Dsl downloads are slow!


Limp Gawd
May 15, 2002
I have DSL that is rated at 256Kbps downstream and 128Kbps upsteam but I'm lucky if I hit dial up speeds. When I run speed tests at dsl reports I get 210Kbps, but when I download large files I'm lucky to hit over 25Kbps.

Games play just fine and I usually ping under 40ms. Internet seems to work just fine and pages load fast. I have downloaded files from several websites and they all end up around the 25Kbps speed. Everyone else who has this DSL package reports an average of 130Kbps download, so it's not an issue of the provider capping the speed. Anyone know what could be crippling my internet everytime I download files?

Well one thing you need to be aware of is your DSL speeds and the speedtests you run are measured in Kilobits ( notice the bits ) and when you are downloading things in IE, FTP and in Filesharing most things are measured in Bytes or KB. Bits are shown with a lower case b for example Kb and bytes are shows with a uppercase B as in KB. It takes 8 bits to make a byte. So if you take 256 ( your max possible speed) and devide it by 8 you get 32. Bow sine you are getting around 210kb on your download speed tests and getting 25 kB that matches.
You're right where you should be. :) You have to divide it by 8. So 256 / 8 = 32. In your case (and in most) you get *close* to the rated line, so 210 / 8 = 26.25k, right where you should be. That said, you may want to look at getting a faster service. 256 is pretty slow by today's standards imho. I had 512k way back in 1999, and atm, have 1.5 mbps, and *I* think it's too slow sometimes.

But yeah, be happy that you're getting a consistent line speed at least. :)
Stupid me! I always forget to look for the capital B. Thanks for the help. I always forget that you have to convert it. Bits, bytes, megabits and megabytes!!!! :confused: :confused: :confused: It just gives me a headache. ;)

Thanks again.