Evercool EC-WC-601 only pictures can describe this one

sweet merciful crap what the heck is that thing? And where is the water? I definitely don't understand how that bitch works.
They're not heatpipes :p. They're WATERPIPES. Literally, it's a heatpipe filled with water, and there's a pump to push it from the copper base block, to the fins.

I honestly wonder how well it would work? It seems like a good idea, but at like 130ml of liquid per minute... One has to wonder.
It's not Water cooling, it's a rip off. 130ml of fluid pumping, through not enough fins, and you have yourself a pretty crappy imitator. I'll be fine with heatpipes.
4 oz of fluid.
thats not too terrible considering its a stand alone unit that will just go right onto the cpu...
Bbq said:
It's not Water cooling, it's a rip off. 130ml of fluid pumping, through not enough fins, and you have yourself a pretty crappy imitator. I'll be fine with heatpipes.
wrd to this
errrrrrrrr......doesn't that product kinda defeat the purpose of going watercooling in the first place
130 x 126.5 x 165mm 960 g. They really ought to remove the 'helmet' to make the thing a little shorter and lighter.
sweet merciful crap what the heck is that thing? And where is the water? I definitely don't understand how that bitch works.

The coolant is ANTIFREEZE!! The unit is completely self-contained, like a REFRIGERATION SYSTEM.:eek: