Dropped my phone, trying to file a claim with Asurion


Jun 7, 2004
Dropped my phone last week and the screen cracked. Figured I'd do an insurance replacement. I can still use the phone but the screen looks awful.


The insurance company are Asurion and tonight I began my claim, after submitting all my info they said my phone is out of stock and they can offer me a comparable phone, however it appears they are trying to give me the Verizon model, and I need the one that works on T-Mobile. WTF Asurion?
Is it a Vibrant? Are they offering you a Fascinate (Verizons variant of the same phone)? Not sure how they would mix up phones/carriers that easily. They should have given you a choice when you called them to file a claim. I know from seeing people on the Moto Droid forums, a lot of them get their Droid replaced with a Droid 2 it they didn't have them in stock. They should at least give you a Galaxy S 4G since it kind of replaced the Vibrant.
Is it a Vibrant? Are they offering you a Fascinate (Verizons variant of the same phone)? Not sure how they would mix up phones/carriers that easily. They should have given you a choice when you called them to file a claim. I know from seeing people on the Moto Droid forums, a lot of them get their Droid replaced with a Droid 2 it they didn't have them in stock. They should at least give you a Galaxy S 4G since it kind of replaced the Vibrant.

what? you get free upgrades with asurion?
I'm going to call T-Mobile today and see what my options are. I have a feeling they will just tell me there is nothing they can do and its entirely up to Asurion.
what? you get free upgrades with asurion?

Well it's not "free" since you're paying the $90 deductible. But yeah, if they don't have your specific phone in stock to replace it with, then they have to give you something comparible or the next best thing.

I'm going to call T-Mobile today and see what my options are. I have a feeling they will just tell me there is nothing they can do and its entirely up to Asurion.

Yeah, I doubt the're going to be able to do much for you besides point you to Asurion or offer you a new phone at contract price if you're eligible. Did you see my questions above?
Well it's not "free" since you're paying the $90 deductible. But yeah, if they don't have your specific phone in stock to replace it with, then they have to give you something comparible or the next best thing.

...and you get a phone that someone else sent back in that was fixed up.

After my experience with Assurion, I forgo the warranty all together. The monthly fees for 2yrs and the $90 deductible added up to $258 dollars and I could have just easily covered that myself and bought a used phone off of ebay.

Squaretrade runs $124 for 2yrs of coverage and they pay you money towards you buying a replacement phone up to $600. So you can get a new phone of your choice.
...and you get a phone that someone else sent back in that was fixed up.

After my experience with Assurion, I forgo the warranty all together. The monthly fees for 2yrs and the $90 deductible added up to $258 dollars and I could have just easily covered that myself and bought a used phone off of ebay.

Squaretrade runs $124 for 2yrs of coverage and they pay you money towards you buying a replacement phone up to $600. So you can get a new phone of your choice.

Yeah, that's true. I've seen a lot of horror stories about warranty/insurance replacements on other phone forums I go to and one from my friend who went had Assurion ship him 4 Droids before he got a fully functional one. Edit: Nevermind, that was Moto that shipped all the bad refurbs to him for a warranty replacement. I'm pretty sure when he broke that one, Assurion sent him a good phone the first time.

But I usually buy the insurance initially, but then drop it about 6-8 months after having the phone since by that time they've depreciated enough so you can usually find one on Craigslist/Ebay for a decent price.

I've never seen/heard of that squaretrade deal though. So is it just about $5.17/month and the same type of coverage as Assurion? I'm at work, so I can't get on that site right now.
I think you have to buy the 2yr term up front. There are competing plans from other companies as well, but the bottom line is that Assurion is a rip off and if the cell phone companies weren't peddling them and collecting the money as part of your monthly service, I doubt anyone would be signing up for their coverage.
You cant get the glass over the lcd replaced? Doesnt look like the LCD is damaged?
You know i never buy warranty or insurance, i can fix things myself but i don't bother anymore. What i do is buy a used phone off ebay and sell the broken one and let someone deal with it, the price difference is usually the deductible and i never pay a monthly fee. If i don't break the phone then there is no cost to me.
...and you get a phone that someone else sent back in that was fixed up.

