DX10 is do-able on Windows XP

Vista's not bad, I hardly use it because its my second boot. I don't feel limited with XP enough to look at it in depth right now. All I use it for right now is the aquarium screensaver.:D
Short answer: Direct X 10 is 100% not doable on windows XP. Period.
I'm not convinced...

Sure, DX10 as it exists in Vista won't run in XP, because of differences in the OS. But I don't see why that means it's impossible for something to present the same interface to the application and send the same instructions to the video card.

DX10 is THE major selling point
...For gamers. Which the vast majority of PC users are not.

Yeah I completely agree with this. I mean with all of the hundreds of high quality games available for Linux, and the fact that all the newest games are released for Linux and Windows at the same time, I can't see why anyone is still using Windows...
I think he was talking about the Wii...

Let us not forget that the revered XP was once a huge resource hog...
And it still is. It's just running on better PCs, so the overhead, in relative terms, is not as high as it once was.
Somebody turn the BS alarm off.

uh... he is saying the truth. if you arent into computers but need one, you make the Vista list. if you are into computers and dont like wasting your money, you hold onto your copies of XP. theres nothing vista actually offers. I mean, if it did offer something it would be like when XP came out. I was wary of it over windows2000 but I saw all the driver incompatibilities of 2k and xp was the more easy road solution. Going xp fixed like 90 out of the 100 problems of previous operating systems.

the only thing vista needed is/was:
1. dx10 to improve speed of high end textures and effects and physics, aka, making things more efficient to do in the era of eye candy. too bad it didnt and too bad it backpedaled even for "dx10" cards which have been milk-toasted now. Look at anandtech's review of a super clock quad core beast limping along with fast dx10 cards. stuff doesnt even work.
2. not crash as much. it crashes more, for the moment at least.
3. be 64 and throw the 32 bits to the lemmings and people that load word and play solitaire who have documents on floppy from 1988 still in their file cabinet. that didnt happen. hardly anyone is encouraged to go to 64 bit and no software for gamers is written on it. Lots of reports have it not crashing as much, which is odd to me.
4. no registry. no form of something that is like a registry. supposed to be one huge database setup for file system. not saying it is or isnt here as it feels like it has improved.
5. incredibly secure by design and not patches - oops
6. aeroglass was supposed to be a productivity tool. eh. its neat though.
7. improved multimedia/seemless performance. be nice if creative, the number one sound card for gamers and nvidia, the number one gamer card, would work with decent drivers on it. i think graphics and sound are needed for multimedia, dont you? dont blame it on nvidia or creative. a hunk of shit was created and they couldnt figure out how to interface with it. M$ isnt the king, its the backbone for other companies. if it causes failure of experience from changing something, it is to blame. M$ is service company. hm.
8. virtualization of operating systems in any direction you want. eh. hm.

i wish i could find a use for vista. I would love to have a new os with less bugs than xp even that could get all my eye candy from the up and comming games like Hellgate London and the Conan's world thing. dont know how to make that happen however, looks murky for 2007.

i just had to rant :) too many frustrating technologies are out, bigger monitors with resolution so high that you need dx10 big 400+ cards to power them for 2007-08, big mofo cards that are built for dx10 that isnt out yet, dx10 not working right on big mofo'in 400+ cards, old sound card that is higher perfomance in games and gives me a firewire port doesnt work right in vista without a drumroll and extra $$ paid to creative.... lots of stuff changing too fast without complete solutions to those demands. the worst right now is gfx cards which, apparently, the insanely good 8800gts 320 is no longer enough for max eye candy... etc etc... :( :( :(
uh... he is saying the truth. if you arent into computers but need one, you make the Vista list. if you are into computers and dont like wasting your money, you hold onto your copies of XP. theres nothing vista actually offers. I mean, if it did offer something it would be like when XP came out. I was wary of it over windows2000 but I saw all the driver incompatibilities of 2k and xp was the more easy road solution. Going xp fixed like 90 out of the 100 problems of previous operating systems.

