EA Allegedly Cancels Open World Star Wars Game


Mar 3, 2018
Citing "three people familiar with the matter," Kotaku claims that a long running Star Was project under development in EA's Vancouver office has been canceled. This "open world" Star Wars game allegedly inherited some art assets from Visceral Games' Uncharted-like Star Wars game, which itself was canceled in 2017 when EA shut down the studio. Sources later told Kotaku that the project was code-named "Orca," and would involve playing as a "scoundrel or bounty hunter" across multiple planets. Some of those sources hope that the project might be restarted after the studio finishes the smaller scale project they were tasked with instead.

EA had not shown any of EA Vancouver's open-world Star Wars game publicly, but the publisher talked about it when it announced Visceral’s demise...On October 22, 2018, EA announced that it had installed executive Samantha Ryan to oversee Motive. Subsequently, Raymond left the company... When EA's top decision-makers looked at their road map for the next few years, they decided that they needed something earlier than the planned release date for Orca, according to two people familiar with what happened. So they cancelled Orca in favor of a smaller-scale Star Wars project that's now aimed for much sooner-likely, late 2020, which also happens to be around the time that I've heard next-gen consoles will launch. (Might be a bit earlier; might be a bit later. From what I’ve heard, next-gen plans are definitely still in flux.) To EA's credit, those people said, the publisher did not lay anyone off as part of this transition.
Typical of EA.


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Why make lots of money later, when you can shovel some crap out the door for a lose sooner? Though quickly shoveled crap often makes a buck.
The pushback against loot boxes probably killed it/put it on the back burner. Remember they announced the change in direction for the game at the height of the loot box madness in the industry and just before the Battlefront II debacle.
I just dont understand what is so difficult about giving us another Knights of the Old Republic. I mean it's really not this hard. Both of the original games were wildly successful. Even with their flaws. I guess I shouldn't be surprised at anything EA or Disney does for that matter.
Couldnt include enough microtransactions. Expect a Sims Star Wars Add on instead.
Please Disney! Take Star Wars IP away from EA and give it to someone who actually cares about making good games! EA Star Wars games have been nothing more than either complete disasters or cancelled! How much more proof do you need to get it that EA is not the right company for the IP!?
Please Disney! Take Star Wars IP away from EA and give it to someone who actually cares about making good games! EA Star Wars games have been nothing more than either complete disasters or cancelled! How much more proof do you need to get it that EA is not the right company for the IP!?

As if Disney knows what to do with the IP period. They lost an ungodly amount of money on their failed interpretations of the new movies and only the Marvel IP saved them from a financial bloodbath. I have never seen a group of people destroy a beloved franchise so quickly than I have the warped freaks at Disney. I am hoping a new generation of sane individuals will resurrect it again at some point.
As if Disney knows what to do with the IP period. They lost an ungodly amount of money on their failed interpretations of the new movies and only the Marvel IP saved them from a financial bloodbath. I have never seen a group of people destroy a beloved franchise so quickly than I have the warped freaks at Disney. I am hoping a new generation of sane individuals will resurrect it again at some point.

Disney is just as lost as EA indeed, but as far as business side of things go even they should see that EA has done jack and shit with the franchise, and even the little has done nothing but damage their reputation further. 4 years and only two games that were both critically lynched. And two potentially good games that people were actually excited about got cancelled thanks to backroom politics and greed.
If it was going to be anything like Star Wars Galaxy - good riddance. What a steaming pile of grindfest, contentless crap that was.
This says more about the decimated state of the Star Wars IP thanks to Disney, than it says anything about EA.

No, EA has royally shit the bed. They decimated the Bioware team in charge of SWTOR, cancelled every other PC game other than Battlefront, and only have a mobile app to their name.

If I was Disney, I would be livid and Sue EA for damages and breach of contract.

I would then likely sell the rights to another publisher with a penchant for storytelling, like Bethseda...
As if Disney knows what to do with the IP period. They lost an ungodly amount of money on their failed interpretations of the new movies and only the Marvel IP saved them from a financial bloodbath. I have never seen a group of people destroy a beloved franchise so quickly than I have the warped freaks at Disney. I am hoping a new generation of sane individuals will resurrect it again at some point.

Can I be blunt? Solo is actually a very good Star Wars movie.

What killed the franchise is having Rian Johnson discard the script Abrams worked on for episode 8 in order to write his own script to essentially tell all Star Wars fans "haha, I am shitting all over your beloved Star Wars and there is nothing you can do about it", followed by Solo, which actually feels like old trilogy Star Wars, but with people pissed off about the last Jedi, the final straw was the director and one of the actors getting hyper political and it ended up alienating half the audience.

the sick part is if the director and actor would have kept their mouths shut, none of the stuff they claimed actually translated in the film and it just feels like a good Star Wars film.

at this point, you have to wonder if there are people in Hollywood who intentionally were trying to fuck the franchise so they can laugh about it.

Hollywood is filled with creative assholes who would love to brag that they were the ones who killed Star Wars.
Could someone cancel EA?

Or at least Disney revoke their contract and find a publisher/developer that doesn't intentionally alienate the fans...

I don't really need new Star Wars games at this point, I would be happy with HD remakes of all the early LucasArts Star Wars games (X-Wing, TIE Fighter, Dark Forces, Jedi Knight)
Execs heard "single player campaign" and noticed the lack of loot boxes, and promptly killed the project. TWICE
They canceled it so they had more time to give its replacement the "Battlefield V" treatment. You know, like inserting transgender vegan anarchist biracial amputees armed with muskets and eco-friendly pamphlets as the default protagonist. Games that don't check off all the relevant SJW items simply won't sell, you know. The amazing smash hit and fantastic sales of BF5 prove that!

In other news, having determined "Star Wars" is overtly aggressive as a name, it shall henceforth be known as "Light-giving Stellar Sphere Intense Protests" so it is more inclusive and non-offensive.
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As if Disney knows what to do with the IP period. They lost an ungodly amount of money on their failed interpretations of the new movies and only the Marvel IP saved them from a financial bloodbath. I have never seen a group of people destroy a beloved franchise so quickly than I have the warped freaks at Disney. I am hoping a new generation of sane individuals will resurrect it again at some point.
They lost ungoldy amount? Put you feelings about the movie and see they already made billions off them.
They lost ungoldy amount? Put you feelings about the movie and see they already made billions off them.

Well to be fair in Hollywood Math all movies LOSE money. I mean look at how unprofitable Harry Potter was!

The Last Jedi only made about a billion so clearly that snt a very good amount when you consider they spent nearly 300 million to make it. You know like how Paramount considers Star Trek to be not worth enough to make a new movie consider it only doubled their money...before costs of course so they could lose money as usual.
Well to be fair in Hollywood Math all movies LOSE money

and its done for a very good reason. Taxes. Each movie is its own "company". people in the company make money.. but not the movie itself. else they have to pay taxes.
and its done for a very good reason. Taxes. Each movie is its own "company". people in the company make money.. but not the movie itself. else they have to pay taxes.

Oh I am aware and I find the practice to be despicable. Except for the people they want to screw over that arent in the company .
and its done for a very good reason. Taxes. Each movie is its own "company". people in the company make money.. but not the movie itself. else they have to pay taxes.

Worse, they'd have to pay the ACTORS/PRODUCERS/DIRECTORS who take a percentage of the profits. Hollywood history is replete with examples of studios screwing talent out of "net profit" percentages. That's why nobody with any sense ever agrees to "net profit" and instead goes for "gross profit" which isn't so easily manipulated by the studios. Harry Potter, a multi-billion dollar franchise, lost money? That's what they claim!

