Dual Booting my PC, Question


Feb 2, 2005
I have done a search for this and I have found nothing.

I recently obtained Windows Server 2003 and I am wanting to dual boot it on a PC of mine which is already running Windows XP. (not my sig PC btw.)
(note: I have done dual booting before, just not while I already have an os on the drive.)

The problem is that I don't want to have to reformat my drive and create new partitions in order to dual boot. Is there some way to partition the unused space on my hardrive so I can install Windows Server 2003 without losing data, or having to back up, and without having to buy an expensive program such as Partition Magic.

In the near future however, I might even want to use more free space on my drive to do a multiboot, meaning I want to be able to boot Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, and Kubuntu Linux.

Anyone? Ideas and help would be greatly appreciated.
You could use partitionmagic (or other similar tools) to resize the existing partition and then create a new one to install the new OS on to. Make sure you've backed everything up before resizing the partition just in case something goes wrong (I had a power outage while resizing once and lost a bunch of data.)

Another option would be to use VirtualPC or VMWare to create a virtual computer. It's a little slower, but a lot easier than constantly rebooting.

So what you're saying is that there is no tool in windows that I can use to do this sort of things? I have to go and buy partition magic? I might as well just backup and reformat then because I don't want to go spend $70 on freaking partition magic.
correct, there's no built in utility to do this. I think there's some freeware alternatives, but I've always had a copy of partitionmagic so haven't researched them.
