully much longer usability.
Ok its been about two full data of having the battery and I must say that it has been nothing short of a major improvement. The battey still needs some more break in time, but so far I have been getting close to fifteen hours of good heavy use (lots of screen time) playing madden 2011 which is pretty awesome on the droid X. The added size of the extended battery has not been any issue with either me or my wife. It still fits in my hands just fine. I would definitely recommend the Seidio battery for any droid X user who wants to get more play time out of their gadget.
I replied to your post back in august. I have had nothing but positive experiences with Seidio so far. Once with my palm treo (extended battery and case) and now with my droid X (extended battery). All I can report on is what I know and I still recommend the Seidio extended battery for the Droid X.
Fair enough. Thank you for the info, and I will have to keep this in mind. I have to admit that I wish they put a little more style in the shape o fhte new cover, but if that is the only tradeoff for 2x (~ish) battery life I guess it's OK. I've never used Siedo, but I figure that you buy online from a decent dealer, or you take your chances... ;)
So know that it's been awhile, what do you think of it?

Still worth buying?

Is this the only company with this size battery for the Droid X?
I got the Motorola 1930 mAh battery awhile back and It suits me fine. Plus the size difference is negligible. I think for the average user its a solid upgrade, maybe not for playing Madden all day long on your phone though :p
Well Let me begin with I will not be able to give a full battery report until the new battery has been charged and discharged about 5-6 times. This will allow the new battery to be conditioned and give a better indication of performance. I will say that as far as how I use my Droid X is like this:

Mon-Fri: during the day I am constantly checking email and webpages, also Angry birds here and there as well. Not alot of talking but alot of screen use time.

Sat-Sun: Not as much use, more gaming for the children or surfing on Wi Fi at home. But definitely less screen use

On a typical day of use with the satandard Motorola BH5X (1500 mA) that came with the Droid X, about 5 pm I would get the brown battery indicator and I wanted something to get me through a full day of heavy use.

After all why have a cool phone that you barely use because you are aftraid you'll run oyt of juice?

I have installed teh extended battery in my X and kept the standard battery in my wifes X for comparison. I also altered the standard Verizon Jelly/Plastic case which we both have to allow the extended battery to poke through the back since there are no seidio cases for extended battery yet.

The weight difference between the two phones is:

Wife Droid X w/ case and OEm battery = 165 grams
My Droid X w/ case and Extended battery = 182 grams

So a paltry weight difference of 15 grams

Now for Depth and size I will use pictures to show. As far as feel I can say the size feels fine in my hands and my wife actually doesn't mind the size either so we will be charging hers up tonight. So I really do not think that it is bulky at all.

In this first pic u can see how I have cut out each case:


In the second pic you can see side by side the thickness difference which isn't that much to me:


In the third pic you can see them laying flat on the battery side:


Last pic is another view:


I will update you on the battery peformance later but for now, I can honestly say there is no bulk factor to me or my wife, yes it is thicker but not enough to sacrifice the hopefully much longer usability.

I could never carry something like this around and not be embarassed.
I got the Motorola 1930 mAh battery awhile back and It suits me fine. Plus the size difference is negligible. I think for the average user its a solid upgrade, maybe not for playing Madden all day long on your phone though :p

I actually already have this battery (Motorola 1930 mAh), I was just thinking going bigger but that battery worries me as to the complaints people had and the ugliness of it,

Wish the manufacturer made one this big ;-(
I too, upgraded shortly after to the 1930...which..is actually 1880 mAh ... but still kill it if a i spend too much time on robodefense ... almost lvl 200 =)

So, Ive been thinking about this seidio...

Interested in hearing feedback from the OP ..as it s been almost 2 months now..
some people don't have incredibly shallow character.

It has nothing to do be with being shallow. A smartphone is suppose to carry a certain amount of aesthetics. The droid x may not be the prettiest phone around but it's certainlly looks better before slapping on a cut up cover and an oversized battery making the it look like a PDA from the late 90s.
I could never carry something like this around and not be embarassed.

Me too, I have an EVO, bought the biggest battery that still fits normally, a 1750 mhz, and with the custom rom I have, my battery life is a good couple hours longer now.

But there is just something wrong when we have to fit this huge extra batteries inside, making our phones look pregnant. There is just something wrong with the phone or OS then.

These will be throw away phones, worth nothing in one year, when a Droid-X-2 comes out this Summer, with better battery life on a newer OS, and dual cores. Seems like now more than ever tech is throw away garbage 18 - 24 months later, getting so outdated you wouldn't dare even still keep it. Look at the first Android phone the G1, that is garbage now, so slow and ugly. In 2 years from now the hottest phones today will look like caveman toys.
Well it has been a good while now and to update :
The extended battery is still doing great, as far as the comments on how carrying something like this would be embarrassing, I could give a shit about how it looks as long as it will power my droid x all day and then some. Also when holding it my hand during normal use, you can't even see the back of the battery cut out. Again, I want performance over aesthetics so the slightly bigger battery is not a deal breaker and I still highly recommend this battery if you are a power user. If you want a piece of art to show off to your high society cohorts, then you may want to pass.
Gorilla Gadgets has a 3500 mah battery with the extended backcover for for $24.99 but, it's out of stock. I bought the 3500mah battery for my Evo 4G. The one thing I like about the one from Gorilla gadgets is the back cover for the Evo is not like the Seido or the Platinum from Best Buy. The back cover buldges out the battery and it looks ugly. Like Zorachus said, "it makes the phone look pregnant" The one from Gorilla Gadgets gadgets looks nicer and I have a HTC Silicon case cover over it. I just cut a square hole in the back of the silicon case cover. It doesn't look ugly whatsoever. What I did was I fitted the silicon case over the phone with the extended cover. I marked the area of where I will cut and cut it with a razorblade for a cleaner cut. It looks pretty good. I'm pretty happy with that 3500mah battery from Gorilla Gadgets. I'm over 21 hrs unplugged on my phone right now. The phone is not even rooted also.
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Thanks for the info on the 3500 mA, I may have to purchase one of those and compare to the seidio, if it is truly 3500 that would give me even more time :)
Me too, I have an EVO, bought the biggest battery that still fits normally, a 1750 mhz, and with the custom rom I have, my battery life is a good couple hours longer now.

But there is just something wrong when we have to fit this huge extra batteries inside, making our phones look pregnant. There is just something wrong with the phone or OS then.

These will be throw away phones, worth nothing in one year, when a Droid-X-2 comes out this Summer, with better battery life on a newer OS, and dual cores. Seems like now more than ever tech is throw away garbage 18 - 24 months later, getting so outdated you wouldn't dare even still keep it. Look at the first Android phone the G1, that is garbage now, so slow and ugly. In 2 years from now the hottest phones today will look like caveman toys.

You have a great point, now compare one of these "caveman" toys to say an iphone. I am just amazed at how well these little things carry their value. I was searching ebay yesterday and I found an iphone 3g (not even the 3gs) WITH a BROKEN screen that had around 20 bids at around $350.

Boggles the mind how they can retain such value.
Well it has been a good while now and to update :
The extended battery is still doing great, as far as the comments on how carrying something like this would be embarrassing, I could give a shit about how it looks as long as it will power my droid x all day and then some. Also when holding it my hand during normal use, you can't even see the back of the battery cut out. Again, I want performance over aesthetics so the slightly bigger battery is not a deal breaker and I still highly recommend this battery if you are a power user. If you want a piece of art to show off to your high society cohorts, then you may want to pass.
yep..who cares

Function > Fashion

Thank you for the follow up. So..it seems I shall have to make the purchase then!
Caveman toys? What electronic gadgets that you buy today will not be outdated in two years? As soon as you buy electronics nowadays they are outdated when you get home from the store. It doesn't matter if it is a tv, DSLR, video camera, phone, computer, etc. there will always be newer faster cooler technology available as soon as you purchase something.
Gorilla Gadgets has a 3500 mah battery with the extended backcover for for $24.99 but, it's out of stock. I bought the 3500mah battery for my Evo 4G. The one thing I like about the one from Gorilla gadgets is the back cover for the Evo is not like the Seido or the Platinum from Best Buy. The back cover buldges out the battery and it looks ugly. Like Zorachus said, "it makes the phone look pregnant" The one from Gorilla Gadgets gadgets looks nicer and I have a HTC Silicon case cover over it. I just cut a square hole in the back of the silicon case cover. It doesn't look ugly whatsoever. What I did was I fitted the silicon case over the phone with the extended cover. I marked the area of where I will cut and cut it with a razorblade for a cleaner cut. It looks pretty good. I'm pretty happy with that 3500mah battery from Gorilla Gadgets. I'm over 21 hrs unplugged on my phone right now. The phone is not even rooted also.

How can one verify the true MaH on this battery?
hey kao how many times u have to discharge it anf where which dealer online is ligit
If it could be used with the Car Dock I would get it. The car dock is WAY too handy though.