Enslaved 360/PS3 - $15


[H]F Junkie
Dec 14, 2004

I just picked it up for that price in store. I loved Heavenly Sword, and from what I gathered from the demo this is more of that Ninja Theory quality.
Worth a 20 spot I imagine... just snagged the amazon deal, need to start using my prime to make it worth it..
Here's Lens of Truth's take. Looks pretty close. I grabbed the ps3 version because I prefer the controller and purchasing DLC through PSN.

Enslaved Head2Head
Picked it up for 360, even though i shoulda went ps3 cause i hate microsoft and its gdamn shitbox360 and i hope Bill Gates dies of testicular canc...uh hum..Sorry.

Thx OP.:D
I read a couple reviews that stated that the frame rate gets pretty choppy in certain sections on both systems but worse on PS3 apparently? YMMV I'm sure, but keep that in mind.
I highly recommend this game. I got it for Christmas from my Secret Santa in Genmay last year and I loved it. I actually put it up there with Uncharted and those are my favorite (single player) games of all time. The only thing they could have improved on was the difficulty; it was pretty easy, even on hard, but it was still extremely fun. The story, script, voice acting, animation and graphics are amazing. Definitely comparable to Uncharted, IMO.

Picked it up for 360, even though i shoulda went ps3 cause i hate microsoft and its gdamn shitbox360 and i hope Bill Gates dies of testicular canc...uh hum..Sorry.

Thx OP.:D

I read a couple reviews that stated that the frame rate gets pretty choppy in certain sections on both systems but worse on PS3 apparently? YMMV I'm sure, but keep that in mind.

Yeah, I've read from several reviews that the PS3 version has some frame rate issues in certain areas and circumstances. I had it for 360 though and can say that I only noticed it drop a couple times throughout the entire game and it didn't affect game play at all, so I don't think you can go wrong with the 360 version. From what I've seen with owning both consoles, it seems the 360 always gets the better ports of games, so this game performing better on it seems believable.