Energy Revolution: California Approves $768 Million for Electric Vehicles

california doesn't have a parking problem, and it's not expensive.

and hell no to sharing cramped cars with a bunch of strangers.

We do down here in some popular spots, not everywhere and not all the time, but enough to be a nuisance when you can spend two bucks on an Uber ride to get to meet friends at the bar or club and then back, less incidents of drunk driving as well that way. So yeah it's not as bad as the older cities on the east coast, but still happens.

You're gonna ride a bus or tram or whatever with a bunch of strangers, that's the nature of public transport. It's not gonna solve that "problem" I'm afraid lol.

Also it would be a nice perk for the city to run these as they'll be operated by full-time employees rather than any random Joe with a car.

More jobs, cheaper to operate, more efficient and timely service, lotsa pros if done right, so keeping an eye on that experiment in Texas.
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I live in Southern California too, but mass transit is not the solution. We have spent billions on mass transit, yet less people use it than 20 years ago.
Mass transit is something that most people want others to use, but won't use themselves.

As for the smog, I've lived here for over 50 years, and it was much worse 30 years ago. We had a good view of a mountain at the end of the street I grew up on, and most of the year we would never see it. Only after a couples days of rain would it be clear enough. My brother now lives in the same house, and most days you can see the mountain. Huge difference.
Number of smog alerts they call now days is a fraction of the days when I was growing up.

I agree smog has gotten better but still no bueno.

I believe the mass transit would be used a lot more if it actually went where people want to go! Compared to NYC and DC metro, LA's metro is a joke. Can't even get to La Brea.
And I have a budget surplus this year because I have a few thousand more in the bank.
I'll simply ignore the $50,000 I charged on my credit cards, the $200,000 I took out of the house when I refinanced it, and the $25,000 I owe the IRS.
(I didn't really do this as I'm not as dumb as our politicians)

See how easy it is to have a surplus if you use government accounting standards :p

So you were one of the people who voted to make it easier to pass these fake budgets. That explains a lot.

Instead of compromising with the opposition to actually balance the budget, they simply shuffle funds around, raise taxes, steal from local governments, underfund pension funds, and make overly optimistic assumptions about future revenues. This will not end well (see Venezuela for what happens when you spend money you don't have).

I'm sure my budget would be easy to balance if assume I'll win a million dollars in the lottery next year. :D

I've lived here all my life. I just hope it doesn't collapse before I can sell my over priced house in a few years, and retire to another state.

So you'd kick people out of their retirement homes, people who can't work anymore?

My dad saw Nazi handiwork in WWII, I'm glad He's not around anymore to see this, He was a Medic in the US Army and He was not a draftee.

Compromise Here's the meaning of the word:
  1. an agreement or a settlement of a dispute that is reached by each side making concessions.
    "an ability to listen to two sides in a dispute, and devise a compromise acceptable to both" ·
    agreement · understanding · settlement · terms · accommodation · deal ·
  1. settle a dispute by mutual concession.
    "in the end we compromised and deferred the issue"
    synonyms: meet each other halfway · find the middle ground · come to terms · come to an understanding · make a deal · make concessions · find a happy medium · strike a balance · give and take · split the difference
  2. accept standards that are lower than is desirable.
    "we were not prepared to compromise on safety"
    synonyms: change one's mind · give way · give in · yield · acquiesce · compromise ·

  3. bring into disrepute or danger by indiscreet, foolish, or reckless behavior.
    "situations in which his troops could be compromised"

Prop 25 was voted in by the voters in 2010, it gave the Legislature the power to pass a budget without a fight, don't like that? Too damn bad...

That is part of the California Constitution, the law of the land in California.

Yeah I'll wave bye bye to you as you leave nutzo and so will My friends nearby, no one will miss you.
I won't and I was born in CA and I still live here.

The governor loaned $6 Billion to the Calpers pension fund from the state Surplus Money Investment Fund. So what...
And no I didn't vote for Chiang, I didn't like His initial commercials. Nor for Newsom. And yes I voted by mail already.
and I'm not gonna tell you more.

Venezuela and California are not the same, conflate much?

Venezuela is an independent country with it's own currency.

California is not an independent country with it's own currency.

Hey your house and cards are your problem, not mine.

But then My house is paid for, I don't owe a penny on it, nor am I using it as a piggy bank.
And no, government didn't buy My home for Me, My late aunt did that years ago in Her last will and testament, but then She had no children.
I agree smog has gotten better but still no bueno.

I believe the mass transit would be used a lot more if it actually went where people want to go! Compared to NYC and DC metro, LA's metro is a joke. Can't even get to La Brea.
NYC is fairly compact, LA County is not, more conflation. The smog is much better now, back in the 1960's it looked like a tan cloud, today it's better, not perfect, but LA is a victim of geology, the air even without humans would not be perfect and the tar pits do contribute to it, but then it's an oil seap, older than you are.
california doesn't have a parking problem, and it's not expensive.

and hell no to sharing cramped cars with a bunch of strangers.
What's a matter afraid of getting cooties? I rode buses 50 years ago in LA as a kid, no one bit Me.
I know that the electric companies are going to raise rates to pay for it, as the article says. I just didnt see anything about ev owners getting hit with any taxes they aren't already paying which is why I asked in case I missed something. It's not the state government installing these, they are all owned by the private utility companies. And I really don't get why they are focusing on building these in low income neighborhoods, unless they are just trying to make it sound good so they can hit everyone with higher rates.

and I live in CA too, I agree everything is taxed :)
Tesla is installing Superchargers everywhere, and people are installing chargers in their garages too, ones can be bought on Amazon in fact...

Yer making a mountain out of a molehill. And I regularly see Teslas drive up and down the fwy too.
Californians can thank Obama for that, we all can really.

Despite A "Record-Breaking" $787 Billion In Stimulus Funds, Obama Failed To Get Infrastructure Projects Started Quickly And Jobs Created. "Many of the road, bridge and sewer projects financed by the record-breaking spending bill took more than a year to even start construction as they got bogged down in bureaucratic red tape at the local level. For a country, and a president, eager to see jobs created quickly, the 'shovel ready' part of the projects was a disappointment." (Michael D. Shear, "Obama Lesson: 'Shovel Ready' Not So Fast," The New York Times , 10/15/10)

The American Society Of Civil Engineers Gave The United States' Infrastructure An Overall "D+" Grade In 2017. ("2017 Report Card For America's Infrastructure," American Society Of Civil Engineers , Accessed 6/5/17)

If I was a betting man, I think that the 768 Million isn't going to change much.
And local problems are Obamas fault?
Do you even know what the word Jurisdiction means?
The GOP, the one that passed and signed the $1.5 Trillion Dollar tax(scam, swindle) cuts for the Rich and for Corporations?
HR-1 the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, considering how badly the IRS is underfunded, good luck on getting a tax refund,
you might owe more than you think if you don't have enough withholding in place, many are finding that out.
But then you aren't rich so you don't get any of that $1.5 Trillion that was cut from Medicare and Medicaid... And neither do I.
Here's the parties who voted for and against the trumponomics tax scam:
What's a matter afraid of getting cooties? I rode buses 50 years ago in LA as a kid, no one bit Me.

buses and trains are not like cramped ubers. There's much more headroom legroom and freedom to move elsewhere if the guy next to you smells like shit.
Tesla is installing Superchargers everywhere, and people are installing chargers in their garages too, ones can be bought on Amazon in fact...

Yer making a mountain out of a molehill. And I regularly see Teslas drive up and down the fwy too.
I'm sure that's the case, not disputing people installing their own, but that's not what the article is about. It's about private utility companies getting permission to raise everyone's rates to install these all over (with an apparent emphasis in low-income areas). I don't think you're going to see many teslas parked in those places. It strikes me as disingenuous on behalf of the electric companies and more of an excuse to feed off the populace AT&T style.
So you are going to push electric cars in the state with one of the greatest energy deficits... Fantastic. They cannot even keep from having the rolling brownouts in the summer when people are using the AC. And lets not forget 23-40+c/kwh electricity.
So you'd kick people out of their retirement homes, people who can't work anymore?

My dad saw Nazi handiwork in WWII, I'm glad He's not around anymore to see this, He was a Medic in the US Army and He was not a draftee.

Typical left wing tactic, start comparing anyone you disagree with to the Nazis
Where did you get that I want to kick people out of their homes?
It was Prop 13 that stopped that, and it is the politicians in this state keep trying to get around 13.

Prop 25 was voted in by the voters in 2010, it gave the Legislature the power to pass a budget without a fight, don't like that? Too damn bad...

That is part of the California Constitution, the law of the land in California.

Yes it was voted in, and it made it much easier to pass a budget with out having to compromise with the minority. So much for protecting the minority.
Puts us much closer to the 2 wolves and a sheep voting on for what to have for dinner.

Yeah I'll wave bye bye to you as you leave nutzo and so will My friends nearby, no one will miss you.
I won't and I was born in CA and I still live here.

But you will eventually miss all the taxes that the productive people leaving this state are paying.

Venezuela is an independent country with it's own currency.
California is not an independent country with it's own currency.

And that is probably the main thing that has kept California from completely imploding.
If Sacramento had control of the currency it would be 10 times worse.

But then My house is paid for, I don't owe a penny on it, nor am I using it as a piggy bank.
And no, government didn't buy My home for Me, My late aunt did that years ago in Her last will and testament, but then She had no children.

Same here. House is paid for and I have no other debts.

I can either retire here in California, and scrape by in retirement do to the high cost of living or move.
The profits from my house will be enough to buy a nice retirement home in another state and leave me with enough extra cash for years of expensive vacations.