Entire R520 XT Card Pictured

Ok, where is the link to purchase it, my Brother could buy my 7800GTX, I am interested to know of the XT, will be a little faster like 10%, or a good 30% than the 7800 ?
Looks like ATI has made the leap into the "Huge Ass Card" arena.
airiox said:
Looks like ATI has made the leap into the "Huge Ass Card" arena.

i wont mind how large it is, i only care about if that card sounds like an airport or not
I believe XT has 24 pipes and maybe XT PE has 32 pipes and you might want to get XT PE cuz it exceed 7800GTX as stated
Wow, that's a big card and a big cooling solution, can't wait to see it in action. I also would like to know how much faster this will be in comparison to the GTX?
Well it should be soon when ATI will announce the product line. Pictures look authentic. I remember the 7800 pictures being leaked a couple weeks before announcment. Looks like the R520 is heading the same route.
airiox said:
Looks like ATI has made the leap into the "Huge Ass Card" arena.

I was thinking the same thing. Hope that card isn't an X800 on steroids.
holy crap you cannot comprehend how much I want those benchmarks so i can decide on a 7800GTX or not
Looks authentic, and those mounting holes look similar to the holes on the leaked core picture that was rumored a fake.
Megadeth_Guy01 said:
Looks authentic, and those mounting holes look similar to the holes on the leaked core picture that was rumored a fake.

some guys on these forums even confirmed that the core picture was fake.. wow
"The will only be PCI-Express boards. AGP versions are definitely not planned."


OMG IZ ATI EVIL NOW?!?!? :rolleyes:
what no agp?!?!? :( . damnit, i guess its time to wait 12+ months for a full upgrade then
pxc said:
"The will only be PCI-Express boards. AGP versions are definitely not planned."


OMG IZ ATI EVIL NOW?!?!? :rolleyes:
Do you really expect them, after this huge fiasco about yields, to be able to produce AGP boards as well as PCIe boards right off the bat?
Big Fat Duck said:
some guys on these forums even confirmed that the core picture was fake.. wow

nah I didn't say the core was real necessarily, and I havent really looked at the thread since but u can tell its a fake but the PCB they used to "fake" with looked real.
man that things not fitting in my sn25p. looks longer than the 7800gtx.
Tytanium said:
Do you really expect them, after this huge fiasco about yields, to be able to produce AGP boards as well as PCIe boards right off the bat?
I never thought ATI would.

That post was just a dose of reality to the f-boys who called nvidia "evil" for not releasing an AGP 7800GTX. AGP is dead at the high end.
wow, ATI's boards are long now. theyve always been the little dwarf boards :p

GREAT to see a finished product based on hte R520!
yah that is s0 fake.

jk, i don't give a shit really, just interested in the new cards that come out and that i won't see until it's like $200. gots a looooong way to go before my 6600GT craps out.

nvidia >< ati
You do realize because of size conflicts cards have to be so long and cant exceed X inches in length. My guess is that the R520 is as long as the 7800GTX.
pxc said:
I never thought ATI would.

That post was just a dose of reality to the f-boys who called nvidia "evil" for not releasing an AGP 7800GTX. AGP is dead at the high end.

im not a fan boy. They are both evil now
that looks quite fake.. the picture of where the screws are on the front dont even line up with the bracket on back of card

but then again as i keep looking at it i cant tell..whatever cant wait to see what its gonna cost yo get
ive been an ati guy since forever radeon 9000 x300 x800 xl x800 xt and still am but if nvidia can have all that power in a single slot solution and ati has dual slot then my vote is for nvidia UNLESS that card is better than the 7800 by 10%+ and i hope it has a low power requirement which i already doubt cuz my PSU sucks
tvdang7 said:
ive been an ati guy since forever radeon 9000 x300 x800 xl x800 xt and still am but if nvidia can have all that power in a single slot solution and ati has dual slot then my vote is for nvidia UNLESS that card is better than the 7800 by 10%+ and i hope it has a low power requirement which i already doubt cuz my PSU sucks

I have the 7800GTX and am upset that they dont offer a 2slot cooler instead, I love my X850XT in my second system the cooler exhausts the hot air out of the case :)
Big Fat Duck said:
some guys on these forums even confirmed that the core picture was fake.. wow

That core pic was NOT 100% authentic. Was it a R520? Perhaps. But the fact is, it was partly photochopped.
illgiveumorality said:
Something tells me from the position of the fan that this card runs hot.

yeah and considering it has to have a copper heatsink for the stock solution
Big Fat Duck said:
yeah and considering it has to have a copper heatsink for the stock solution

Yeah, you have to also factor in ATI cards are usually really poor overclockers as well, at least from my experience. Even if they do get it faster than a 7800GTX I bet an nvidia card could overclock higher.