the only thing vista needed is/was:
1. dx10 to improve speed of high end textures and effects and physics, aka, making things more efficient to do in the era of eye candy. too bad it didnt and too bad it backpedaled even for "dx10" cards which have been milk-toasted now. Look at anandtech's review of a super clock quad core beast limping along with fast dx10 cards. stuff doesnt even work.
2. not crash as much. it crashes more, for the moment at least.
3. be 64 and throw the 32 bits to the lemmings and people that load word and play solitaire who have documents on floppy from 1988 still in their file cabinet. that didnt happen. hardly anyone is encouraged to go to 64 bit and no software for gamers is written on it. Lots of reports have it not crashing as much, which is odd to me.
4. no registry. no form of something that is like a registry. supposed to be one huge database setup for file system. not saying it is or isnt here as it feels like it has improved.
5. incredibly secure by design and not patches - oops
6. aeroglass was supposed to be a productivity tool. eh. its neat though.
7. improved multimedia/seemless performance. be nice if creative, the number one sound card for gamers and nvidia, the number one gamer card, would work with decent drivers on it. i think graphics and sound are needed for multimedia, dont you? dont blame it on nvidia or creative. a hunk of shit was created and they couldnt figure out how to interface with it. M$ isnt the king, its the backbone for other companies. if it causes failure of experience from changing something, it is to blame. M$ is service company. hm.
8. virtualization of operating systems in any direction you want. eh. hm.

i wish i could find a use for vista. I would love to have a new os with less bugs than xp even that could get all my eye candy from the up and comming games like Hellgate London and the Conan's world thing. dont know how to make that happen however, looks murky for 2007.

i just had to rant :) too many frustrating technologies are out, bigger monitors with resolution so high that you need dx10 big 400+ cards to power them for 2007-08, big mofo cards that are built for dx10 that isnt out yet, dx10 not working right on big mofo'in 400+ cards, old sound card that is higher perfomance in games and gives me a firewire port doesnt work right in vista without a drumroll and extra $$ paid to creative.... lots of stuff changing too fast without complete solutions to those demands. the worst right now is gfx cards which, apparently, the insanely good 8800gts 320 is no longer enough for max eye candy... etc etc... :( :( :(

i have to say some thing in defense of 32bit and that is there are FAR FAR to many aps with 16bit installers that will never get updated and so wont work on a 64bit OS becouse you cant install them since you cant run 16bit on a 64bit OS
i guess you could run VMware or some thing with a 32bit os for that but thats a pain

it IS posable to make DX10 work on XP but would take alot of work by ether MS to put it in XP under XPs driver model
for some one like nVidia to make a DX10 to OpenGL wrapper it would work but at a speed hit the question is would the speed of the XP drivers be able to make up for this
since there is a speed hit in Vista it may even out...

Vista over all isnt a bad OS but its not a great OS and a face lift + a DX upgrade isnt worth 200 bucks over XP that i have had for years
not to lets not even start to talk about the state of sound drivers in vista its just shameful
mind you Creative took almost a year to get XP sorted out for the Live! and Audigy
I also find the people who denounce Vista as complete garbage, and swear they'll never use it funny as well. Let us not forget that the revered XP was once a huge resource hog and had plenty of its own problems when it first launched. Once Microsoft has had time to release a couple service packs, fix most of the glaring bugs in Vista, and some better drivers are released, it'll be no different than XP. :rolleyes:

My thoughts exactly ;)

The number of people that denounced XP when it was first released are the people that swear by it now as the only OS for them. I get to see it every day, when people discuss new machines with us, and say (oh Windows Vista is terrible, a lot of people have said its not good at all". They have never actually seen the OS in action, and once they do they actually like its user-friendliness, its looks and ease of use, they change their mind. And face it, its only 5 months old (from final public release, anyway), so full support and acceptance by the community is still a fair way off.

How does this relate to the OP? Well Microsoft have put in a lot of time and effort to develop what is the successor to XP, so from a business perspective it is only natural for them to base the current-gen gaming platform of their current-gen operating system, in order to increase sales and acceptance of its product. Not to mention that Vista was deigned with DX10 in mind, and DX10 was designed for Vista.

There probably isn't a point in putting DX10 into Windows, because the majority of PCs with Windows on them will have Vista on them anyway.
I run Vista and XP Pro,and think Vista is the better OS.I have used Vista for 7 months now,and have had very little problems with it.
I run Vista and XP Pro,and think Vista is the better OS.I have used Vista for 7 months now,and have had very little problems with it.

really? and what were you using for sound 6 months ago? or did you just get that X-fi
Creatives drivers are still lacking and as of 6 months ago there was barely working ones

thats another thing
alot of people dont want Vista becouse there sound just doesnt work ie. any one with a Audigy1 or older Live! cards or the AudigySE and Live! SE cards still dont have real drivers
I still am because of the shit drivers, idk in a year if I still be in XP
Video card drivers have improved a lot since Vista's retail release. Vista has improved as well.

XP is still a great OS and there's no need to dump it for Vista just yet. Crysis will help boost sales of Vista as well as DX10 video cards. Many gamers will make the switch. It's one game that really shows a difference when comparing DX9 with DX10 graphics.
I think he was talking about the Wii...
Oh, I think you're right, haha. For some reason I thought he was saying how fun gaming on Ubuntu is. :D

And it still is. It's just running on better PCs, so the overhead, in relative terms, is not as high as it once was.
This is true, and people will find out that Vista will be like this as well a year from now once they start upgrading.

and I am happy with Windows Vista, I must be one of the few who actually likes the OS

Vista is ok its just there are some thing that bug me
1. Creatives drivers suck BAD still no were near the level of working as XP ones
2. UAP breaks some thing mIRC cant write to its logs and i cant drop files in a DCC window or drop files in to my winamp play list with it on
3. video drivers are still lacking and there is a speed hit atm

till drivers get better im not paying 150-200 bucks for a DX upgrade Aero glass i neat but still not worth it

i like some of the stuff Vista trys to do but other things leave me scratching my head like WHY IN THE WOLRD DID MS remove directsound
thats another thing
alot of people dont want Vista becouse there sound just doesnt work ie. any one with a Audigy1 or older Live! cards or the AudigySE and Live! SE cards still dont have real drivers
Maybe it's time they upgrade or just use onboard sound? The Audigy 1 and Live! cards are ancient by computer standards. I will agree that people shouldn't have to upgrade sound cards as often as other parts. But sound quality has improved over the last 6-7 years and an upgrade should be in order if you're still using an Audigy 1 or older card.

The Audigy 2 works fine under Vista. I had no problems with it other than no EAX ability. ALchemy solves that problem.
Maybe it's time they upgrade or just use onboard sound? The Audigy 1 and Live! cards are ancient by computer standards. I will agree that people shouldn't have to upgrade sound cards as often as other parts. But sound quality has improved over the last 6-7 years and an upgrade should be in order if you're still using an Audigy 1 or older card.

The Audigy 2 works fine under Vista. I had no problems with it other than no EAX ability. ALchemy solves that problem.

realy what about NEW mobos with Audigy1 and Live! chips on them? what then?
and a Audigy1 is still WAY better then AC93' sound codecs on most other mobos
Vista is ok its just there are some thing that bug me
1. Creatives drivers suck BAD still no were near the level of working as XP ones
2. UAP breaks some thing mIRC cant write to its logs and i cant drop files in a DCC window or drop files in to my winamp play list with it on
3. video drivers are still lacking and there is a speed hit atm

You realize none of those are the OS's fault really. Blame the companies for not writing better drivers/ software.
this said way too often.

if i have 69 camaro ss and someone builds a road that can only support 1500 lb "smart cars" from euro-trash,negating the usage of the camaro, you would be the person blaming the owner of the awesome car wouldnt you? make a new road and expect all the stuff that WORKED FINE 100% PERFECT to now have to be altered to drive on the stupidly built road..... it just doesnt make any sense.
Everyone here makes interesting and not so interesting points, the thing is that we will just have to "wait" and see if this is ever going to happen. Until then we will just be assuming for the simple reason of this is what we do here at [H]ardForum. And we love every minute of it !!!
realy what about NEW mobos with Audigy1 and Live! chips on them? what then?
and a Audigy1 is still WAY better then AC93' sound codecs on most other mobos
Then stick with XP or wait for better Vista drivers. Eventually you'll need to decide whether it's worth sticking with old hardware or time to upgrade.
Okay I'll play.

So let's assume DX10 is hacked or ported to XP. And it's even half-way decent as far as performance goes. How are we going to be able to use the DX10 features? Oh wait, that's right you have that brand spankin new $800 GeFarce 9850SS with 2GB of GDDR5 memory that is DX10 capable. So you install the DX10XP package you found on teh innernatz somewhere. It installs without a hitch.