It depends. I've seen someone get a new-in-box dx2 to replace a broken dx that was 1yr old. It just depends on what is in stock. That's an insurance win. But in the long run the insurance company needs to make money, which is why i dont even bother.
It depends. I've seen someone get a new-in-box dx2 to replace a broken dx that was 1yr old. It just depends on what is in stock. That's an insurance win. But in the long run the insurance company needs to make money, which is why i dont even bother.

..and it also helps to goto a corp store of your carrier and make the claim there, you have a better chance of getting a new in the box phone from your carriers stock.

My first claim, I did the internet page and got back a phone that was clearly a refurb. (Alltel PP6800) The keyboard didn't line up with the rest of the phone when closed. I called and asked for another one. The 2nd one came and it was an "Alltel Certified Phone" and in much better condition. It also had a more updated ROM than I had been using.

I broke that one shortly after and went directly to the Alltel store as it was unusable and I needed to either buy a phone or get this one replaced. Assurion replaced the phone and authorized me to get a new in stock phone on the spot from the Alltel Store. I ended up with a Touch Pro brand new. (Coincidentally, the Touch Pro turned out to be the worst phone ever. )
It's true! Never ever buy these warranties. By the time your 2 years are up you would have saved enough money by not paying for the warranty to pay for a brand new phone.
It's true! Never ever buy these warranties. By the time your 2 years are up you would have saved enough money by not paying for the warranty to pay for a brand new phone.

$7 x 24 is only $175.00
I'm going to call T-Mobile today and see what my options are. I have a feeling they will just tell me there is nothing they can do and its entirely up to Asurion.

I imagine he talked to T-Mobile by now (this thread is kinda old now) and gotten his answer...

But I thought I'd mention T-Mobile is pretty nice when it comes to early upgrades. I hated my phone and called T-Mobile customer service and told them what a sad sad panda I was. Even though I was only 6 months into the contract they agree to let me do an early upgrade. And surprisingly didn't even renew the contract (I kinda think that might have been an accident are on their part, not sure).

I'd been with them for 10 years. And with T-Mobile having trouble keeping customers, I think they are willing to do a bit more to keep people happy. With a broken Vibrant that is probably at least a year old, I would be surprised if they didn't allow you to just do an early upgrade.
175+90= $265.

Brand new phones go for about $500 to $600.

who the heck pays $500-600 for a damn phone? few people. you can get a like new top of the line device on craigslist for $200 cash easy and you have the ability to verify ESN and inspect before purchasing.

they are all right, the insurance is a complete rip off

when people were having trouble with the Samsung Fascinate VZW was offering the Droid Inc 2, Droid X2, and Samsung Charge as replacements. That was only good if your phone wasn't physically damaged. If you had any physical damage VZW would refer you to the insurance carrier assuming paid for the insurance all along, so you are already in the hole and still have to pay a deductible, you were offered a refurbed Fascinate by Assurian. ......a phone with a known defect....fat lot of good paying all that insurance money did huh?

By the time you use it the device they are replacing is a $50 phone new anyways........and a show of hands of how many people have paid countless hundreds of dollars over the years having never filed a claim? Yeah, it's a damn ripoff.
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Here's my take.
My daughter is away at college, she dropped her iPhone(ok.....she's a girl) 4 on the cement.....broke it.

To get this replaced by ASSurion, here's what I needed:

1) copy of my latest bill
2) copy of UPC code or bill of sale of said iPhone(come on it was 6 months ago, luckily I saved the box)
3) copy of my driver's license
4) notarized paper stating I am me

Fax it all to ASSurion and then wait for them to call me back and verify I am the guy who sent them the notarized paperwork...........

Excuse me......what the fuck?

I replaced my son's phone about a year ago......same company......and all it took was a verification over the phone.

Holy shit you'd think I had a copy of the Constitution or something. I needed less documentation to get a passport.:eek: