Eyefinity Artifacts in certain games...


Supreme [H]ardness
Jan 17, 2007
So I just got eyefinity setup with 3 x 1920 x 1080 NEC's in Portrait and a Sapphire 5870...

I did some searching on google and on here and couldn't find specifically anything about artifacting with eyefinity...

First game I tried to load was BadCompany 2 as I've been playing it a lot lately and was sad to find it artifacts like crazy.


Then I tried Borderlands, it was better but had artifacting with the grass (you can see pieces of it in the center of this screenshot


But TF2 was fine...


Any ideas? I'm running 10.3 right now and just downloaded those 8.74 April6/10 beta drivers and might try those out.

The card isn't overclocked, nor overheating. Powersupply is a Silverstone 750 Strider... Ran my GTX260 fine and ran the 5870 fine before I setup Eyefinity.
Well setting BC to DXLevel=11 works... but now my FPS is garbage almost unplayable

This kinda sucks...
Sucks dude. I'm following down your path with 3 new NEC monitors. I haven't bought a graphics card yet, but I've been on the fence: either 5870 or 470 SLI.

I keep hearing that 1 5870 for my setup is not enough and I think I'd rather take my chances with SLI than crossfire due to higher scalability in the games I want to play. I still need to wait for 3D vision to see if it's actually any good.
Yea a single 5870 is pushing it for most games at that resolution (6 megapixels essentially)...

I'm not really sold on eyefinity yet, although I do like the NEC monitors. No dead/stuck pixels and all calibrated essentially the same
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