EA Sports no more NCAA

Awesome, more competition for football games. Remember when 2k sports undercut Madden by $30 and was a superior product? The next year EA gobbles up the license and bye bye competition.

Finally the NCAA does something right.
Now if the NFL and NFLPA would do the same ... :cool:


Awesome, more competition for football games. Remember when 2k sports undercut Madden by $30 and was a superior product? The next year EA gobbles up the license and bye bye competition.

Finally the NCAA does something right.

It'll be interesting to see if anybody decides to make a college game anymore. Now a video game developer will have to strike individual deals with each and every college, to use their logos/teams in their game. The NCAA will be left out of it. Plus, with this all being brought about because the NCAA is being sued by former players, will other developers want to risk becoming a possible target too?
As a person playing footballidiot modded Madden 2008, I would say:


It'll be interesting to see if anybody decides to make a college game anymore. Now a video game developer will have to strike individual deals with each and every college, to use their logos/teams in their game. The NCAA will be left out of it. Plus, with this all being brought about because the NCAA is being sued by former players, will other developers want to risk becoming a possible target too?

From what I got out of reading the artical they are already doing this. The only thing they are getting from NCAA is the right to use their name and logos in the game. They already have to go to all the schools individually and get the rights to use logs and what not. So EA may still make a college football game they just wouldnt be able to call it NCAA football anymore.
EA's exclusive license with the NFL runs out after Madden25 (original 5 year + 3 year extension; 2006-2013).

The problem isn't just EA, its' the NFL. The NFL wants exclusive licenses for it's products. EA is just willing to pay the most. If NFL signed with 2K, then 2K would have the exclusive.

I think competition drives games forward. I want there to be both EA and 2K NFL games.
Awesome, more competition for football games. Remember when 2k sports undercut Madden by $30 and was a superior product? The next year EA gobbles up the license and bye bye competition.

Finally the NCAA does something right.

Smart move by EA.. They made a ton of money from that series.
I'm torn as to which I'd like to go away more for being more sleazy.... The NCAA or EA.
I remember the days of Bill Walsh College Football back before anything was licensed in the first place. Something tells me they'll go back to that.