E22 - K2 prototype

Even though Nate hasn't updated it here, he did manage a 3rd place finish in the case contruction (scratch build) category. Congrats bro!
not bad considering the timeline. Had he finished it as he previously indicated it would have been 1st I am sure. What a nice mod.
Dude, your creation was awesome in the video.

Massive gathering, looks pretty neat. Like the State Fair for geeks.:D

Thanks dude, it was an awesome event but a bit weird having people watching you all the time and flashing cameras in your face lol

Even though Nate hasn't updated it here, he did manage a 3rd place finish in the case contruction (scratch build) category. Congrats bro!


Thanks Craig :D I did indeed snatch a third place and in turn a nice 150 euros to put to finishing off the prototype / starting on the final version :)

not bad considering the timeline. Had he finished it as he previously indicated it would have been 1st I am sure. What a nice mod.

Thanks Willsonman, 1st place was the awesome deskArt by paslis. We got on really well and he definitely deserved to win... that thing is just plain epic in the flesh! a real work of art.

I have actually made a short little video now showing the case and explaining a few of the things I am looking to do with it in the future :D

I was originally gonna say the acid green looked awesome, but that purple is mighty good too.

It takes a real man to have a purple PC.
While I do agree purple looks awesome.... I don't honestly think I could sit at my desk with a purple PC next to me for 10 hours a day!.... I'm just not man enough! lol


I did take in all of the votes yesterday though, tallied them up and made a cute little graph.. (see not manly enough)


Seems blue will never die as the publics favourite! Although I am surprised how highly green scored!
If you haven't been living in a hole this week you will probably have realized that the cooler master case mod competition is coming to a close :) So with that I present to you the final images of K2 MK1 :D




Enjoy :D
that purple photoshop was indeed beautiful, blue is nice too ;p
The important question is will/when we be able to order one, cause that is a FANTASTIC looking case, no matter the color of the WC fluid