Then you break out that copy of Frag-a-thon 2 that you didn't realize was "DX10 only" when you're still running the DX9 crippled XP ('cause you never run that peace'o'shit Vista amarite? fscking M$ can't rite a operating system to save it's life :rolleyes: ). You slip in the Frag-a-thon 2 disc and it complains about it requiring Vista and exit the installer. No problem you saw this coming and downloaded the cracked installer that let's it install in XP. Like any good acolyte you abide by the ceremony laid out in the crack.nfo file (which stoopid MS seems to think is supposed to be open with System Info). BAM you happier than hippie in a 10-acre field of greens :D . You get to join your buddies in a slaughterfest for the first time in 6 months (you know, since back when they broke down like the sheep they are and bought M$ bli$ta).

Meanwhile, your buddies show up to join you in a quick LAN party, since you called them an hour ago to brag about how XP can run DX10 games now. So they get everything set up and you're ready to rumble.

After a couple minutes of searching through 147 desktop icons you double click the Frag-a-thon 2 shortcut and everything looks great. After the impressive intro videos, you go into the options to set you keyboard up how you like, set your audio level to your preference, and then the into video options and max everything out cause your GeFarce likes it [H]ard. You exit out of the options and click on "Online SlaughterFest" to join the LAN game your friend to the left has set up and waiting (the rich bastard paid for a personal server, lucky for you to have friends like that eh?). The next screen shows up and asks for all the pertinent information to join the already set up slaughterfest. Once you get that entered you click "Join".... the screen goes black and you wait......

....5 seconds later your'e still waiting, so are you friends by the way since the 'fest was setup for five player and your're the fifth. Then BAM you're sitting at the XP desktop with an error message saying something about not be able to initialize the graphics card.

You're pissed, you buds are laughing their asses off behind you, and the DEA just found that hippie's field of greens. You tell everyone to get the fuck out. You call up Intidia's customer support line and get someone you can't understand. You tell her your problem and they read some scripted response that makes no sense. You probably confused the poor girl with terms like DX10 and XP being in the same sentence. She doesn't have a script for that one you know, so she just snatched up a fail-safe one .That approach not working, you decide to email Intidia's tech support team.

Three days later you receive a response saying that XP is an older operating system and they have no plans to add DX10 support to the drivers and they'll just have incremental bug patches future as the need arises.

The DX10 api (which would be half ass ported or just a real hackjob) is only half of the equation. Someone would still have to write DX10XP driver for your card. Otherwise, the games would be sending DX10 instructions to the driver, but the driver (lacking DX10 support in XP) wouldn't know WTF to do with them and just crash to the desktop.
I recently moved to a new job and attended a week-long orientation with about 60 other people. At the beginning of the week everyone was handed a laptop with Vista loaded and just about everybody (including myself) moaned and groaned about it. But by the end of the week most people have gotten used to it and said that they liked it better than XP (myself included).

Granted the device driver support is not as strong, when SP1 comes around and I make sure everything on my main rig has a vista driver, I will be upgrading.
Okay I'll play.

So let's assume DX10 is hacked or ported to XP. And it's even half-way decent as far as performance goes. How are we going to be able to use the DX10 features? Oh wait, that's right you have that brand spankin new $800 GeFarce 9850SS with 2GB of GDDR5 memory that is DX10 capable. So you install the DX10XP package you found on teh innernatz somewhere. It installs without a hitch.

Then you break out that copy of Frag-a-thon 2 that you didn't realize was "DX10 only" when you're still running the DX9 crippled XP ('cause you never run that peace'o'shit Vista amarite? fscking M$ can't rite a operating system to save it's life :rolleyes: ). You slip in the Frag-a-thon 2 disc and it complains about it requiring Vista and exit the installer. No problem you saw this coming and downloaded the cracked installer that let's it install in XP. Like any good acolyte you abide by the ceremony laid out in the crack.nfo file (which stoopid MS seems to think is supposed to be open with System Info). BAM you happier than hippie in a 10-acre field of greens :D . You get to join your buddies in a slaughterfest for the first time in 6 months (you know, since back when they broke down like the sheep they are and bought M$ bli$ta).