Seriously, if Hollywood lost as much money on every movie as they actually claim, why would anyone ever MAKE a movie ever again? How could these studios still be in business after losing billions of dollars every year for DECADES? It's a sham. Everyone knows it's a sham. Yet Hollywood still goes through the motions and lies with a straight face.
As if Disney knows what to do with the IP period. They made an ungodly amount of money on their failed interpretations of the new movies and only the Marvel IP saved them from a financial bloodbath. I have never seen a group of people destroy a beloved franchise so quickly than I have the warped freaks at Disney. I am hoping a new generation of sane individuals will resurrect it again at some point.
? Where do you get your information, but ftfy.

Seriously even rogue one took in $1B with only $200mm budget. Fact check before spewing your feelings.
Good they would have fucked it up anyway.

Remaster Star Wars Galaxies (ORIGINAL)

Please Disney! Take Star Wars IP away from EA and give it to someone who actually cares about making good games! EA Star Wars games have been nothing more than either complete disasters or cancelled! How much more proof do you need to get it that EA is not the right company for the IP!?
Yeah, because disney cares about the ip apart from being a money cow and a vessel for wokeness.
Yeah, because disney cares about the ip apart from being a money cow and a vessel for wokeness.

Well the track record for money is not looking so hot as far as Battlefront is concernet. To my knowledge at least.
They lost ungoldy amount? Put you feelings about the movie and see they already made billions off them.

Check the SEC filings, Disney has not broke even on the deal as of this year, nor has Disney made the money put out for the cost of their movies and merchandise for last year.

Disney , for some odd reason, does not want to give their customers what they want.
The only reason they're canceling is because they know we'd take a hot dump on them again if they tried to stuff it full of microtransactions.
Can I be blunt? Solo is actually a very good Star Wars movie.

It wasn't terrible, I enjoyed it. The Mrs actually liked it too, and she DNGAF about Star Wars. But I skipped the theater on purpose, because of the lingering taste of the turd that Last Jedi shat in my mouth. But as crappy as Last Jedi was, it still made a ton of cash. I think they could duct tape some lightsabers to some cats and film it and it would make money if it had "Star Wars" in the title.

edit - having just typed that, I think I could work up a screenplay around that. Jedi Cats Of The Old Republic!

edit v2 - dammit, someone beat me to it.

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Good they would have fucked it up anyway.

Remaster Star Wars Galaxies (ORIGINAL)


Hello Brother! Rebel Bria Orphan here. Started playing first month of release.

Before survival crafting, resource harvesting, creature taming, and non fixed classes and flexible group sizes was a common thing the original SWG had them all.

Loot was resources. There were no weapons but those crafted by players. Naked corpse runs through endor..... ahh good times.
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Sometimes you just need more coders for that new phone game and you need to pull the plug on whatever they are wasting their talents on. /s
Can I be blunt? Solo is actually a very good Star Wars movie.
Very good? That's a stretch. Compotent maybe. There are still a ton of oddities. For one, where and when did Luke learn to speak in Chiewies language? In the film, it implies he just knew it.

How did solo get his nickname? Oh some random imperial desk clerk named him solo because he has no clan. Not because he's without family or doesn't know who his father is but clanless. This society based off clans (suggesting primitive?) also gave him the upbringing allowing him to speak alien space languages including chewies.

The film constantly keeps trying to portray scenes where solo is in danger like falling out the train or smashing his face into a Cliffside while travelling at high speed. However, we all know he's got invincible plot armor as he's in the next one. So there is no real tension or feeling of stakes.

Changing Orlando's character to be a robosexual? The woman's rights parody character fighting for robo rights? That chewie is a cannibal or humanoid raw flesh eater who survived by eating innocent rebels?

There's a lot of items in the storyline and character development that don't make much sense or for with current canon. The best parts were probably the cinematography and special effects. It felt somewhat like Star Wars which is a good start but I wouldn't say it was a very good film if you compare it to the original trilogy. Maybe it's very good compared to the last jedi.
There is literally NOTHING they could do to actually hurt the star wars IP enough that those of us that grew up with it wouldn't give it a try. It's stupid.. but my love for that IP is so deep...