Elon Musk Says He'll Start Digging A Tunnel From SpaceX HQ


Aug 20, 2006
Is the madman really doing it? Well, he keeps tweeting about it, and in a seemingly serious manner, too, although it sounds like more of a personalized, pet project now that would only help him get between LAX and his SpaceX office. The overall idea was for these tunnels to reduce traffic, but I think the real solution for something like that would require figuring out how to get people off roads.

Elon Musk said he’s making “progress” on his tunnel ambitions on Twitter on Wednesday, a project he first mentioned after being stuck in traffic in LA in December. The SpaceX and Tesla CEO shared more details about the project when pressed by fans, specifying that he could actually plan to start digging essentially from near his office at SpaceX. Musk’s tunnel plans, then, seem possibly aimed at reducing his travel time between SpaceX and LAX, at least initially. LAX is an airport he likely frequents with dizzying regularity, given his commitments at SpaceX, Tesla and SolarCity. In Ashlee Vance’s 2015 biography, he said Musk essentially splits time between SpaceX and Tesla HQs, which means a regular mid-week and end-of week trip to and from Silicon Valley from LA.
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Wait a sec... Musk flies commercial? How can he not have a private jet? I thought it was a requirement to be in the billionaire boy's club...
How far below ground on their property does a person or business entity own? I know the question is often asked about how far above.
Wait a sec... Musk flies commercial? How can he not have a private jet? I thought it was a requirement to be in the billionaire boy's club...

Private jets need to land somewhere unless he has a private airport.
If someone digs a tunnel underneath my property without my permission there is going to be a lawsuit.
Private jets need to land somewhere unless he has a private airport.

I'd venture a guess that there might be some private airports in southern Cali somewhere... or he can just have one built on company property (maybe not, laws and such, what do I know).
I'd venture a guess that there might be some private airports in southern Cali somewhere... or he can just have one built on company property (maybe not, laws and such, what do I know).

There are but the problem is getting to them in a timely manner and if your airline flies out of it. Most if not all private jets are in LAX due to available flight routes. If you are in LA, then the closet airport is LAX and LAX is a just a cluster fuck. It takes me 45min to an hour just get to LAX then up to another 30mins once I am there just to get to my terminal to be dropped off.
There are but the problem is getting to them in a timely manner and if your airline flies out of it. Most if not all private jets are in LAX due to available flight routes. If you are in LA, then the closet airport is LAX and LAX is a just a cluster fuck. It takes me 45min to an hour just get to LAX then up to another 30mins once I am there just to get to my terminal to be dropped off.

Well yeah, the whole point is to avoid LAX. There have to be private airports elsewhere.
Why would he not focus on a two person unmanned aircraft? I would...
I am all for traffic going below ground. That would be fucking great. My only concern is moles. They'll be fucked :(
Why dont we just do something about overpopulation instead? Would solve a whole lot of problems.
Sure just dig a tunnel under a bunch of private property, it'll be fine. Idiot.

Why does every dumb idea he conjures up after a few coke lines have to make national news?
Sure just dig a tunnel under a bunch of private property, it'll be fine. Idiot.

Why does every dumb idea he conjures up after a few coke lines have to make national news?

Because he has made significant accomplishments in the areas of green energy and transportation? And also has accomplished some amazing shit like re-usable first stage boosters THAT LAND ON FUCKING FLOATING BARGES which is something even NASA never tried or thought about.

The guy might be a little whacky, but you cannot deny his accomplishments. Not every idea someone comes up with has to be a good one.
Cheaper to fly someone else's private airline than own your own plane and have to handle the costs of maintenance/upkeep/pilots/etc. I mean really, even Bill Gates gets plain old haircuts, just because a person is wealthy doesn't mean they have to be stupid with their actual cash. ;)
The Millenium Tower in SF should be a cautionary tale of why we don't let EITHER private or public companies dig under our properties.
Private jets need to land somewhere unless he has a private airport.
or a parachute...
The Millenium Tower in SF should be a cautionary tale of why we don't let EITHER private or public companies dig under our properties.

Except the Millennium Tower's problems are related to bad design, not underground digging. The developers needed to use end-bearing piles that load onto bedrock for stability. Instead they used concrete friction piles at 1/3rd of the required depth and stuck it in mud and sand... The developers are trying to skip out on their multi-million lawsuit by blaming Transbay Joint Powers Authority's separate construction project which started months after the towers problems started.
Except the Millennium Tower's problems are related to bad design, not underground digging. The developers needed to use end-bearing piles that load onto bedrock for stability. Instead they used concrete friction piles at 1/3rd of the required depth and stuck it in mud and sand... The developers are trying to skip out on their multi-million lawsuit by blaming Transbay Joint Powers Authority's separate construction project which started months after the towers problems started.
Sounds to me like they're still trying to assess blame still. I haven't followed it that close and since obviously I'm up in the Bay, I couldn't care less what LA does. I don't think I'd want tunnel under my house, but I'm happy cause I'm not worried about it.

Because he has made significant accomplishments in the areas of green energy and transportation? And also has accomplished some amazing shit like re-usable first stage boosters THAT LAND ON FUCKING FLOATING BARGES which is something even NASA never tried or thought about.

The guy might be a little whacky, but you cannot deny his accomplishments. Not every idea someone comes up with has to be a good one.

Accomplishments of selling hype. He's a hype machine at best. He gets a lot of funding via government, so it is NASA in a sense.