Meanwhile, your buddies show up to join you in a quick LAN party, since you called them an hour ago to brag about how XP can run DX10 games now. So they get everything set up and you're ready to rumble.

After a couple minutes of searching through 147 desktop icons you double click the Frag-a-thon 2 shortcut and everything looks great. After the impressive intro videos, you go into the options to set you keyboard up how you like, set your audio level to your preference, and then the into video options and max everything out cause your GeFarce likes it [H]ard. You exit out of the options and click on "Online SlaughterFest" to join the LAN game your friend to the left has set up and waiting (the rich bastard paid for a personal server, lucky for you to have friends like that eh?). The next screen shows up and asks for all the pertinent information to join the already set up slaughterfest. Once you get that entered you click "Join".... the screen goes black and you wait......

....5 seconds later your'e still waiting, so are you friends by the way since the 'fest was setup for five player and your're the fifth. Then BAM you're sitting at the XP desktop with an error message saying something about not be able to initialize the graphics card.

You're pissed, you buds are laughing their asses off behind you, and the DEA just found that hippie's field of greens. You tell everyone to get the fuck out. You call up Intidia's customer support line and get someone you can't understand. You tell her your problem and they read some scripted response that makes no sense. You probably confused the poor girl with terms like DX10 and XP being in the same sentence. She doesn't have a script for that one you know, so she just snatched up a fail-safe one .That approach not working, you decide to email Intidia's tech support team.

Three days later you receive a response saying that XP is an older operating system and they have no plans to add DX10 support to the drivers and they'll just have incremental bug patches future as the need arises.

The DX10 api (which would be half ass ported or just a real hackjob) is only half of the equation. Someone would still have to write DX10XP driver for your card. Otherwise, the games would be sending DX10 instructions to the driver, but the driver (lacking DX10 support in XP) wouldn't know WTF to do with them and just crash to the desktop.
Now thats some funny and "weird shit"!!! I have a copy of Fragathon 2 !!
You realize none of those are the OS's fault really. Blame the companies for not writing better drivers/ software.

how does one write software for an OS that wasnt out 3 years ago
there are a lot old aps that people use and they dont realy work right
Okay I'll play.

So let's assume DX10 is hacked or ported to XP. And it's even half-way decent as far as performance goes. How are we going to be able to use the DX10 features? Oh wait, that's right you have that brand spankin new $800 GeFarce 9850SS with 2GB of GDDR5 memory that is DX10 capable. So you install the DX10XP package you found on teh innernatz somewhere. It installs without a hitch.

Then you break out that copy of Frag-a-thon 2 that you didn't realize was "DX10 only" when you're still running the DX9 crippled XP ('cause you never run that peace'o'shit Vista amarite? fscking M$ can't rite a operating system to save it's life :rolleyes: ). You slip in the Frag-a-thon 2 disc and it complains about it requiring Vista and exit the installer. No problem you saw this coming and downloaded the cracked installer that let's it install in XP. Like any good acolyte you abide by the ceremony laid out in the crack.nfo file (which stoopid MS seems to think is supposed to be open with System Info). BAM you happier than hippie in a 10-acre field of greens :D . You get to join your buddies in a slaughterfest for the first time in 6 months (you know, since back when they broke down like the sheep they are and bought M$ bli$ta).

Meanwhile, your buddies show up to join you in a quick LAN party, since you called them an hour ago to brag about how XP can run DX10 games now. So they get everything set up and you're ready to rumble.

After a couple minutes of searching through 147 desktop icons you double click the Frag-a-thon 2 shortcut and everything looks great. After the impressive intro videos, you go into the options to set you keyboard up how you like, set your audio level to your preference, and then the into video options and max everything out cause your GeFarce likes it [H]ard. You exit out of the options and click on "Online SlaughterFest" to join the LAN game your friend to the left has set up and waiting (the rich bastard paid for a personal server, lucky for you to have friends like that eh?). The next screen shows up and asks for all the pertinent information to join the already set up slaughterfest. Once you get that entered you click "Join".... the screen goes black and you wait......

....5 seconds later your'e still waiting, so are you friends by the way since the 'fest was setup for five player and your're the fifth. Then BAM you're sitting at the XP desktop with an error message saying something about not be able to initialize the graphics card.

You're pissed, you buds are laughing their asses off behind you, and the DEA just found that hippie's field of greens. You tell everyone to get the fuck out. You call up Intidia's customer support line and get someone you can't understand. You tell her your problem and they read some scripted response that makes no sense. You probably confused the poor girl with terms like DX10 and XP being in the same sentence. She doesn't have a script for that one you know, so she just snatched up a fail-safe one .That approach not working, you decide to email Intidia's tech support team.

Three days later you receive a response saying that XP is an older operating system and they have no plans to add DX10 support to the drivers and they'll just have incremental bug patches future as the need arises.

The DX10 api (which would be half ass ported or just a real hackjob) is only half of the equation. Someone would still have to write DX10XP driver for your card. Otherwise, the games would be sending DX10 instructions to the driver, but the driver (lacking DX10 support in XP) wouldn't know WTF to do with them and just crash to the desktop.

you missed the easy way out a DX10 to OpenGL wrapper the game makes DX10 calls then a shim translates them in to OGL calls slower but it would work
you missed the easy way out a DX10 to OpenGL wrapper the game makes DX10 calls then a shim translates them in to OGL calls slower but it would work
But it would be better to just upgrade to Vista rather than deal with a slow and buggy wrapper.
I'm using XP x64 right now, and will probably still be using it in a year's time because:

1) I have 128 games installed and working on XP; I really don't feel like going through installing and patching all of them again on Vista.

2) I have an X-Fi soundcard; Alchemy helps but support in Vista in still rubbish.

3) I have two X1900s which will run anythig I've thrown at them so far at the 1600x1200 I game at. Nothing to gain for DX10 on DX9 cards.

4) I have that many older games to play through I've no reason to go buy new DX10 ones. The last few I completed (for the first time) were Unreal, Simon the Sorceror 1-3, Beyond Good & Evil, Silver, Project Eden, Psychonauts and Lego Stars Wars 1-2.

5) I only upgraded to XP because I couldn't get Japanese language support working properly in ME. There are no features I've found that are sufficiently broken in XP for me to change my OS. If it ain't broke...

6) I'd only turn off Aero and all the other "shiny" new features anyway - I run a stripped XP installation with no wallpaper or sounds to claw back more memory, I close the explorer shell when I'm gaming, and I'm confident I've squeezed every last drop of performance out of this machine through overclocking and tweaking. I'm less confident it's even known how to tweak Vista to the same level at this time.
I got it for free :D

Aren't you the one who got it directly from one of the higher-ups at NVIDIA? I think I remember a thread about someone meeting (insert name of rich NVIDIA dude here) at a store and he was buying one for his daughter and wound up buying two, and handing it to you... or was that someone else...or did I imagine the whole thing:p
5) I only upgraded to XP because I couldn't get Japanese language support working properly in ME. There are no features I've found that are sufficiently broken in XP for me to change my OS. If it ain't broke...

Are you saying that you would rather be running Windows ME over Windows XP?

6) I'd only turn off Aero and all the other "shiny" new features anyway - I run a stripped XP installation with no wallpaper or sounds to claw back more memory, I close the explorer shell when I'm gaming, and I'm confident I've squeezed every last drop of performance out of this machine through overclocking and tweaking. I'm less confident it's even known how to tweak Vista to the same level at this time.

Does Killing Explorer really gain you that much?

Not flaming just wondering.
Aren't you the one who got it directly from one of the higher-ups at NVIDIA? I think I remember a thread about someone meeting (insert name of rich NVIDIA dude here) at a store and he was buying one for his daughter and wound up buying two, and handing it to you... or was that someone else...or did I imagine the whole thing:p

Nope, that was kuylagen (sp?), and he got it from frys when nvidia's ceo bought it for him.
Aren't you the one who got it directly from one of the higher-ups at NVIDIA? I think I remember a thread about someone meeting (insert name of rich NVIDIA dude here) at a store and he was buying one for his daughter and wound up buying two, and handing it to you... or was that someone else...or did I imagine the whole thing:p

nope not me. but I wish it was :p
Thank you... that was perfect:)


But seriously, I don't even know why people are concerned about this at all right now. There are no DX10 games right now. Only a single demo! Yes, Vista's hardware support is shit right now. But really, do you need it? There's no reason to switch right now. Wait until games come out for Vista if you're having hardware problems with it; don't bother with the bandwaggon.